Monday 13 June 2016

Split Personality

I have a split personality – and I like it…

I feel like I have a split personality right now.

The professional, polished, coachy Regan and then the raw, unedited, spur of the moment Regan.

Two different identities, yet, they’re both me.

If I’m honest, I’ve really been battling recently about how I show up in my business. Do I keep it
polished and professional or, do I go the complete opposite way and keep it live, unplanned and spur of the moment?

My internal conflict has made me have a good think about identities and where these two different identities come from.

And of course, questioning the INTENTION behind the identities.

So I started asking myself,

Am I wanting to show up as professional and polished because;

Have people told me to? No.
Do I want to attract professionals like that? Yes.
I think I should be putting polished content out there. May be.

I believe it’s who I am. Yes, a part of me is professional and polished.

Then there’s this other side of me that’s raw, unedited, unplanned.
Am I wanting to show up like that because;

Have people told me to? No.
I want to attract people who are raw, open and real? Yes.
I believe that people should share who they are, their struggles and their thoughts in the moment? Yes.
I believe it’s who I am. Yes, a part of me is raw and unpolished.

I’m glad I’m someone who doesn’t listen to (unqualified) advice because some people have told me that my raw, unpolished content isn’t professional enough for my brand, and on the flipside, some people have said they love it, and it’s my best work.

So, at least, I’m not listening to other people because then I’d be having an even bigger internal conflict!

So when I look deep into the intention behind these two identities or personalities I have, the intention is actually authentic for both.

Both of these identities are forms of me showing up as me, although they are different ways to show up.

They are not coming from a place of showing up like that because I’ve decided it’s the “right” way that I should be showing up in my business, the difference is, they just FEEL right when it comes to simply me being me and expressing my message.

And if I was to get really clear on the type of people that I want to work with and the type of people I want to have in my tribe, I want them to take their work seriously but also have the ability to tap into who they really are and be okay with showing that side of themselves too.

So after a lot of thought, a lot of writing and a whole heap more thought, I decided to do this:


Crazy right.
But seriously – I have a split personality in my brand and guess what, I like it!

And guess what – I have decided that it’s super powerful!

And I’m not saying that all of a sudden you need to show up in two different ways when producing content in your business, I’m saying that you should show up as YOU.

In exactly the way that feels right for you.

When I look even deeper, this split personality thing that is showing up in my business has shown up in my life for years…

I’ve been the woman who can rock a massive pair of heels on stage and fits right in with professional business networking events, and then, I’ve also been the woman who hangs out in bikinis for weeks on end in Bali.

And guess what.

They are both versions of me.

So why the hell should I contain / suppress / ignore a part of me in my business that is actually ME?

That would lead me down a track of feeling totally unsatisfied and unfulfilled and not truly aligned with myself as a leader and not truly aligned with my true voice and my true message.


Be you.
Be all of you.
Let it all out.
Let out the polished.
Let out the raw.
Let out everything in between that feels right.

Question the intention.
Make sure it’s coming from a place of alignment.
And show up in your brand as you.
As all of you.
Because we want it all.
We want all of you.
We want the crazy.
We want the professional.
We want the loud.
We want the soft.
We want the stuff that just doesn’t even make sense.

If you have a split personality we want to see that.

And if it feels good, we’ll like it.

And remember, you absolutely can have it ALL if you let it all out.

Regan Hillyer

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