Sunday 29 January 2017

How To Rapidly Create Change In Your Life

You know what?

This new year is the Year of You.

best life coach

It’s the year of going after the things you thought were out of reach or impossible or took too much effort. It’s the year of getting clear with yourself.

This is massive wisdom, and it’s going to change your life: Everything in your future depends on what you do today.

You can’t sit with your coffee and wish someone would hand you the career of your dreams. You have to put yourself out there. I’m talking about change here–real, frickin eye-opening change. It comes when you align your dreams and desires with every step you take.

So what are you trying to change in your life RIGHT NOW that just isn’t shifting and growing and changing?
If you want to take your life and your business to the next level, you’ve got to get crystal, crystal clear on You and where You want to be.

1. Lock in exactly what you want the end result to be, in detail

Okay, you’d like more money, a bigger house, a private jet…more clients, brand-new marketing, and a devoted puppy, as well. How are you going to get those amazing things?

It starts with amazing effort. The kind of effort that requires sitting and asking yourself the hard questions.

Questions like, How much money would I be happy with this year? How much money would I be happy with this month? Where would I like my work to be shown? What does my ideal client look like? What does she value, what does she believe in? How does that align with my values and my beliefs?

The thing is, the more detail you’re willing to put into your dreams, the closer you’ll get to achieving your goals. An archer doesn’t just let an arrow fly, does she? No way!

2. Work through any resistance/blocks/limits keeping where you currently are

I get it. Sometimes it’s hard to get past your fears. You’ve been out in the world and you’ve hit some blocks. Some mornings you just want to crawl back in bed, because your dreams seem far off and you can’t muster the courage.

But you don’t have to get back in bed or hide from the world. That’s your fear talking. Your dreams are telling you something else. They’re telling you to take action. Are you going to let your fears limit how far you can go? I didn’t think so.

Here’s the thing:

Amazing things happen when you channel your energy toward the things you truly desire.
It may be hard to look your fears in the face, but it’s the first step, and everyone has to work through them. The key is to know–truly frickin KNOW–how powerful your vision can be. It’s everything. It’s why you were born. It’s every step you take.

Give yourself permission to step into the best version of YOU. Once you figure out what you want your life to look like, in massive, extra special detail, and then LOCK IT IN, you’re ready to work through your blocks.

If you believe in your core that change is hard, you won’t manifest the results you want. Keep in mind that change is intentional and it is REALLY important to change if you want to take your life and business to the NEXT level. A growth mindset actually boosts your professional and personal growth. ANY resistance you have to success or moving forward is a block.

I know lots of people who could list their blocks on demand.

If you don’t change your internal reality, you’re not going to change your external one.

What if you could reach every one of your goals if you just set those fears aside? Are you willing to stay where you are because of fear?

If you’re reading this blog, my guess is you’re not going to be content with listening to the resistance inside you. So I hope you make another list:

The Year of You list.

Write down the EXACT GOALS you have (to the last detail!) and all the ways you could reach your goals IF you gave yourself the chance. So you want to launch a new marketing campaign but you don’t know where to start and you’re afraid to ask for help? Write down where you want to be a month from now and why there’s NO OTHER OPTION but to take your business to the next level. Look at your list daily, and guide every action toward it. Make a banner and fly it from your window. Let people know who you are, because You are brilliant. What you have to give matters. Then go out and find people to help you achieve your goals.

3. Do whatever it takes to daily move towards the change you desire

My friend, you have to go all in. You have to be 100% committed. It doesn’t stop with figuring out the details and getting past the blocks. You have to take regular, daily action. It’s a choice, and you have to choose to make these changes. Even if you have one toe in your past life, you’re not going to shift forward. It’s black or white—either you’re in for a big life where you reach for your dreams, or you’re out. Even one toenail in the past is too much.

You can live a life where you actually CHOOSE to reach your goals. You can CREATE your reality and reach your wildest dreams.

If you want awesome things this year, you don’t have any time to lose.

Inspiration flows both ways. Check out my new video with the SUPER AWESOME Robyn, our head coach in Bali!

And remember to join my tribe so you don’t have to go at it alone!

Call to action: success hub

Regan x



The post How To Rapidly Create Change In Your Life appeared first on Regan Hillyer.



Wednesday 25 January 2017

The Mastery Journal: Master productivity, discipline and focus in 100 days on Kickstarter!

Serving entrepreneurs with free, valuable and consistent content. When I hear these words, I think of my friend John Lee Dumas, host of the EOFire podcast.

Today, John is taking that service to the next level by launching The Mastery Journal: Master productivity, discipline and focus in 100 days on Kickstarter!

Head over to to check out The Mastery Journal Kickstarter campaign TODAY!

Friday 20 January 2017



How to Call in Your Cult Tribe Who Love You

Check out this episode!

Meet my new friend from Costa Rica

Meet my new friend from Costa Rica! We hang out daily! The peacock symbolises vision, royalty, spirituality, awakening, guidance and protection. He's also reminding me daily to show my true colours 🐦
#grateful #peacock #locationfree

If you're reading this, I'm sending you love and light from Costa Rica! Live into your bliss daily. I dare you

If you're reading this, I'm sending you love and light from Costa Rica! Live into your bliss daily. I dare you 🦄🌴✨
#bliss #costarica #locationfree

Grateful to wake up in the jungle in the middle of Costa Rica and see an email saying my latest article on Forbes is live!

Grateful to wake up in the jungle in the middle of Costa Rica and see an email saying my latest article on Forbes is live! :)
You can read the full article here!…/how-what-you-tolerate-creates-your…/

#askregan #locationfree #mindset #entrepreneur #success

Wednesday 18 January 2017



Alignment’s a fun game.
It’s a journey.
And there’s always a next level.
A deeper level.

Here’s what I’m learning:
The deeper and deeper that you align with your true soul purpose,
The more impossible it is to stitch it off.

How do you know when you’re fully living into your purpose?
Your life
Your work
Your play
Your breathing
Your focus
Your goals
Your fun
Your passion
Your downtime
Are ONE.

It’s not a question of blurring the lines between work and play,
Because when you live fully into your truth:
There is no line.
There is no switch, to flick on or flick off.
Because it’s just you.

And yes,
Not everyone is going to get it.
And if you’ve cracked the code as to how to actually live into your purpose daily,
Change the world with your purpose,
And create a huge amount of abundance through your purpose,
Then the ones who haven’t cracked the code just aren’t going to get it.
Plain and simple.

They’re going to tell you to slow down.
They’re going to tell you to switch off.
They’re going to tell you to stop.

I’m sorry,
But give me one logical reason as to why you would slow down, switch off, or stop living into your purpose and your truth?
Why would you shut down the one thing that truly ignite your soul?
You don’t.

So stop listening to the people who don’t get it.
Stop taking advice from people who haven’t yet discovered their soul purpose.
Stop telling yourself that you need to be balanced.

Living into your purpose IS the balance,
Because every area of your life balances out the other.

Choosing to live into your purpose,
Each and every single day,
Does not make you a workaholic,
Does not mean that you don’t know how to relax,
Does not mean that you don’t know how to unwind.

Your purpose is your soul work,
It is your relax,
It is your unwind.

Because absolutely every second of living into your truth will satisfy your soul.

To all the artists,
The leaders,
The visionaries,
The change makers,
The creators,
The people who are changing the world,
The ones who are COMMITTED to living into your truth,

Comment below and give me a HELL YES,
If you know how good it feels to live into a place where there is no switch to switch off,
Because living into your truth is simply your natural state of being…

I’d love to hear from you.

And remember,
Of course,
You absolutely can have it all…

Regan x



Quit playing small.
The world needs you to step up.

Even if you’re happy with what you have.
Even if you don’t yearn for more.
Even if you’re comfortable,
Stop being so damn selfish.

Playing big is a choice.
But when are you going to realise that this choice isn’t really about you?

The world needs you to play big,
More than ever.

The world is looking to you as a leader,
To step up and lead,
Just as you were born to do.

But you keep getting in your own way.

You keep dancing between different mindsets,
Many of which keep holding you back.

Am I good enough?
Is that too much?
Do I deserve to do that?
Why me?
What if I’m not meant to do this?
What will other people think?
Is that too much money?
Will too many people rely on me?
What if it all gets to much?
What if I screw it all up?

What if you do nothing and stay exactly where you are?
That’s a GREAT idea.

Just stay,
Like 99.9% of people do,
In your comfy little comfort zone,
Where it’s safe and warm,
And you don’t have to worry about growing.

But know on the other side of that zone,
There are leaders,
There are warriors,
There are gods and goddess,
There are creators,
There are kings and queens,
There are visionaries,
That are FIGHTING,
Each and every single day,
Not just for their vision,
But for OUR vision.

Because they know that they were put here to lift the world up,
To create change,
And the leave the world a better place than when they found it.

And I get it,
For everyone fighting right now,
Fighting for truth, purpose and change,
It’s not easy,
In fact it can take sweat, blood and tears.

And the work is daily.
Daily inner work,
Conditioning yourself to succeed,
Conditioning yourself to be more,
So that you can do more,
So that you can create more change.

I get it.
I see you.
I honour you.
I respect you.
And I am here to support you.

I want to lift you up.

To all the fighters out there right now,
To everyone committed to changing their reality,
To all of the gods and goddesses who refuse to sit in their comfort zone,
I’m talking to you.

I am running a 5 Week Success Mindset Intensive,
Which is all about helping you shift your external reality,
By shifting what is within you.

We are going deep into the inner work,
Over the 5 weeks we are digging deep into...
-- How to design your own success mindset ritual
-- How to get into alignment and then go deeper
-- How to move past all of your blocks and limits
-- How to take massive authentic action
-- How to accelerate your external results
-- How to manifest at a deep level
-- How to call in accelerated levels of abundance
And much, much more…

>>> If you know that you are ready to shift to the next level,
Comment below with “I”M READY”
And we will send you a message and let you know how to apply.

You were put here to dance baby,
And deep down you KNOW how you are meant to be dancing right now.
It’s time to get out of your own way and truly shine…

And remember,
You absolutely can have it all…

Regan x

Friday 6 January 2017


May this year be even more badass than the last.
If you're reading this, I love you, thank you for being in my life ❤️🦄✨
#happynewyear #bringit2017 #thereisaunicorninmypool

I CALL BACK MY POWER [Releasing 2016]

I CALL BACK MY POWER [Releasing 2016]

It’s been amazing seeing everyone’s “new year” posts pop up,

And there’s certainly a theme going on in regards to releasing 2016 and calling in 2017 with strong intentions.

I truly believe that you can’t call in the new,

Until you have released all that doesn’t serve you,

Because otherwise,

There simply is no new space for the new.

A few people saw my New Years Eve snap chats last night,

And asked what was I doing,

And why was I burning paper!

So I thought I’d dive deep and share…

I have some really big and exciting things that I am calling in this year,

And again,

I knew that it just would not be possible,

Unless I completely cleared the old,

And created the space for everything to flow.

A big part of calling in these big and exciting things,

Is truly stepping into becoming the version of myself,

That automatically manifests what I needly desire.

When digging deep into who I need to become,

It became apparent that personally,

I needed to consciously, unconsciously and superconsciously claim some of my power back,

Power that I’d chosen to relinquish to certain events and people in the past.

So part of what I was doing on New Years Eve,

(Before the champagne!)

Was taking a good hard look at specially where I had giving my power away,

Deciding to claim that back,

So I can step into an even more powerful and even more aware version of myself this year.

I wrote out specially where I had chosen to give my power away in the past, on a piece of paper,

I then burned the paper after I chose to call it all back.

Here’s a vulnerable share as to what was on my piece of paper that I was releasing and calling back:

-- I call back my power from men I have allowed to abuse me

-- I call back my power from all the times I decided not to put alignment first

-- I call back my power from the people who told me I should have different priorities in life

-- I call back my power from all the times I have decided to tread lightly in this world

-- I call back my power from the times that I wasn’t honest about what I really wanted

-- I call back my power from all the times I have not owned my beauty as a woman

-- I call back my power from the times that I numbed myself from truly feeling all emotions

-- I call back my power from all the times that I chose to feel not good enough

-- I call back my power from the people who have judged me, including myself

-- I call back my power from all the times that I was told that I deserved to be treated in a way that wasn’t healthy

-- I call back my power from the men who have not truly valued me because i wasn’t truly valuing myself

-- I call back my power from the times where I excused behaviour that isn’t acceptable

-- I call back my power from times that I decided to not feel good enough as a child

-- I call back my power from all the times that I have chosen not to speak up out of fear of upsetting someone

-- I call back my power from all the times that I’ve walked into a room and felt like I don’t belong or don’t fit in

-- I call back my power from all the times that I’ve been blamed for other people’s decisions or choices

-- I call back my power from all the times that I have chosen to make other people’s problems my responsibility to fix

I call back my power.

I call back my power.

I call back my power.

It felt pretty good burning all of that! ;)

I encourage you to take a look and simply ask yourself,

Where in the past have I given my power away?

You can claim it back at any time.

And if you are looking to call in different results in 2017,

Then growing, doing the work and looking this stuff in the eye,

Is simply a non-negotiable.

>>> Have you registered for the 5 Day New Years Challenge yet?

5 days of digging deep into the internal work,

So that you can manifest what you deeply desire in 2017,

With trust, ease, flow and rapid speed!

I’m running the challenge for free!

We start tomorrow!

Secure your place here >>>

Then comment on this post,

I'd love to hear from you -

How are you choosing to call your power back in 2017?

What are you choosing to call back specifically?

So remember,


You absolutely can have it all…

Regan x

A beautiful morning in Bali

A beautiful morning in Bali 🌴 
Live into your bliss daily.... I dare you 😉 
#bali #bliss #locationfree

CURRENT MODE: Wolf Priestess Of Purpose 🙏🏽🦄✨

CURRENT MODE: Wolf Priestess Of Purpose 🙏🏽🦄
I have SO much to say right now about my time in Bali, about deeper impact and about soul connections... 
Get ready for a big post tomorrow! 
#locationfree #bali #adventures



You are so ridiculously powerful,
And you know it.
You’re kept up at night thinking of possibilities,
And you wake up early excited about what is to come.

It’s like the desire for impact keeps pulsating through you,
Vibrating with you,
At every level.
At a conscious level,
At an unconscious level,
At an emotional level,
At a spiritual level,
At a soul level.

And here’s the biggest thing:
You already KNOW the secret.

You KNOW that if you truly desire to manifest the impact you were born for,
Then ultimately you have to become that version of you,
Where the results show up automatically.

You’re pulled by your heartstrings towards your big vision,
And the fear of dying without having truly satisfied your soul’s purpose also helps you to continue to run.

Sometimes it feels like the world is on your shoulders,
But hey,
Guess what?
It kind of is.

The world is waiting on you.
The world needs you as a leader.
The world needs you as a change maker.
The world needs you to live into the impact that you were born to create.

But as you continue to ground yourself,
As you continue to step up,
As you continue to do the work,
The vision become clearer and clearer,
And your strides get bigger and bigger
As you notice your energy expands and expands.

Then you realise that there is a next level,
Beyond becoming the version of you that automatically manifests the vision.

You learn to listen.
You learn to tune in.
You learn to trust.
You learn to satisfy your soul.
You learn to satisfy your soul at the deepest level,
Giving it everything that it desires in the moment,
And then some more.

And you notice that the shift is instant this time.
It’s like the world LITERALLY shifts around you,
To satisfy your deepest desires.
Manifestation is at a high,
Belief is unwavering,
And your soul is satisfied.

When you truly learn to satisfy your soul,
And dive further and further and further into alignment,
You realise that abundance is another default result.

Abundance in every form.
All of it.

And as you bathe in the abundance,
You take the next step of locking it in,
Getting the abundance into your body,
Because you know that if you don’t,
It will just be a state of euphoria,
That is soon to pass.

But you can’t have that.
You know that you need to lock this abundance in,
On a deep soul level,
In order to drastically increase your impact.

Then you go deeper again,
And again,
And again,
As you continue to evolve and evolve and evolve,
All whilst the world is simply saying:
Thank you.
Thank you for showing up.
Thank you for trusting.
Thank you for choosing flow.
Thank you for surrendering.
Thank you for acting in spite of fear.
Thank you for choosing your highest joy.
Thank you for serving your soul.
All so that you can impact and shift this world on a greater level.

Over the past week,
I’ve dived deep into my soul,
And it has literally been shift after shift after shift after shift.
A lot of this work has felt uncomfortable,
And a little bit scary.
But I committed to my soul,
And I committed to impact,
And I committed to abundance,

I have made new commitments to myself.
I have released the old - spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
I have stepped into a new capacity to receive abundance.
I have deepened my relationship with myself.
I have deepened soulmate relationships.
I have shown the world exactly where I desire to shift to.
I have called in the next level of impact.
It is done.

I’ve been sitting here today,
Designing the next training for everyone who is a part of the 12 Month Millionaire Mastermind.
In this group there are artists, leaders, entrepreneurs, change agents, creators, visionaries and people with a big message that they know that they’re born to impact the world with.
Everyone in this mastermind is committed to heightened levels of abundance in every way possible.
They’re also super committed and are digging deep into doing the work required to shift into a place where their life is barely recognisable.

In the next training in the mastermind,
I’ll be digging deep into how to shift to new levels of abundance,
Simply by serving your SOUL.

I’ll be sharing exactly how I have done this over the last few years,
To not only create a huge amount of financial abundance,
But abundance in every sense of the word.

If you would like to find out how to apply to be a part of the mastermind,
Then send me a private message ASAP,
And let me know:
“Regan I’m ready to accelerate my impact”
And we can chat about whether it is right for you.

If you’re ready to play at this level,
Impact at this level.
And receive at this level,
You already know…

So remember,
You absolutely can have it all,
If you commit to serving your soul.



I caught myself stuck in unconscious story yesterday.
I was buying a pack of cards and there were two packs that I really liked.
I stood there for about 5 minutes trying to weigh up which pack was best, which one I should get.
Then, after much consideration, internal debate and confusion,
It suddenly occurred to me:

Why was I even making myself choose?

Really - I could just get both.
They were roughly twenty dollars or so and regardless,
I LIKED them both and WANTED them both,
So why did my brain automatically default to telling myself that I could only have one or the other?

I see people do this all the time in their life,
And often it’s totally unconscious and automatic,
Exactly as it was for me in the shop yesterday.

I see people do this all the time in business especially.
They convince themselves,
With or without realising,
That they have to sacrifice one thing in order to gain success in another area.

For ages I battled specially in business with:
How do I dive deep into really spiritual work and consciousness,
But also continue to stay focused on my business and ensure that it continues to grow at a rapid speed?

And then it hit me:

And what’s even funnier,
Is that you will only reach massive levels of success in business IF you bring ALL of you to the table…

When I was reflecting on this earlier,
It occurred to me that once I decided to integrate success in business with a deep commitment to consciousness,
Something truly magical happened.

More ease
More flow
More trust
More joy
And much, MUCH bigger results in my business:

Here are five key things that I discovered whilst integrating consciousness with business in order to achieve massive levels of impact:

Generally if you’re in business,
You have pretty good idea as to who you want to work with.
Who your tribe is,
What makes them tick,
What they’re about.
How they’re internally wired.

One of the most common things I hear from people is that their “ideal” tribe or clients just aren’t showing up.

Pretty simply as to why:
You aren’t showing up.

You’re not showing up as the version of you that automatically magnetises them towards you.

You can only attract something or someone if you are vibing at the same frequency as it.

All of it.

The deeper you go into your own consciousness and your own journey,
The more that you commit to satisfying your soul and doing the things that serve your highest joy,
The more automatically you will manifest the things that you desire to attract.

If the things or people you desire to attract aren’t showing up,
There’s further internal integration to be done.
Whatever you think you have to choose between, you don’t have to,
You can have it all…


The leaders, the visionaries, the artists, the creators, the change agents, the heart centred entrepreneurs, the people who were put here to change the world:
If you haven’t got this already - I’m talking to you.

What you have within you matters.
It REALLY matters.
To the point where if you shut it off,
Not only will a part of your soul die,
Everything else in your life will continue to fade away also.

Stop kidding yourself that you’re not good enough
Stop kidding yourself that you can’t make money from your message
Stop kidding yourself that you can’t grow a multi million dollar empire just being you and showing up and sharing your gifts with the world.

I’m here to tell you,
You absolutely can.
If you’re waiting for a sign or maybe a little bit of permission,
Here it is.

Stop kidding yourself that you have to choose purpose or business.
Or that you have to choose your true message or success.
Or that you have to choose your passion or money.

Once you choose BOTH and integrate BOTH of those things,
THEN and ONLY then,
Is when shit will blow up for you.
You can have it all…

I used to think I had to work hard in order to achieve big results.
Probably couldn’t be further from the truth.

What I was really battling with was:
Thinking that I had to choose between ease, flow and trust OR creating massive success.

Once again,
When you’re aware and you look at this.

One of the biggest secrets to creating massive success IS choosing ease, flow and trust in ORDER to create massive success.

Surrendering to what is.
Surrendering to the message within you.
Surrendering to your purpose.
Surrendering to the divine plan that the world already has mapped out for you.
Surrendering to what your soul deeply desires,
And choosing to go BIG with this at the same time.

If you ignore this internal game,
If you choose to kid yourself that you’ll create success without diving deep into surrendering to consciousness,
You may get there,
But it’s going to be one hell of a long, hard road.

I know what I choose.
Surrender baby,
You can have it all…

So hopefully we’re all on the same page now,
That you don’t have to choose between being deeply conscious and committing to your own spiritual growth whilst going big and making millions of dollars.

However what you do need to know is that having both IS a choice,
And you have to choose having both,
Over and over and over and over and over again.
You have to choose to have both daily.

Locking it in,
Pushing your mind to see the vision,
Choosing to bring the higher version of yourself to the table,
Working through internal resistance that you have,
Shifting the internal shit that is apparently still holding you back,
And then taking massive aligned action from that space,
Knowing that living into deep conscious AND receiving millions is already done.

Then repeat.
Over and over and over again.

You see,
Even if you believe that you CAN be deeply conscious AND receive millions,
So many people forget to consciously choose this,
And constantly reaffirm this,
And constantly live into this space.

Or you can choose that you can’t have both,
That’s fine too:

You could make millions in a way where you kill your soul,
You could not make millions and just exist and be super spiritual.

You can have both.

I know what I choose.
You can have it all…

The biggest lesson that I learned on this journey,
And am reminded of daily is simple:
You can never fully see your own blindspots.

I don’t care how smart you are,
How intelligent you are,
How successful you are,
How conscious you are,
How committed you are,
How hard working you are,
How intuitive you are.

NONE of that matters right now,
Because as humans we just can’t see all of our own stuff,
Plain and simple.

This is why even the most phenomenal coaches have coaches and mentors,
People looking in from the outside,
People who are able to see patterns of information in the moment that you are unable to notice.

Over the past 12 months alone,
I have spent over $200,000 on coaching and development,
And every single cent was worth it.

This year will be no different.
I will continue to invest in myself and my own development,
Because I have a choice:
I can choose to pretend that I am able to do it all myself, and create a result in my life and business relative to that,
I can choose to be humble enough to know that I can’t see all of my own blindspots and invest in coaching to combat that, and as a result also choose massive success.

No idea why someone would try and figure it all out themselves,
No one is self made…
No one.
Everyone successful has eyes, ears and hands,
Helping them,
Every step of the way.

But remember,
You get to choose.
You can have it all…

Know that it’s okay to ask for what you want,
Take a look at where you are forcing yourself to choose,
When you really don’t have to…

This year,
I choose massive success,
I choose growing my businesses tenfold,
I choose impacting hundreds of thousands of people,
I choose authenticity,
I choose growth,
I choose play,
I choose surrender,
I choose ease, grace and flow,
I choose to love at a soul level,
I choose my highest joy,
I choose to explore,
I choose travel,
I choose to hang out with people who are changing the world,
I choose to deepen my work and my message even further,
I choose to be a millionaire spiritual gangster that travels the world, thinks differently and does dope shit…

What do you choose?

>>> P.S: For those of you who are choosing that what you have to say in this world matters,
Listen up.

If you know that you were born to impact millions and make millions,
If you know that you are ready to truly start creating from within,
If you know that you are committed to truly living life on your terms,
I have a choice for you to make.

I am running two Be Your Brand masterminds this year.
Both are over half full already.

In 2016 I ran 10 masterminds,
This year,
There are currently only 2 scheduled,
Due to my travel schedule that has already been booked out until mid this year.

One in Bali,
One in Hollywood.

Artists, creators, visionaries, heart centred entrepreneurs, leaders,
This mastermind is for you.

Three full days of digging deep and unleashing your true message that you were born to share with the world.
The days are broken into:
Developing your message and your brand
Launching and monetising your message
Accelerating and scaling your brand into a multi million dollar empire

It doesn’t matter whether you already have a powerful brand,
Or whether you’re just trying to figure out your message…

What matters is that you have a HEART,
You are driven by IMPACT,
And deep down you KNOW that you absolutely can have it all.

There is an application process,
>>> Just send me a private message ASAP if you know that you need to be at the mastermind.

I can’t wait to see what you will choose this year!
I encourage you to get both packs of cards…

Tag someone below who needs to read this,

And if you haven’t got this already:
You absolutely CAN have it all!

I love you,

Regan x