Thursday 29 December 2016

How To Rapidly Up-Level Your Mindset

Work from home

How do you achieve at a higher level? Manifest with more ease? Succeed in the NOW?


How do you tap into a higher version of yourself and pull out your core of what needs to be seen and heard with the world?


A lot of people talk about goal setting and getting clear on what they want, but not many of them talk about the absolute and utterly CRITICAL things you must do in order to manifest your true desired reality.


Let’s tap into a higher level of YOU so you can manifest at a rapid speed.



  1. Start by Locking in the Big Picture Reality Outcome. Get clear on what it is that YOU want!


So many people never get what they want. Not because they don’t deserve it, but because they’re not clear on what their highest goals are.

You have to actually step up and claim your truth by saying what it is!

Here’s the thing.

You have to remove any sense of How do I do that, or Am I good enough to do that, or What will people think. Do me a favor and set those questions aside. Because those are just filters on your Big Picture reality. And they don’t work toward your goals.

If you removed all those filters right now, what is it you actually desire?

So many people tell me, I want to be really successful and financially free, and I say, okay, cool, what does financial freedom look like to you? Almost always, they reply, I don’t know—just more. More money, more time, more freedom.

The problem is, people have amazing goals, but they don’t know what reaching those goals actually looks like. Is $100 enough to make you financially free? Is $10,000? Is $1,000,000?

You need to get clear on what you want in specific detail, and it has to be the Big Picture stuff first.

When you align your goals with your Big Picture, you’re telling the world what you really want. You’re not downplaying your goals because you’re afraid, or because it’s too hard. Downplaying your goals isn’t going to help them manifest any faster.

What I’d like you, my brilliant, amazing people, to remember is this: the world doesn’t work in incremental steps.

That’s why you see people blow up overnight, and that’s why you see people scaling their businesses really fast… because they’re not trying to build their business piece by piece: they’re locking in the Big Picture outcome first.

In the middle of that, you set smaller goals that work to get you there along the way, but if you don’t have your Big Picture stuff locked in, it’s just not going to manifest. Right?

After you’ve locked in that Big Picture vision, you need to ask yourself another question: Who do I have to become in order to create and manifest that reality? This is so key to up leveling your life.


  1. Step Into the Identity of Becoming A Higher Version of Yourself


It’s not about who you are right now. You could be anybody.

We are all capable of whatever we desire. At the end of the day, we’re all humans. The only difference between us is our mindset. It’s our identity. It’s who we are choosing to be and how we’re choosing to show up in the moment.

I see people all over the world—online, in business–creating their reality from a space of who they think they are now, not who they know they’re becoming.

Here’ s the difference: Right now, you may not feel successful. You may be a little bit fearful, you may be unsure.

If you go out and take action from that space, your goals are not going to manifest. It’s going to be an ultimate struggle, and struggle is not a great place to create from.

So ask yourself, who would I be if I was already at my Big Picture Vision, if everything was already done, and you were living into your success every single day? Who would you be?

What is the version of you that you know is locked inside of you somewhere?

Obviously, you’re still going to be YOU.

You’re still going to be in alignment with your ultimate goals, but what would this person who’s achieved the Big Picture vision be focusing on?

What would this version of you do every single day? What would this version of you believe? What would you tolerate? How would you invest in yourself?

Because what you’re committed to, what you believe in terms of life and success, in terms of creation and ease and flow, in terms of money—that’s what you will be manifesting in your life.

Why wouldn’t you want to manifest success? Why would you do anything that would take you outside of that Big Picture goal? That would be insanity.

This version of you is powerful beyond measure.

If you felt like a game changer, a leader, a visionary, wouldn’t you create your Big Picture reality faster and with more ease?

It’s YOU at a higher, more powerful, more accelerated, more incredible version of yourself. If you were to create from that space, do you think your results are going to be different?

You would say, “I’m someone that’s been put here to freaking change the world, and what I have to say is important, so Let’s Go.”

If you want to up-level your reality and reach your goals, you have to create from this space.


  1. Take Massive Aligned Action, Daily


A lot of people out there work really hard. I see people that are hustling and doing all this work, but so much of the time, it’s not actually aligned action, it does not work that’s going to bring in their Big Picture of reality even faster.

Why would you do that to yourself?

Once you’ve locked in that reality, once you’ve realized who you need to become internally, you need to take action on it. What action would you be taking to bring that Big Picture reality even closer into the Now?

If you stepped into becoming that higher, more powerful, more amazing version of yourself, what would that version of you do on a daily basis?

What would you commit to?

What are your non-negotiables, because This is So Seriously Freaking Important Right Now – that it gets done?

It’s very easy to get wrapped up in the negative thoughts of I don’t know how to do this, or I can’t possibly do this. But there’s always a way to do everything.

The higher version of yourself wouldn’t just give up on your goals, rather, you’d problem solve it. You’d get creative.

Don’t get stuck. Don’t buy into the current identity’s bullshit excuses. If you’re creating from the higher version of yourself, that person wouldn’t tolerate getting stuck.

The higher version of yourself wouldn’t just give up and say, “I don’t know how to do this.“

The higher version of yourself would say, “All right, this is what I need to do. Let’s go.”


Because the person you’re becoming is already living in a higher space and isn’t focusing on what can’t be done.

You can sit in your room and do affirmations until the cows come home, but if you don’t actually go out and change the game, then nothing’s going to change. So you need to take action that is aligned. And you need to do it daily.

If you get clear on your Big Picture reality, step into that higher version of YOU, and take aligned action, you will massively up level your mindset AND your life.

That’s what I want for you.

But only if you want it too?

Regan x


The post How To Rapidly Up-Level Your Mindset appeared first on Regan Hillyer.

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