Monday 13 June 2016

Push and Then Push and Then Push Some More

One reason so many people never get what they want is,
They give up too quickly!

I’m yet to meet a successful person who pushes for what they want.
In fact, successful people demand their dreams.
They push and they push and then push some more, for whatever it is they are working for.
No is not an option,
It’s simply a matter of when!

Recently, Kat and I had the opportunity to interview Grant Cardone, Mr 10 x himself!
If you’re not following Grant, then that’s another reason that you’re not highly successful – go and follow him right now!

Grant charges over $100,000USD an hour for his time when he speaks or is interviewed.

How is it that we secured the interview with Grant (without investing $100k?)

You guessed it,

I pushed
And pushed
And then pushed some more.

In fact, it took over 17 follow-up attempts before the interview was secured.

Be honest with yourself,

After how many attempts would you have given up?
Said it was too hard?
Or it was out of your reach?

Now don’t get me wrong,

There’s a difference between being plain pushy, rude and disrespectful and completely destroying the opportunity, versus simply not giving up when moving in the direction of your dreams.

If there’s an opportunity you’re working towards or pushing for right now, here’s what you need to do:

1. Decide on the specifics of that cool opportunity. Get clear on it. Write it out. Details, please.

2. Realise that you need to create the opportunity and the only way to do that, is to take massively aligned action in doing so! So what actions are you going to take? Get clear on that.

3. Ensure that you are always talking to the decision makers. Initially, I got in contact with Grant himself, but it became very clear early on, it was his sales manager who I needed to talk to as the decision was being made by then. Talk to the right people otherwise, your time will be wasted.

4. Don’t take no for an answer. Push then push then push harder. I mean really, what’s the worst thing that will happen? Will someone call you pushy? Or, they will respect your hustle.

5. When the opportunity is locked in, take a look at what you can do to make it even better! We secured a phone interview with Grant, then pushed again to see if we could come and do the interview live in person in his office. Ask and you shall receive! Never ask, and you will not receive.

Thank you, Grant, for making this opportunity possible, we LOVED the interview with you!

You can check out the LIVE interview with Grant here!

So remember,

You absolutely can have it ALL!

Regan x

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