Wednesday 14 December 2016



I sat there and went through all of the photos,

One by one by one.

I had decided to take them all down.

Delete them from Facebook,

Remove them from the websites.

I asked the photographers to take them down.

I liked some of the photos.

I enjoyed shooting.

There was a certain magic when I stepped behind the camera.

A connection between model and photographer,

As you danced,

Pulled back and forward.





I enjoyed conveying the emotion.

The acting.

The role playing.

And the challenge for me was always,

How can I convey a certain sense of emotion,

So that people didn’t just see the photos,

They FELT them.

It was always an art for me.

And it still is.

But NO.

The art has to go now.

The beauty has to go.

The passion has to go.

And I continued on removing all of my modelling photos from social media.


It was time to get serious.

It was time to step up.

It was time to have people take me seriously.

It was time to be more professional.

It was time to do “business” properly.

And photo by photo,

I shut off a little part of my soul.

A little part of my journey.

And with every photo that was removed,

I also removed a little part of my permission.

I began to tread lighter around people.

I didn’t want them to see me as beautiful.

I wanted to blend in and fit in instead.

I wanted them to see me as being SUCCESSFUL.

As being POWERFUL.


As being someone they would want to do BUSINESS with.

And hey,

It got me somewhere.

It worked to a certain extent.

And I did a brilliant job at blending in.

Dulling down my beauty.

Dulling down my feminine core.

Dulling down my goddess within.

Dulling down my radiance.

Dulling down a part of my soul.

And over time,

The internal battle got stronger and stronger.

Why did I have to choose?

Who was I really?

I created a persona,

An identity,

A version of me who really,

Was being completely inauthentic,

And dulling down my light.

There was one thing I knew for sure:

When you truly step into who you are and allow your light to shine,


You’re going to blind some people and they’ll hate it,

But you will give the other people permission to do just the same.

And then it smacked me in the face.

This wasn’t about me.

What was I doing?

What message was I sending out?

How was I indirectly impacting other women?

What was I showing them?


You can’t be beautiful AND successful at the same time.

You have to pick.

It’s not socially okay to be extremely successful AND hot at the same time.

That’s just TOO much.

And in that moment,

Something snapped in me.

And I knew that it had to stop.

That’s when I started showing up.

I went all in.

I started honouring my beauty again.

I started choosing to fully step into who I was,

ALL of me,

Instead of hiding parts,

And filtering other parts.

To all the women reading this right now:

YOU are beautiful.

YOU are hot.

YOU are stunning.

And if you also want to KILL it,

Be a leader,

A visionary,

A massive success,

It is OKAY to do both,

And be a completely dope version of YOU at the same time!

If you were looking for permission,

In any way possible,

To fully step into owning how beautiful you really are,




Tag someone into this post who NEEDS to read this,

Someone who you want to HONOUR who is completely BEAUTIFUL AND POWERFUL,

At the same time.

I see you.

I honour you.

I’m here to lift you up.

I love you.

So remember,

You absolutely can have it all…

Regan x

#youcanhaveitall #beautifulwomenputyourhandsup #permission

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