Monday 13 June 2016

Do You Really Need To Get Up Early?

Morning from Bali!

It’s 4.45am here and the air is fresh. As I write this I’m sitting outside our villa on a lounger by the pool (you can do that in Bali before 5am without freezing unlike other places in the world!) and there’s the most amazing energy this morning. Now, I promise I’m not going to get all energy woo woo on you. But I am going to get a little bit real with you, IF you are serious about getting big results in your life and in your business. Everyone’s going on about the 5am club… Do I REALLY need to get up at 5am, is it really worth it? – I get asked this all the time. The short answer is, yes. Yes you do need to get up at 5am. Again, if you’re serious about having success in your life.

Now the 5am part of the morning isn’t that important to be honest (although I love this time of the morning) it’s what you DO with getting up earlier that counts!

Because here’s the thing. Success is created through habits. Daily habits. And one thing’s for sure – ask ANY successful person how they start their day and although the structure may vary, I can guarantee that:

They GET UP EARLY with passion, purpose and direction
They CONNECT immediately with their mind, body and soul
They FOCUS straight away on the day ahead and the results they’re going to achieve.
I often get asked about my morning routine and I’ll run you through the key elements and things that I do, the order and the timing varies – I have created the time freedom to wake up when I choose so sometimes it’s 5am, sometimes it’s later, today it was earlier.

First thing, I know it’s really important to get your body moving. I’m not going to dictate if you should go to the gym verses go down to the beach, just find something that works for you, get some fresh air and get your body moving. Secondly, I book a nonnegotiable appointment with myself. Think of it like a business meeting or a meeting with your boss that you CAN’T miss.

During this meeting I spend time on gratitudes as I know that I can never create more abundance into my life until I am deeply grateful for what I already have.

I then turn my focus to what I call strategic or critical thinking. Use the term that works for you. This is where I write down everything I want in my life, in every area of my life and I also ask myself WHY I want those things so I am clear about the intention and emotion the desire is coming from.

Last but certainly not least, I pick three things that I am committed to focusing on that day. Three. Not five. Or ten. Or twenty. Three. Because I understand that success is about taking daily consistent action and if you set yourself too many daily tasks there will always be the things that are left undone and slide to the bottom of the list…

The coolest thing is with this morning routine, not only are you left feeling energized, passionate and excited, you will literally see your success compounding before your eyes, if you are consistent. So yes. Get up at 5am. And don’t just get up. Make it count.

Some people say to me – ‘But Regan, I start work really early, I can’t get up at 5am.” You can still get up.

You’re choosing not to. Go to bed earlier, get up earlier, sleep faster! Do whatever it takes.

Trust me, it’ll be worth it!

And remember, You can have it ALL – if you have a consistent and powerful daily routine!

Regan Hillyer

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