Thursday 30 June 2016


Your heart’s beating
Your mind’s racing
All of a sudden you’re asking yourself, is it too good to be true? 

That moment when you realise,
You’ve received what you’ve asked for.

The goals - they’re off the vision board and they’re now your reality.

But you don’t feel any different really,
In fact,
If anything,
You feel anxious,

Deep down, this is what you’ve wanted.
It’s what you’ve worked for.
It’s what you’ve focused on.
It’s what you’ve dreamed about.
It’s what you’ve day dreamed about.

And here it is.
On a silver platter.
You’ve arrived.

But this can’t be right!
It can’t be this easy!
It must take more WORK than this?
It must take more SWEAT than this?
It must take more STRUGGLE than this?

But this is what you wanted?
Why don’t you just enjoy it?

Oh - because you’re too busy freaking out.
Got it.

You weren’t conditioned that things could happen this easily.
You weren’t conditioned that if you actually asked for what you want, you have the ability for it to show up, with rapid speed.
You weren’t conditioned to believe that anything was possible.

So what do you do?

You go into self destruct mode.

You don’t want it.
You don’t need it.
You got it wrong.
It’s not for you.
It doesn’t feel right.
You want to go back to what you had before.

Yes, yes, that’s right.
You want to go back to what you had before.
You MISS what you had before.

I mean,
That was comfy.
That was safe.
That was easy.
That was secure.

Yes yes yes, SEE, this life,
The one that you’ve been YEARNING for,
It’s not for you.

You don’t belong here.
You don’t belong with these people.
You don’t belong in this lifestyle.

I mean really, it’s not all that you thought it would be cut out to be, right?

Run then.
You want to run.
Fast, far and now.
You want to run now.

You’re saying: You don’t think I can run?

Oh, I believe you can run!
Just as quickly as you created you ultimate reality,
You can destroy it,
Just as quickly,
Or even quicker.

Because I told you,
It’s not for you.

You miss the old life…..

Self sabotage is a bitch.
And I promise you - it WILL set out to destroy everything that you work at creating - if you’re not aware that you’re even doing it.

If you’re created some epic things in your life and just as quickly as you’ve received them, you’ve destroyed them, then LISTEN UP.

It doesn’t have to be like that.

The self sabotage is (strangely) trying to keep you safe.
It’s trying to keep you from up levelling.
It’s trying to keep you from transforming.
It’s trying to keep you from living the life that you ACTUALLY dream of.


Because it’s scary.
It’s unknown,
And it processes the next level as “unsafe”.

And what is safe?

Your comfort zone honey.
That’s what safe.

Your nice, little, loving, safe, comfort zone.

And you KNOW.
That is NOT where you grow.
In fact, that’s where you go BACKWARDS.

Greatness was never achieved in your comfort zone.

SO my master self sabotager,
Well done!
You’re so good at sabotaging that I could give you a medal.

You could chuck that medal away,
Grow a back bone,
And stand with strength to face what you desire.
Stare fear in the eye.
Stare self doubt in the eye.
And kick that comfort zone right back to where it belongs.

Or, you can run.

Your life,
Your call.

P.S - If you’re ready to face self sabotage head on and ACTUALLY create the life that you desire, then you need to go to work on your mindset, daily!
Join Your SuccessHub right now to get instant access to all of my weekly mindset success coaching. You’ll also have access to our tribe of rockstars who are committed to taking their life and their mindset to the next level and doing whatever it takes in order to succeed.
There IS no self sabotage in the tribe!
What are you waiting for? Head and come and play!

So remember,
You ABSOLUTELY can have it all - if you get a GRIP on your self sabotaging behavior!

Regan x

Monday 27 June 2016


I see people caught in their head all the time,
Worried, freaking out and consumed about HOW something they desire is going to manifest.
Here’s a simple yet powerful piece of advice for you:
Fuck the how.

ALL you need to do is lock in the outcome,
Then take massive aligned action in the direction of that outcome.
Lets take travel as an example:
You wouldn’t decide, “Oh I want to travel more”,
Then turn up at the airport,
Only to have NO idea which plane you were going to get on.

Obviously, you’d lock in the end result - you’d choose which country you were going to!
What do you do?

You take massive aligned action towards getting on that plane.

Here’s what it generally looks like:
Purchasing a plane ticket,
Getting to the airport,
Walking to check in,
Checking in,
And boarding the flight.

Here’s what you DON’T DO (unless you’re completely crazy)
You don’t stress out about how the website is going to take your payment for the ticket.
You don’t freak about about how the car was made that is getting you to the airport.
You don’t ensure you only take 50 steps towards the check in desk instead of 57.
You don’t ask how the check in lady became to be a check in lady,
And you don’t sit there freaking out about how to build the plane before you get on the plane.

You just GET on the freaking plane!!!!

Question: Why are you trying to control EVERY little detail of how things are going to manifest in your life, instead of just trusting the process and knowing that it’s DONE???

Decide which country you’re flying to.
Get to the airport.
Then get on the freaking plane.
Apply to your life.
Then repeat.
Then repeat.

P.S - If you’re ready to accelerate your mindset to the next level and master the fundamentals of conditioning your mind to succeed, then you need to head on over and join the tribe.

Your SuccessHub is the place to take your results to the next level with weekly success coaching and a private coaching group to ensure you stay on track!
Join the tribe here >>>
P.P.S Stop worrying about how you’re going to join the tribe and just decide to make it happen!
So remember - you absolutely CAN have it all!
Regan x
[Photographed by the talented Alessandro Saponi]

Thursday 23 June 2016

Regan Hillyer EPK

This video is about Regan Hillyer who is a successful Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, and Best Selling Author.

Born and raised in New Zealand, Regan is an Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, and Best Selling Author.

Regan has a bachelor’s degree in architecture. Before she could create great buildings she found comfort in supporting people in changing their mindset to live an authentic life.

She has found several companies, invested in real estate companies, and as a best life coach transformed lives of many people across various industries.

Regan has been seen on NBC, ABC, The Boston Globe, CBS, Entrepreneur, FOX, and FORBES.

She travels across the globe and is sought as an international speaker and business mentor.

Find more about Regan Hillyer and her work here 

Tuesday 14 June 2016



Catch the behind the scenes of fundraising for over 1000 children to be educated and a school to be built! A LIVE hustle session with my amazing friend and VIP client Robyn Nikora-Scott who explains why LATTES are bad for you!!

You can contribute to the children and become a ‪#‎globalleader‬ right HERE:

SHARE if you think it should be shared!!


You can absolutely have it ALL! If you start working on your internal mindset.



In this video, I have discussed the main reason behind our visit to Singapore and why is it SO SO IMPORTANT to take some time out to focus on your mindset completely.

It’s actually REALLY REALLY important to do internal work and taking massive action on it


To actually produce incredible results in your life…

We have been doing this WORK around MONEY

We have been doing around PASSION AND PURPOSE

We have been doing this around OUR BUSINESSES


Its not really like we have just talked about it,

But we have REALLY done it,


It has been so so INTENSE

Once done,

You will absolutely be relaxed

We have been pulling each other up in order to make it upon,

We have been doing specific things about mindset,

Really specific things about abundance

We don’t really have other option other than to MANIFEST




Really step into the manifestation of having already received,

If you are the one to rapildly manifest with the speed,

Then we really need to hang out together,

So come be part of our TRIBE


Start working with us to get THE NEXT LEVEL MINDSET.


You can absolutely have it ALL! If you start working on your internal mindset.

Regan x

Monday 13 June 2016

Why Quitting Is A Hidden Gift…

I see you. You’re the 75% person.

You get 75% of the way through and then STOP, for whatever reason.

Maybe it gets too hard.

Maybe you’re distracted by shiny things,

Maybe it gets boring doing the same thing…

Regardless of the reason, you quit, stop and give up.

You’re an enthusiastic quitter, though – I’ll give you that.

Enthusiastic at the BEGINNING when it’s all new and exciting…

There’s a lot of negative focus in our society around people who quit.

It’s bad.

You’ll never make it. best life coach

Stick to doing just one thing.


Hah – I’d go crazy…

I’m here to challenge the status quo and say that maybe, just maybe by being a quitter, you don’t actually have a problem – you have a GIFT.

Your gift is being multi-talented and you get easily passionate and excited!

Hi there, meet miss multi-talented here, who for YEARS was told that she had to FOCUS and just do one thing, and do it well.


Why just one?

No WONDER I was getting so bored and stopping and doing something else?

Because I’m the girl that wants it all (and now has it all!)

And I’m here to tell you that you CAN have it all too!!

I was chatting about this to my beautiful friend Suzanne who is a millionaire, has THE biggest heart and is extremely successful in many different areas of life – and I loved what Suzanne called being multi-talented – She said: “Oh, you’re like me – you’re a SLASHER!”

Now at first I was a little concerned.

A slasher?

(If you’re a New Zealander you’ll know what slash or taking a slash means and if you don’t know, look up kiwi slang…)

Suzanne then went on to tell me it was the new term for being multi-talented.

You good at this SLASH this SLASH this SLASH this!

See – you’re a SLASHER!!! – She said proudly…

So my fellow slashers or multi-talented easily distracted by exciting things friends… I have good news for you:

You have a GIFT.

But you need to learn to harness that gift.

Here’s how I suggest you do that:

1. Get clear on how you’re spending your time.

Become aware of what you are spending your time and is it productive, or are you running around like an excited puppy chasing exciting opportunities?

2. Allocate time for exploring or looking into new ideas.

One of the worst things we multi-talented people do is beat ourselves up for exploring new exciting things because we have been told that we need to FOCUS!!!

And whilst yes, focusing is important, if you actually allocate time for exploring new things and ideas, you can stop feeling bad, because now it’s built into your plan.

3. Allocate time for the urgent things that you need to get done.

You know what I mean. All of the urgent, mundane, boring things that you NEED to get done in order for your business and your life to actually function.

Multi-talented people are good at brushing these things to the side whilst they are “so so busy” exploring new exciting things, and the basics and the vital things get left undone.

Don’t let these things slip and again, allocated the time and make them happen.

4. Define completion!

This is huge. When is that task or that project or that piece of content actually complete? If you don’t define what the completed state will look like, us multi-talented people tend to just keep going and going, coming up with new idea to “finish” it, when really it could have been done and dusted long ago…

5. Train yourself to eliminate distractions.

I know. Distractions are FUN! Often it’s talking to other interesting multi-talented people but if you don’t train yourself to eliminate distractions, you’ll find you’re not achieving what you desire. I know it sounds boring, but trust me, you’ll feel good when you actually get everything DONE that you need to that day and then you can go and multi-talent yourself away for the rest of the day!

SO my master quitter, you have a gift.

Focus on one thing? – Screw that, I’d literally die of boredom.

Yes, you can be multi-talented.

Yes, you can have MORE THAN ONE FOCUS.

And yes, you can have a lot of fun with it.

Cheers to all the multi-talented slashes out there!!!

And remember, you ABSOLUTELY can have it all – if you follow the 5 steps my slasher.

Regan x

The Fastest Way to Manifest the Results That You Desire

I get asked about manifestation all the time.
Deep, complex, complicated questions.
How do I do this?
What about this?
Am I manifesting the “right” way?

Law of Attraction on Blackboard with Words

Now I could sit here all day and talk about manifestation.
In fact, that’s a full training within itself!
But one of the BEST questions that I’ve been asked about manifestation is this:

Regan, what is the FASTEST way to manifest what I desire? What’s the NUMBER one thing that I should be doing?

Which really is, a great question.
It’s results orientated and is a quality question that deserves a quality answer!

But firstly, let’s start out by chatting about why most people will NEVER manifest what they desire, so we can learn from that.

You see,
The thing is,
Most people have it ALL backwards!

They think that once they get the result, THEN they will change.

Once I’m in the relationship, then I’ll feel loved.
Once I manifest the money, then I’ll feel rich.
Once I raise money for my charity, then I’ll feel like I’m making a difference.
Once I have an amazing body, then I’ll feel fit and healthy.

No no no no no no NO!


Oh – did I mention that these people have it all backwards?!

And I’m stressing this SO much right now, purely because it is such a BIG mistake that so many people make.

There is a saying that you may have heard:
Be, Do, Have.

THAT is the order that things manifest.

NOTE: It is not Do, Have, Be… (Like most people believe as I explained above!)

So my message for you right now is:
In order to manifest what you desire at a rapid speed, the NUMBER ONE thing that you should be doing right now is THIS:

Become the person you need to become in order to receive what you desire.
Be the person who has already received it.
Act it.
Live it.
Think it.
Breathe it.
Tap into it.
Let it flow through you.
Be one with it.

And until you nail THAT, you will never manifest what you desire.

Everything externally in our lives is created internally – good, bad, ugly.

So if you want something to change, YOU have to change first.

Change your identity.
Uplevel into becoming the person who has already received what you desire.
And live in that space, daily.

So remember, you ABSOLUTELY can have it all – if you step into the version of you who has already manifested what you desire!

Regan x

When You Just Don’t Feel Like Doing The Work!

I know how it feels.
Those days that when you just feel like giving up.
You feel unmotivated, uninspired and quite frankly like you want to crawl up in a ball and hide from the world.

Firstly, give yourself a break.

When You Just Don’t Feel Like Doing The Work!
We’re all human.
We all feel like that from time to time and guess what, it’s normal.
However, is it okay to sit in that state for the entire day?

You know the answer.
Here’s how to deal with yourself on those days:

1. Acknowledge that you’re human

You’re not a robot with perfect emotions, so quit trying to be one!
Everyone has their up days and their down days, and the worst thing that you can do is to continually beat yourself for feeling the way you do, getting stuck in a place of guilt and shame.
I mean really – that’s not productive or beneficial to anyone, especially you!

2. Take small steps

The fastest way to kick your funk is not to rest, or sleep, or think about it, it is literally by taking action.
Like it or not, I promise you, if you get into action and start DOING things, soon enough, you would have shaken the mood away.
But start small. Ask yourself, what are the things that you need to get done daily, that you usually get done with a fair amount of ease.
Start there.
Stop procrastinating.
Stop over thinking.
And get into action.
It WILL help, I promise!

3. Do the things that you’re resisting

So by now, if you’ve started doing the small things, you’re most likely starting to feel a bit better!
But be aware, you can still slip back into that mood that didn’t serve you, so here’s what you need to do now to avoid that.
Make a list of all of the things that you are resisting doing right now, in your life and in your business.
It may be cleaning out your wardrobe, hiring a new assistant, replying to all of those emails that have remained unread for far too long, for example.
And then, you guessed it!
Hit as many things on that list as physically possible
Make it a game.
And trust me, you’re going to feel so damn good about yourself after conquering that list that you will turn around and say, what bad mood?

So those days, that you just don’t feel like doing the work, you don’t feel like showing up, and it feels much easier to hide from the world.
Remember – you have a choice.
You are in control.
No one makes you feel anything.
And you are perfectly capable of shaking that funk at any time!

So remember, you absolutely can have it ALL – if you show up daily, even when you don’t feel like it!

Regan x

Calling In Your Cult Tribe Who Love You

If you don’t adore your clients,

We have a problem.

If you feel drained after working with your clients,
We have a problem.

If you find you are dealing with people who drag you down energetically,
We have a problem.

Calling In Your Cult Tribe Who Love You

And guess what?
It’s not them – It’s YOU!

Nothing matters if you’re not calling in your ideal tribe.
Your work doesn’t matter, your offers don’t matter, the money you make doesn’t matter,
Because seriously, why would you want to put all of that time and effort in if you are not working with people who you adore (and of course they adore you back!).

Trust me when I say, there’s a better way than slogging it out with people who you don’t enjoy working with!

My clients are my ideal clients,
They’re literally soul mate clients,
And I adore working with each and every one of them.
(You know who you are!)

Now, that hasn’t happened by chance,
And it hasn’t always been that way.

If you are ready to attract your soul clients and call in a tribe who love you,
Then it really is up to YOU!

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Get absolutely crystal clear on exactly the type of people you want to be working with.

And I don’t mean niches.
Screw niches.
Screw demographics.
Screw their height, while we’re there!

I mean, who are these people at their core?
What drives them?
What makes them tick?
What are their fears?
Their dreams?
Their goals?
Their secret desires?
What keeps them awake at night staring at the ceiling?

Get clear on THAT.
Details, details, details!

And remember, this is not writing out what your tribe SHOULD be or what it CURRENTLY is, it is writing out the IDEAL, soul mate tribe that you desire!!

2. Understand the problems and challenges of this tribe.

You get paid in proportion to the transformational problems that you help people solve and,
If you’re not aware of what problems your tribe is dealing with, then we have a challenge on our hands!

Get super clear on this.
What problems does your tribe have?
What are their challenges?
What are their deeper unspoken challenges and problems?
Where do they aspire to be?
What bugs them?
What REALLY bugs them?

Go deep on this, and then go deeper again – you need it to nail the next step!

3. Call them in baby, DAILY!

Here’s the thing – you probably now have a pretty little notepad full of notes about your ideal tribe,
Or maybe a word doc with an extensive list of elements.
And what you need to know is this:
That list is COMPLETELY useless until you actually take action on it!

It’s time to call in your ideal tribe baby.
Show up.
Show up and share your true message with the world,
And daily, mean DAILY not every second or third kind of daily.

When sharing your message, you need to speak firstly to everything in step one.
You need to speak directly to their core emotional elements and when you do this, they will feel so drawn to you, like you are literally in their head!

Secondly, whilst sharing your message, you then want to speak directly to their problems.
Speak about them.
Out them.
Voice them.
Go places where others won’t.
Be raw.
Be real.

The whole time, showing them indirectly, that YOU are the one who can help solve their problems or put them on the path to where they desire to be!

Then call them in baby, call them in.
Your ideal, soul mate, the cult tribe is waiting for you right now!
But it’s up to you.
Call them in!

And remember,
You absolutely CAN have it ALL!

Regan x

If You’re The Most Successful Person You’re In BIG Trouble

You’ve heard it before,
I’ll say it again:
You ARE the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with.
And I don’t just mean financially (although that stands true!)
I mean on EVERY level:
Financially, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, energetically, in EVERY way.

And here’s the scary thing:
If you’re surrounded by negative people and you’re trying to just “block them out”,
Then good luck honey.
You LITERALLY become your environment by osmosis, whether you like it or not!

The smart thing to do would be to make some changes, right!

The first thing you need to do,
Which may seem obvious,
Yet, so many people avoid doing it completely,
Is to remove negative people from your life.

Oh but Regan, that’s hard.
What are they going to think?
How could I do that?
Some of them are family!

I hear you.
And I never said it would be easy.
But I did say that you need to do it.

You have two options as far as I’m concerned:

You can either hang around with negative, unsuccessful people,
You can be wildly successful,
You can’t do both.
You have to choose.

What do you choose?

Thought you’d say that!
Now get to work on removing those people!

The next thing you need to do (only once you’ve nailed step one!),
Is to start bringing IN some amazing, positive, successful people.

Because let’s be honest,
Now that some of you have completely removed all of the negative, unsuccessful people,
You don’t have anyone LEFT in your environment!
So let’s change that.

An amazing mentor of mine once told me,
If you’re the most successful, passionate, motivated person in your environment,
Then we have a problem,
A big problem,
You’re never going to grow.
Go and surround yourself with successful people who are playing a bigger game than you.

They’re out there.
Trust me.
And again, I didn’t say it would be easy!
It may involve some time, some money, even a plane ticket or two!
But it is CRUCIAL that you get into successful environments,

To hear more about how to completely change your environment and tap into becoming much more successful,
Tune into this live stream where I spend over 30 mins just on Q&A and give you a stack of environment TRUTHS and how to make epic changes, starting NOW.


And remember,
You absolutely can have it ALL!

Regan x

Push and Then Push and Then Push Some More

One reason so many people never get what they want is,
They give up too quickly!

I’m yet to meet a successful person who pushes for what they want.
In fact, successful people demand their dreams.
They push and they push and then push some more, for whatever it is they are working for.
No is not an option,
It’s simply a matter of when!

Recently, Kat and I had the opportunity to interview Grant Cardone, Mr 10 x himself!
If you’re not following Grant, then that’s another reason that you’re not highly successful – go and follow him right now!

Grant charges over $100,000USD an hour for his time when he speaks or is interviewed.

How is it that we secured the interview with Grant (without investing $100k?)

You guessed it,

I pushed
And pushed
And then pushed some more.

In fact, it took over 17 follow-up attempts before the interview was secured.

Be honest with yourself,

After how many attempts would you have given up?
Said it was too hard?
Or it was out of your reach?

Now don’t get me wrong,

There’s a difference between being plain pushy, rude and disrespectful and completely destroying the opportunity, versus simply not giving up when moving in the direction of your dreams.

If there’s an opportunity you’re working towards or pushing for right now, here’s what you need to do:

1. Decide on the specifics of that cool opportunity. Get clear on it. Write it out. Details, please.

2. Realise that you need to create the opportunity and the only way to do that, is to take massively aligned action in doing so! So what actions are you going to take? Get clear on that.

3. Ensure that you are always talking to the decision makers. Initially, I got in contact with Grant himself, but it became very clear early on, it was his sales manager who I needed to talk to as the decision was being made by then. Talk to the right people otherwise, your time will be wasted.

4. Don’t take no for an answer. Push then push then push harder. I mean really, what’s the worst thing that will happen? Will someone call you pushy? Or, they will respect your hustle.

5. When the opportunity is locked in, take a look at what you can do to make it even better! We secured a phone interview with Grant, then pushed again to see if we could come and do the interview live in person in his office. Ask and you shall receive! Never ask, and you will not receive.

Thank you, Grant, for making this opportunity possible, we LOVED the interview with you!

You can check out the LIVE interview with Grant here!

So remember,

You absolutely can have it ALL!

Regan x

Impact You, Impact Them

One thing is for certain,

Everyone wants to impact more.

Whether you want to impact yourself and your own life, the life of the people your care about, or the greater community, as humans we are wired to grow and give.

If you are someone who is really looking to increase and step up your level of impact in this world,
You need to understand that you can’t shift to a new level of impact until you have an awareness of where you are, and what you need to learn from each level.

Whilst you read through the below, I encourage you to have a think about where you believe you currently are, where you would like to be, and the steps that you’re going to take in order to get there.


At this level, you are completely focused on you.
And that’s okay.
Because remember, you can’t shift to a new level, until you have nailed the level that you’re at.
Someone functioning at level 1, is simply focused on how can they create an impact on their own life. The drivers are often security and a level of comfort, making sure that you are in a place where you not only survive, but begin to thrive.


When one moves past level one, you realise that there is more than just surviving, and you have started to generate extra resources (time, money, mindsets) where you have a high level of freedom of choices. When it comes to money, your income is greater than your expenses, all of a sudden you have some freedom. When it comes to time, once you have hours in the day that are “left over” after everything is done, all of a sudden you have freedom. It is at this level when you have the ability to make more choices, that you are ready to shift through to the next level of impact.


People who have shifted from level 2 to level 3, have realised, that it’s really not all about them. They are in a position to give and impact more, so they turn to their initial community to do that. This often shows up for people whoa re contributing on a small scale, to something greater than themselves. For example, giving, in any way, to their family, loved ones, people that they care about.


People who have shifted from level 3 to level 4, probably remembers the shift. The shift generally comes from a very strong burning desire to be more, to do more, to give more. People entered at level 4 are focused on contributing beyond their initial community and turn to the wider community. This can show up as giving to a large community, a city, or even a country. It takes a huge amount of alignment and purpose to stay at this level, in a healthy way ensure that you are building on each of the levels each time.


Very few people will ever reach the fifth level of impact during their life. People functioning at level 5, have grown and developed in a healthy way through each of the levels, accepting all of the lessons and growing through them, until they are living their life daily through the spectrum of level 5. When you reach level 5, you are truly focused on creating a global contribution. These people will do whatever it takes to give and impact on a global level, through all resources that they have. They are fuelled, ignited and motivated by the impact on this level daily.

There are many people out there, who desire to be at a level higher than where they currently are, but they do not move through the levels in a healthy way. For example, someone who believes that they are at level 5, they are working all over the world and helping create change, yet they are completely broke, stressed out and struggling when it comes to their own needs, because really, they have not shifted from level 1 to level 2.
The only way to truly shift to a new level of impact is to absolutely nail and achieve through the currently level of impact that you are currently sitting at.

So question:

Where do you believe you currently are?
Which level of impact would you like to function through?
What can you start doing today in order to become a master of the level you are currently at, allowing you to shift to another level?

So remember,

You absolutely can have it all – if you learn to impact more.

Regan x

Split Personality

I have a split personality – and I like it…

I feel like I have a split personality right now.

The professional, polished, coachy Regan and then the raw, unedited, spur of the moment Regan.

Two different identities, yet, they’re both me.

If I’m honest, I’ve really been battling recently about how I show up in my business. Do I keep it
polished and professional or, do I go the complete opposite way and keep it live, unplanned and spur of the moment?

My internal conflict has made me have a good think about identities and where these two different identities come from.

And of course, questioning the INTENTION behind the identities.

So I started asking myself,

Am I wanting to show up as professional and polished because;

Have people told me to? No.
Do I want to attract professionals like that? Yes.
I think I should be putting polished content out there. May be.

I believe it’s who I am. Yes, a part of me is professional and polished.

Then there’s this other side of me that’s raw, unedited, unplanned.
Am I wanting to show up like that because;

Have people told me to? No.
I want to attract people who are raw, open and real? Yes.
I believe that people should share who they are, their struggles and their thoughts in the moment? Yes.
I believe it’s who I am. Yes, a part of me is raw and unpolished.

I’m glad I’m someone who doesn’t listen to (unqualified) advice because some people have told me that my raw, unpolished content isn’t professional enough for my brand, and on the flipside, some people have said they love it, and it’s my best work.

So, at least, I’m not listening to other people because then I’d be having an even bigger internal conflict!

So when I look deep into the intention behind these two identities or personalities I have, the intention is actually authentic for both.

Both of these identities are forms of me showing up as me, although they are different ways to show up.

They are not coming from a place of showing up like that because I’ve decided it’s the “right” way that I should be showing up in my business, the difference is, they just FEEL right when it comes to simply me being me and expressing my message.

And if I was to get really clear on the type of people that I want to work with and the type of people I want to have in my tribe, I want them to take their work seriously but also have the ability to tap into who they really are and be okay with showing that side of themselves too.

So after a lot of thought, a lot of writing and a whole heap more thought, I decided to do this:


Crazy right.
But seriously – I have a split personality in my brand and guess what, I like it!

And guess what – I have decided that it’s super powerful!

And I’m not saying that all of a sudden you need to show up in two different ways when producing content in your business, I’m saying that you should show up as YOU.

In exactly the way that feels right for you.

When I look even deeper, this split personality thing that is showing up in my business has shown up in my life for years…

I’ve been the woman who can rock a massive pair of heels on stage and fits right in with professional business networking events, and then, I’ve also been the woman who hangs out in bikinis for weeks on end in Bali.

And guess what.

They are both versions of me.

So why the hell should I contain / suppress / ignore a part of me in my business that is actually ME?

That would lead me down a track of feeling totally unsatisfied and unfulfilled and not truly aligned with myself as a leader and not truly aligned with my true voice and my true message.


Be you.
Be all of you.
Let it all out.
Let out the polished.
Let out the raw.
Let out everything in between that feels right.

Question the intention.
Make sure it’s coming from a place of alignment.
And show up in your brand as you.
As all of you.
Because we want it all.
We want all of you.
We want the crazy.
We want the professional.
We want the loud.
We want the soft.
We want the stuff that just doesn’t even make sense.

If you have a split personality we want to see that.

And if it feels good, we’ll like it.

And remember, you absolutely can have it ALL if you let it all out.

Regan Hillyer

How To Become A Content Creating Machine

Creating content is so hard… If you’re not in alignment or if you’re lazy!!!

I met an amazing woman the other night…

She was the type of woman that I tend to work with:

She had built an empire but was struggling to take it to the next level which for her was, building out her business online.

Showing up, making money and making an impact online is what I’m ALL about so being curious, I dug a little deeper…

After getting past the excuses and the living beliefs, the core of what was holding her back was, content. Or, creating content more to the point.

“It’s a chore” – she told me.
“I wish I could just get it done, but I keep putting it off.”
“I get stuck, I don’t know what to write or film or create and then I just end up doing nothing.”


Let’s get real here.

If you want to make it online, and I mean REALLY make it online (we’re talking 7 figures and beyond) you must be a content MACHINE!

Now, not everyone is born a content machine. In fact, most people aren’t. But here’s what I know for sure. It’s a skill. It can be learned. And nothing turns you into a content machine faster than practise practise practise.

I asked this powerful woman, “How often are you showing up and creating content right now?”

The answer.. not often, maybe one a week, she would “force” herself to, but it was painful and often she didn’t end up creating anything of any substance.

And there lies lesson number one.

If you truly want a successful online business you need to be showing up DAILY and creating content DAILY.

I’m not just talking about creating blogs or Facebook posts daily (although you can do that), I’m talking about any type of content.

Content for your blog,
content for social media,
paid content,
free content,
content for existing clients,
content that you just create because it feels right and you may or may not use it.

Because here’s the thing.

It’s not actually about the content.

It’s about CREATING it.

And it’s about getting into a ritual of becoming a content creating MACHINE that creates a day in and day out regardless of what’s going on.

Because when you train yourself to create daily content without fail, some of it may be great, some of it you may not love but, I promise you this; If you continue to show up and create, your best work WILL eventually come out.

And here’s the coolest thing. My tribe often ask me, Regan’s what the number one most important thing that I should be doing in my online business that will make me the most money and has the biggest impact?

You guessed it.


Free content, paid content, the works.

I ask myself every single day: What can I do today that is going to create the most money and the most impact on my business?

And the answer is the same every single day:

Write, speak and coach.

ALL of the above which results in creating content in one way or the other.

So if we were to refine my answer, it would literally be that creating content is the number one most important thing.

If you’re like this amazing lady that I met and it really is a struggle AND (be honest here) if you are not just being lazy, and content really is that difficult to get out, I would suggest that you are simply out of alignment with your core message.

I mean, there’s no way I’d want to create content every day on politics, or hairdressing or cars (to name a few random examples) – because I ain’t passionate about that stuff!

But when you can kick yourself into alignment (or I kick you into alignment) and you end up creating content about what you are truly passionate about, you really just end up sharing your beliefs, fears, frustrations, knowledge and feelings with the world.

And THAT turns into powerful content that attracts your true tribe of people who you want to work with.

What was that you said?

You’re worried that you’re going to RUN OUT of content?

Let’s cut that limiting belief off at the chase….

Just to be clear, last time I checked, there is an infinite amount of you. And you have an infinite amount of thoughts. And last time I checked, those thoughts aren’t going to run out.

In fact, if you tried to write or speak about all of your thoughts every single day you’d go crazy. You just couldn’t – there are too many of them!

So my challenge for you is to simply take ONE of those infinite thoughts each day (yes, just one) and turn it into content that you pull out of your head and put into a blog post, a video, a training, a periscope etc…

So, once you have fixed your alignment issue (or maybe your I’m just too damn lazy issue) you will realise right now that you truly are a content machine.

And trust me – once it CLICKS for you that you can create unlimited content, share your thoughts and your beliefs with the world, work with insanely cool people AND create a legacy in the process, I don’t think you’ll be having any more content challenges.

Keep going content machine, you’ve got this…

And remember you absolutely can have it all – if you become a content machine!

Regan Hillyer

Scarcity vs Abundance

You say you want more.

More money, more time, more freedom, more success…

Well I have news right now.

With how you’re thinking and how you’re acting you’re never going to get there.

I shouldn’t say never, because that’s not entirely true, as you always have a chance to grow and change. But one thing I know for sure is, if you don’t change your current thinking and your current behavior, you absolutely won’t get to where you want to be.

It sounds harsh, I know.

But right now deep down you’re scared.

You’re scared that whatever you have is going to go away.

You’re scared that if someone else succeeds it means that you can’t.

You’re scared there’s not enough.

How do I know?

When things happen, I see you panic. And I don’t mean panic as in loud, screaming and shouting.

I see panic through the small signs.

Your chest tightens, your breathing is a bit quicker and your eyes are darting around, as if searching and asking ‘what is going to happen?’

And it’s not an empowering place to sit in.

I know, because I used to sit there too.

Always worried that there wasn’t enough people, enough money, enough opportunities… The list went on…

And at one point, the scarcity became so big that it started to take over.

And the funniest thing was,

Well, it wasn’t funny at the time, but it is now…

The funniest thing was,

I ALWAYS used to talk about abundance!

Abundance this, abundance that, abundance blah blah BLAH!

“Focus on abundance and the rest will come” – I used to proudly post on my social media.

Yet deep down I was FREAKING OUT that I didn’t have enough abundance in my life and the good things that were flowing into my life, I was WORRIED that they were going to be taken away.

That’s a good one.

Simply put, I didn’t do it.

In fact, it used to freak me out.

Why would I work and collaborate with, or help someone that wasn’t going to have a direct instant impact on immediately increasing my abundance?

I mean, what’s the point?

No one was helping me from a collaborative space, so why should I?

OUCH – yes I can hear you thinking, “That’s awful, you’re a bad person!”

And honestly, I was.

When it came to this scarcity stuff.

It used to rule me.

Totally unconsciously, without me even realising at the time.

Then one day, I’ll never forget, I was sitting and pondering as to why I was constantly getting the same results in my life, nothing appeared to be shifting up.

I’ve always modelled people as I know that the fastest way to get from A – B is to find someone who’s already at your B point.

And I remember watching an online training about a group of (very successful) entrepreneurs and their ‘inner circle’.

In their inner circle they would always promote each other, lift each other up and collaborate. Purely just coming from a space in that moment of helping the other person achieve greatness.

And then it smacked me in the face.


This was what abundance was really about…

Or at least, this was scratching the surface of it at the time for me…

I so actively started focusing on the possibilities.

I started focusing what I could give instead of take.

I started focusing on being unattached from the outcome.

I started focusing on KNOWING there was enough.


Because there IS enough!!!

I mean, seriously. It’s like I needed something to drop on my head for me to realise this!!!!

How many people in the world are there right now?

How many opportunities are there in the world right now?

How much money is there in the world right now?

In fact, if we run out of money the governments will just PRINT MORE!!

And here I was worrying.

Worrying in my own little pretty head that I had to grab and beat others to it, in order to succeed.

How. Freaking. Stupid.

So back to you.

You’re never going to succeed,

If you continue to stay stuck in this mindset of scarcity, this mindset of lack.

Go out there are focus on abundance.

And I don’t mean do what I did and PRETEND to focus on abundance by putting meaningless quotes on your social media.

I mean actually LIVE abundantly.

Live it. Breathe it. Be it.

And remember,

You really CAN have it all – if you ditch your scarcity mindset.

Regan Hillyer

Should You Put Your Real Personality Into Your Brand

This drives me nuts.

It drives me nuts that people even CONSIDER asking this question.

But I hear it so often…

“Regan, should I put my ‘real’ personality into my brand?”


I mean seriously.

What else are you going to put in your brand, your fake personality?

But unfortunately, people get caught up on this all, the time.

There are so many stories floating around your head right now – yes, that’s right, I can hear them!

The story of: I’m not professional enough.
The story of: My message isn’t strong enough.
The story of: I don’t know what to say.
The story of: My personalities a bit, well, weird.
The story of: But my real personally won’t make me money.
The story of: I’m just not good enough.

Blah blah BLAH!

And the stories go on and ON!

So let’s get one thing super clear!

UNTIL you decide that your personally is professional enough.
UNTIL you decide that your personally is enough.
UNTIL you decide that your message is strong.
UNTIL you decide that you do know what to say.
UNTIL you decide that your weirdness is your greatness.
UNTIL you decide that your personality WILL make you money.
UNTIL you decide that you are good enough right now,

You will continue to live out of alignment, out of purpose and quite frankly you’ll continue to get the same average results in your life that you’re getting right now.

What if I told you that the world is waiting for you.

The world is waiting for you to STEP UP and OUT and to STAND UP as YOU.

What if I told you that the whole world is looking to YOU to give them permission that actually being themselves is okay?

What if I told you that at the end of the day, all the planning, all the strategies, all the calculations mean absolutely nothing if you aren’t putting your real personality into your brand.

I’m here today to shake you around a little bit – if I haven’t done so already! And to tell you that you are absolutely perfect, just, being, you.

You see, I lived out of alignment for years.

I was trying to do it all right.

And I did okay.

But it felt funny.

It felt funny when the stuff on the outside wasn’t lining up with what’s on the inside.

Now I still thought that I was doing what I love, BUT, I wasn’t 100% in alignment with my message.

In your words, I wasn’t putting my ‘real personality’ into my brand.

In fact, I was doing everything I could to hide it.

So fearful and so concerned about what people would think of me if I was just, well… me!

I was getting results, sure.

But no where near the results that I get now when it comes to money, impact, freedom, growth and contribution.

And for those of you who are reading this and realising that you NEED to choose to step into your greatness as you…

Let me share with you what it feels like when you’re there.

It feels like ease.
It feels like flow.
It feels like gratitude.
It feels like happiness.
It feels like results.

And it actually feels so damn aligned that you have to catch yourself saying,

“Is it meant to be this easy?”

I’ve got news for you.

Yes. Yes it is mean to be this easy.

So enjoy it.

Regan Hillyer

The One Type Of Capital That You’re Missing

When people get started in business there’s generally a few things that people think they need:

Some time, some capital, a strategy, a vision, a voice… The list goes on.

And, they’re right – all of those things are important.

However, there’s ONE thing that so many people miss.

This is the thing that will launch your business.

This is the thing that will accelerate your business.

This is the thing that will sustain your business over time.

Are you ready?

Drumroll please…!

The ONE thing that so many people don’t realise you need is:



If I take a good look at anything I’ve succeeded within the business the relationship capital has always been strong.

People say that your network equals your net worth and guess what, they’re right!

What if I told you, that you’re only as powerful as the relationships you form and your business will only last as long as you can maintain those relationships for!

Would you be a little bit more interested in relationship capital then???

I can hear you already…

“But Regan, it’s EASY for you – you have a lot of relationship capital!”

Yes, yes I do now, but, let’s quit talking like that right now because I wasn’t born with all of the relationship capital that I have now, I worked hard to CREATE it!

And you can too.

If you are starting to get how crucial relationship capital is in your business and you’d like to create little bit more of it in your life, here’s what I’d recommend you do:

1. Get into new environments.

So often I hear people saying, ‘I’ve spoken to everyone in my network’ or, ‘I find it hard to meet new people’.

Well, firstly you need to cut out that self-talk chatter because THAT’S not serving you!
Instead, put your time, energy and focus on getting into new environments and meeting new people.

Online, offline, in space, it doesn’t matter, as long as you’re constantly getting into new circles of people.

Once you are there you need to:

2. Build rapport with people.

Connecting is everything. In fact, I could run a week long course just on building rapport and creating connections myself.

Remember, people like people like themselves – and I’m not suggesting that you be someone else, but instead, learn how to click into their world so they understand you, communicate better with you and most importantly, want to be around you.

Once you’ve established a high level of rapport with someone I recommend that you:

3. Focus on THEM!

Seriously – people don’t want to hear what you ate for dinner last night and in fact, they really just done care that much!

But here’s what I know:

People DO love taking about THEMSELVES!

We live in a world where everyone’s trying to talk all at once and prove themselves, but when you take a minute to ask someone about them and LISTEN to what they’re about, you’ll find that most people are craving to be heard.

Let them share their voice and their message. Listen to them. Focus on them and the relationship will really be solidified here.

Then in order to REALLY lock in this new relationship capital:

4. Work out how to give first.

So many people these days are focused on what’s in it for them, how they are going to benefit and what they can get out of a relationship or partnership.

Let’s flip that mindset completely and work out how after focusing on the other person, GIVE to them.

Learn to give first without any expectation of receiving anything in return.

Now that is truly when the magic of building deep relationship capital really happens.

5. Nurture relationship over time

How many people have you met, who you could be adding value to, or vice versa, but for some reason you lost touch or aren’t actively involved with each other’s lives anymore?

Lots – I’m sure!

In my eyes, there is no point going out and building relationship capital if you are not willing to work at sustaining it!

You need to be nurturing the relationships over time.

Relationship capital takes WORK.

It takes the effort to keep giving to people and keep the relationship fresh.

But trust me, this is quite possibly the most important step as really steps 1-4 are pointless if you don’t sustain the relationship capital over time…
So my challenge for you is to quit just reading these posts and start APPLYING it!

How many people can you meet or connect with today?

Who can you give to without expectation?
And remember, you absolutely can have it all – if you work on building your relationship capital!

Regan Hillyer

How To Stop Feeling Guilty About Making Money

I get a message from one of my one-on-one coaching clients:

“Can you call me asap?”

Now, that’s an unusual message from her so; I jumped straight on the phone.

My incredible client then proceeds to tell me that she has just secured her FIRST $100,000 client who is investing in 12 months of her services!!!




I squeal and proceed to tell her how PROUD I am of her!

This had been a big goal for a long time, and we’ve just taken it to the next level.


“Are you there?”


“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Well, I kind of feel…. bad?”




Why on earth do you feel bad?”

“I don’t know – I almost feel guilty – I mean, it’s a lot of money…”

And then it all started coming out.

“What if I’m not the right person to work with her?

What if she doesn’t get results?

What if she think it’s not worth it?”

And I’ve heard it all before.

Not always when receiving a $100,000 payment, but even receiving $1000 or even just $100.

That guilty feeling for actually receiving money.

And it’s a sneaky little trick that our unconscious mind can play on us!

If you are someone who has even felt an inkling of guilt or discomfort when receiving money in the past, then you need to keep reading!

Firstly, it’s a common thing.

But that doesn’t mean it’s not something that you need to go to work on improving.
Secondly, you need to understand that money is just energy.

And it works off the principle of flow.

Flow in and flow out.

And if we block part of that flow, we get all out of kilter.

Money works as an exchange.

An exchange of value.

And it all starts with 100% knowing and backing your own value.

If you don’t believe deep down, with your whole heart, that you are worthy of receiving the money it won’t flow into your life.

Or, worse, it’ll flow in, the flow right out again because you feel that it’s not meant to be there.

Now stick with me – I’m not going all woo-woo on you, I promise, but this is important.

Well, it’s important if you’re actually serious about earning a multiple six or seven figure or beyond income, otherwise, it doesn’t matter so much.

Here’s what I suggest you do:


Seriously. Just stop.

Stop feeling stupid guilt and stop feeling weird and stop feeling uncomfortable when money flows into your life.

Because it’s a CHOICE – we CHOOSE how we feel so you can choose to feel guilty or, you can choose to feel absolutely incredible.

Your choice!


Yes, you heard me.

And I know you haven’t mastered step one, yet so, you’re saying ‘but how can I ask for more when I’m still feeling guilty.” Easy. Just ask.
Whenever you receive money, expect it, be grateful and then straight away consider how you are going to attract more money into your life.

Ask yourself, ‘how can I add even more value today?” Then,

Celebrate ALL money coming into your life! The difference between successful people and highly successful people is, highly successful people know how to celebrate and do it regularly.

Celebrate money.

It’s just energy remember!

Celebrate the good energy flowing into your life!!
Because at the end of the day, money is simply an amplifier.

It’s an amplifier of who you are at the core of your being.

If you’re an idiot, and you create a lot of wealth, everyone will know you as that rich guy who’s an idiot.

If you’re an incredible person who is heart centered and focused on contribution, the world will know you as that incredible abundant person who is making a difference.

Money doesn’t change you.

It amplifies you.

So quit feeling weird.

Quit feeling guilty.





Regan Hillyer

P.S – Remember, you really CAN have it all – if you quit feeling guilty.

How To Step Into Your Greatness Even When You Are Not Feeling Worthy

I hear it all the time.

“Oh, but I’m not like her. I’m not like him. He’s got so much experience. She’s so inspiring. I’m not like that. I’m just, well, me…”



You are YOU and that is exactly what the world needs right now!!!!

You are entirely unique, unlike anyone else walking the planet right now, with your own voice and your own message!

The world is waiting for YOU to step into your greatness, own who you are and make an impact in this world.

But you’re still telling yourself that story:

“I’m not that unique, I’m not that talented…” The unresourceful list goes on!

Well, I have news for you.

You ARE that great. And you ARE much more gifted than you possibly even realize right now.

In fact, so many of the gifts and talents that we have that are so unique to us, they are totally unconscious. Meaning, we get so much enjoyment from them and use them so often that we don’t even RECOGNISE them as gifts or talents!

For those of you who follow me closely, and if you’re reading this, you’re probably aware that I’ve just started writing these blog posts.

Now, I battled with this for AGES because even though I’ve published a best-selling book and enjoyed the process, I’ve never considered myself a “gifted writer”.

The story was, “My blog posts probably won’t be professional enough to send out to people”.

And then it hit me.

REGAN – take a look at your social media. All you post every day is stories, teachings, learnings and experiences AND, everyone LOVES them.

Especially my Facebook posts. If you don’t already follow me on Facebook you can do so here.

And then suddenly it hit me again! It was like a double whammy slap in the face!


I actually ENJOY writing.

Looking at my social media, I’m actually GOOD at writing.

Could I possibly have a gift of writing and I hadn’t even REALIZED????

And the coolest thing is, you have these gifts too and, just like me, you probably have no idea at all!

But you need to be using these gifts in your life and in your business! You need to be using them to share your message with the world!

To start out with, you need to focus on recognizing your strengths. Ask yourself, what am I good at and what do I actually enjoy? Remember – it can be the smallest things!

And then get to work on using your natural gifts and talents! Focus on how you can incorporate them into your business, into your personal life, into your family life.

Because I promise you this.

When you are truly living a life where all you focus on is utilizing your greatest gifts and talents, and just being you, you will feel SO much happier and fulfilled every single day.

And being happy and fulfilled is what we’re really all striving for, right?

Remember, You can have it ALL – If you’re ready to unlock your greatness!

Regan Hillyer

You’re So Good I’m Going To Certify You As A Master!!!

It’s annoying isn’t it?

You’re trying really hard, I know, I get it. But you, just can’t seem to get there, right?

I’ve seen it play out in all areas of your life.Self-Sabotage

You get SO CLOSE to that money goal, then SOMETHING happens.

You get SO CLOSE to sustaining that great relationship, then SOMETHING happens.

You get SO CLOSE to getting that body of yours in shape, then SOMETHING happens.

Then I can hear you saying “Why does nothing ever work out, I’m trying so hard!” Well, I have news for you and that “little poor me” voice going on inside your head right now.

You are a MASTER!

Yes, I mean it. You have totally and utterly MASTERED the art of SELF-SABOTAGE!!!!!


If I believed in formal education, I’d print out a certificate and give it to you right now and certify you as a Master Self-Saboteur.

In fact, you’re so good, you could probably go out into the world and train others at how to sabotage their dreams and desires too!

I know, I know you’re hating this and maybe it’s hitting a little too close to home…

But here’s the thing – there’s one thing you don’t know. There’s one thing you weren’t taught as a master self-saboteur and that is ‘how to work with your upper limit.’

You see, everyone have an unconscious upper limit, no matter who they are and what they are trying to achieve. It’s that limit where your unconscious mind gets a little bit freaked out (consciously you may not even be aware of this). Why? May you be asking? Why do I have this limit?

It’s pretty simple. That limit is your goal or level of success you are striving for. And on the other side of that limit, when you actually achieve that goal, there are a whole lot of unanswered questions. What’s going to happen when I get there?

What are my friends going to think of me if I’m not like them with this success?

My family, what will they think? What’s next? That goal’s so big, I don’t even know what I’d work towards after I hit this! And on and on and on and on. Layering all of those questions is always a huge fear of success. Clients come to me and tell me that they’re suffering from a fear of failure. Bullshit!

That’s another thing you’re a master at! You’ve been practicing failing your whole life! But success? What would REALLY happen if you were truly successful??? SO, my master self-sabotage.

How to put a stop to this and deal with this upper limit and that looming fear of success you are asking? It’s a big question, something that I cover in the Your Success Hub weekly training in great depth, but here are the basics. Firstly, be aware of when you start self-sabotaging. Secondly, create an upper, upper limit for yourself. You need to start showing your mind that there IS life after what it is perceiving to be death when you hit that insanely big goal!

Thirdly, work on resetting your limit and creating positive rewards for each step you take to overcome the self-sabotage and move closer to your goal. You can tear up that certificate now by the way. We’re done with that… Right?

And remember,

You CAN have it all – if you stop self-sabotaging now!

Regan Hillyer

Stop Hiding in the Shadows – Step Into Your Greatness

I can see you hiding…

I see you hiding.

I used to hide as well.

I’d burry myself under the insecurities and the doubt…

What will people think?

What will I look like?

What if I look STUPID?

Who wants to hear from me?

I don’t have much to say anyway.

And the scary part was, all of this was in my head and at the time, I was completely unaware of it.

It’s like my mind was on autopilot and I believed all of that stupidity to be true.

And now…


Now I just don’t care!

You’re going to hear my message whether you like it or not!

And if you don’t like it, delete it, turn it off, stop reading.

And the cool thing is.

It won’t phase me in the SLIGHTEST!

Because I know this:

If I speak my truth, and allow my voice to be heard and if I share whatever message I have at the moment, someone, just ONE person possibly, may need to hear what I have to say.

It may lift someone up.

It may teach someone something.

It may open someone’s mind to what’s possible.

And that’s enough to keep me going in a space where I genuinely couldn’t care less about what people think about me anymore.

But let’s talk about YOU.

Why are you hiding?

When did you decide to hide?

When did you decide to play small?

When did you decide that you don’t have anything valuable to add to this world?

Here’s one thing I know for sure.

You need to CUT THIS OUT right now!!!

What if I told you that you are unique, brilliant, talented, unlike any person walking on this planet right now.

What if I told you that you had greatness within you and a unique story that is more powerful than you know.

What if I told you that the world is WAITING ON YOU to STEP UP and actually make an impact.

What if I told you that you had everything you need within you to succeed, if only you would work on removing your own limits and conditioning your mindset.

What if I told you that you time is now. And if you don’t take action right now, this moment will be gone forever.

Hiding doesn’t serve you.

In fact, it’s selfish playing small.

Wrapped up in your own head just hanging out with your own silly fears and insecurities…

That’s no fun for anyone.

Recently I posted a short video on my Facebook, challenging people to step up, to stop hiding and to post a little video with them just being themselves.

I challenged people to step up and out and allow themselves to be seen.

Which yes, means facing judgement.

Which means facing your own fears.

Which means allowing yourself to stand up for what you believe it.

And i was FLOODED with messages.

“Regan, thank you. I realised I have been playing small. I have been hiding. What am I so afraid of? I can’t believe all of these stories were just in my own head…”

The messages kept coming.

And a few people stepped up.

And for those of you who did, who posted a vulnerable video of them, just, being them… I am SO proud of you.

And now it’s your turn.

I challenge YOU to stand up.

Step up.

Be you.

Share your voice.

I challenge you to post a video on facebook about something you believe in, in your business or in your life and share it to my Facebook page so I can see it.


You can just keep hiding and keep playing small.

You choose!

Remember, you can have it all – but only if you stop hiding.

Regan Hillyer