Sunday 29 January 2017

How To Rapidly Create Change In Your Life

You know what?

This new year is the Year of You.

best life coach

It’s the year of going after the things you thought were out of reach or impossible or took too much effort. It’s the year of getting clear with yourself.

This is massive wisdom, and it’s going to change your life: Everything in your future depends on what you do today.

You can’t sit with your coffee and wish someone would hand you the career of your dreams. You have to put yourself out there. I’m talking about change here–real, frickin eye-opening change. It comes when you align your dreams and desires with every step you take.

So what are you trying to change in your life RIGHT NOW that just isn’t shifting and growing and changing?
If you want to take your life and your business to the next level, you’ve got to get crystal, crystal clear on You and where You want to be.

1. Lock in exactly what you want the end result to be, in detail

Okay, you’d like more money, a bigger house, a private jet…more clients, brand-new marketing, and a devoted puppy, as well. How are you going to get those amazing things?

It starts with amazing effort. The kind of effort that requires sitting and asking yourself the hard questions.

Questions like, How much money would I be happy with this year? How much money would I be happy with this month? Where would I like my work to be shown? What does my ideal client look like? What does she value, what does she believe in? How does that align with my values and my beliefs?

The thing is, the more detail you’re willing to put into your dreams, the closer you’ll get to achieving your goals. An archer doesn’t just let an arrow fly, does she? No way!

2. Work through any resistance/blocks/limits keeping where you currently are

I get it. Sometimes it’s hard to get past your fears. You’ve been out in the world and you’ve hit some blocks. Some mornings you just want to crawl back in bed, because your dreams seem far off and you can’t muster the courage.

But you don’t have to get back in bed or hide from the world. That’s your fear talking. Your dreams are telling you something else. They’re telling you to take action. Are you going to let your fears limit how far you can go? I didn’t think so.

Here’s the thing:

Amazing things happen when you channel your energy toward the things you truly desire.
It may be hard to look your fears in the face, but it’s the first step, and everyone has to work through them. The key is to know–truly frickin KNOW–how powerful your vision can be. It’s everything. It’s why you were born. It’s every step you take.

Give yourself permission to step into the best version of YOU. Once you figure out what you want your life to look like, in massive, extra special detail, and then LOCK IT IN, you’re ready to work through your blocks.

If you believe in your core that change is hard, you won’t manifest the results you want. Keep in mind that change is intentional and it is REALLY important to change if you want to take your life and business to the NEXT level. A growth mindset actually boosts your professional and personal growth. ANY resistance you have to success or moving forward is a block.

I know lots of people who could list their blocks on demand.

If you don’t change your internal reality, you’re not going to change your external one.

What if you could reach every one of your goals if you just set those fears aside? Are you willing to stay where you are because of fear?

If you’re reading this blog, my guess is you’re not going to be content with listening to the resistance inside you. So I hope you make another list:

The Year of You list.

Write down the EXACT GOALS you have (to the last detail!) and all the ways you could reach your goals IF you gave yourself the chance. So you want to launch a new marketing campaign but you don’t know where to start and you’re afraid to ask for help? Write down where you want to be a month from now and why there’s NO OTHER OPTION but to take your business to the next level. Look at your list daily, and guide every action toward it. Make a banner and fly it from your window. Let people know who you are, because You are brilliant. What you have to give matters. Then go out and find people to help you achieve your goals.

3. Do whatever it takes to daily move towards the change you desire

My friend, you have to go all in. You have to be 100% committed. It doesn’t stop with figuring out the details and getting past the blocks. You have to take regular, daily action. It’s a choice, and you have to choose to make these changes. Even if you have one toe in your past life, you’re not going to shift forward. It’s black or white—either you’re in for a big life where you reach for your dreams, or you’re out. Even one toenail in the past is too much.

You can live a life where you actually CHOOSE to reach your goals. You can CREATE your reality and reach your wildest dreams.

If you want awesome things this year, you don’t have any time to lose.

Inspiration flows both ways. Check out my new video with the SUPER AWESOME Robyn, our head coach in Bali!

And remember to join my tribe so you don’t have to go at it alone!

Call to action: success hub

Regan x



The post How To Rapidly Create Change In Your Life appeared first on Regan Hillyer.

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