Monday 13 June 2016

How To Step Into Your Greatness Even When You Are Not Feeling Worthy

I hear it all the time.

“Oh, but I’m not like her. I’m not like him. He’s got so much experience. She’s so inspiring. I’m not like that. I’m just, well, me…”



You are YOU and that is exactly what the world needs right now!!!!

You are entirely unique, unlike anyone else walking the planet right now, with your own voice and your own message!

The world is waiting for YOU to step into your greatness, own who you are and make an impact in this world.

But you’re still telling yourself that story:

“I’m not that unique, I’m not that talented…” The unresourceful list goes on!

Well, I have news for you.

You ARE that great. And you ARE much more gifted than you possibly even realize right now.

In fact, so many of the gifts and talents that we have that are so unique to us, they are totally unconscious. Meaning, we get so much enjoyment from them and use them so often that we don’t even RECOGNISE them as gifts or talents!

For those of you who follow me closely, and if you’re reading this, you’re probably aware that I’ve just started writing these blog posts.

Now, I battled with this for AGES because even though I’ve published a best-selling book and enjoyed the process, I’ve never considered myself a “gifted writer”.

The story was, “My blog posts probably won’t be professional enough to send out to people”.

And then it hit me.

REGAN – take a look at your social media. All you post every day is stories, teachings, learnings and experiences AND, everyone LOVES them.

Especially my Facebook posts. If you don’t already follow me on Facebook you can do so here.

And then suddenly it hit me again! It was like a double whammy slap in the face!


I actually ENJOY writing.

Looking at my social media, I’m actually GOOD at writing.

Could I possibly have a gift of writing and I hadn’t even REALIZED????

And the coolest thing is, you have these gifts too and, just like me, you probably have no idea at all!

But you need to be using these gifts in your life and in your business! You need to be using them to share your message with the world!

To start out with, you need to focus on recognizing your strengths. Ask yourself, what am I good at and what do I actually enjoy? Remember – it can be the smallest things!

And then get to work on using your natural gifts and talents! Focus on how you can incorporate them into your business, into your personal life, into your family life.

Because I promise you this.

When you are truly living a life where all you focus on is utilizing your greatest gifts and talents, and just being you, you will feel SO much happier and fulfilled every single day.

And being happy and fulfilled is what we’re really all striving for, right?

Remember, You can have it ALL – If you’re ready to unlock your greatness!

Regan Hillyer

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