Tuesday 22 December 2020

None of that belongs to you...

Hey beautiful souls! Listen up to my latest podcast.

I’m chatting about some stuff that’s been on my mind lately. Have you noticed that the world is in a really unusual place currently? It seems to be in a state of flux. A state of rolling turmoil and yet a point of power too.

It’s upsetting and it’s frankly, quite weird. There are things that have been revealed and things that have been brought to the light.

I have been grounding into the vibration that I can feel and I am saying this, and I felt it a few months ago…..This is such a unique opportunity for us all. Right here, on Earth….now.

We are at a huge pivot point here and there is a left turn, a right turn and there’s a side step and there are so many options for people in their lives and in their reality.

You have an option at this choice point. Are you going to continue, repeating, as best that you can in the circumstances…. with the life that you had? 

Or are you going to utilize all of the shifts and transformations that are available to you right now to actually ground into anchoring a new reality?

So, no matter how different things may seem, how chaotic and ‘not usual’ your life may seem right now...this is such an opportunity to now truly actually create the life that you've always desired.

We are in this beautiful moment, where if you think that everything is crumbling around you, in fact the crumbling is actually creating space.

Remember you get in life what you tolerate….what are you tolerating currently? And, what is it that you actually desire?

This is the time, when you can look around yourself and ask yourself ‘What is it that I truly desire?’

Be real with yourself, wake up to your gifts and pivot into your new reality…...you are driving the ship and it is totally up to you!

I love you.

And remember
You absolutely can have it all

Regan x

Check out this episode!

Thursday 10 December 2020


I am so incredibly pleased and grateful to share with you, my latest podcast.

This is a powerful presentation around how to manage these interesting times...we are all going through a period of recalibrating, resettling and reorganisation.

In fact, these are times of great turbulence currently and it can be confusing and thoroughly overwhelming.

Have you been feeling unhappy? Dis-orientated? And uncomfortable? It can feel as though it is a lot to handle. If you are feeling alone and if you are feeling that it is just you and you alone in this deep void where there is no light at the end of the tunnel you are looking down.

Then, you need to move to the next level...but how do you achieve this?

It is crucially important to be connected to your innate guidance…..but….what does this mean? And how can this be of benefit or use, in our current situation? How do you establish this connection to your inborn guidance?

Join me as I unpack how you can connect to your inner guides and how you can give the permission for them to awaken in your soul.

You know….

You are at a choice point...right here ...right now.

And it’s an opening to focus on opening up and allowing your guides in and then nurturing the relationships.

How do you tune in to what is available for you..are you listening...are you open to the signs and symbols and how do you recognise them?

A greater piece of ascension is available for you right now!

Enjoy listening!

I love you.

And remember,
You absolutely can have it all! 

Regan x

Check out this episode!