Monday 27 June 2016


I see people caught in their head all the time,
Worried, freaking out and consumed about HOW something they desire is going to manifest.
Here’s a simple yet powerful piece of advice for you:
Fuck the how.

ALL you need to do is lock in the outcome,
Then take massive aligned action in the direction of that outcome.
Lets take travel as an example:
You wouldn’t decide, “Oh I want to travel more”,
Then turn up at the airport,
Only to have NO idea which plane you were going to get on.

Obviously, you’d lock in the end result - you’d choose which country you were going to!
What do you do?

You take massive aligned action towards getting on that plane.

Here’s what it generally looks like:
Purchasing a plane ticket,
Getting to the airport,
Walking to check in,
Checking in,
And boarding the flight.

Here’s what you DON’T DO (unless you’re completely crazy)
You don’t stress out about how the website is going to take your payment for the ticket.
You don’t freak about about how the car was made that is getting you to the airport.
You don’t ensure you only take 50 steps towards the check in desk instead of 57.
You don’t ask how the check in lady became to be a check in lady,
And you don’t sit there freaking out about how to build the plane before you get on the plane.

You just GET on the freaking plane!!!!

Question: Why are you trying to control EVERY little detail of how things are going to manifest in your life, instead of just trusting the process and knowing that it’s DONE???

Decide which country you’re flying to.
Get to the airport.
Then get on the freaking plane.
Apply to your life.
Then repeat.
Then repeat.

P.S - If you’re ready to accelerate your mindset to the next level and master the fundamentals of conditioning your mind to succeed, then you need to head on over and join the tribe.

Your SuccessHub is the place to take your results to the next level with weekly success coaching and a private coaching group to ensure you stay on track!
Join the tribe here >>>
P.P.S Stop worrying about how you’re going to join the tribe and just decide to make it happen!
So remember - you absolutely CAN have it all!
Regan x
[Photographed by the talented Alessandro Saponi]

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