Sunday 18 December 2016

How To Grow A Cult Tribe That Loves You

You know that thing you’re so, so passionate about?

That thing you think about allll the time – the one that sets your soul on fire?

executive coaching

I want you to be fearless in the pursuit of that…

Sooooo many people are out there are feeling unsatisfied, unfulfilled, feeling they have no clarity. They’re waiting for permission to be the fullest expression of themselves.

You know what? They’re waiting for you to SHOW UP with your unique vision.

I’m a big, massive BELIEVER in my tribe. You can have a vision for the world, but you’re only as powerful as the team you have around you.

You don’t need to save everyone or help everyone, but you want to tap into the people who align with you and your message. It’s essential to have a unique tribe that resonates with you.

Your tribe is a collective vision, an abundance of inspiration.

Imagine if this abundance were never tapped. There would never be a community of like-minded people inspired to make a change.

What are you waiting for??


  1. Get clear on the type of people you want in your tribe


Ask yourself, Why do you want to be successful? Why are you going to connect with people?

What value are you going to add to people’s lives?

People are looking for someone who has vision and the drive to make it happen. That’s why you have to recognize what your massive vision is for the world before you build your tribe. So ask yourself–

What does the world need to know RIGHT NOW? 

How are you specifically equipped to share that message?

People are inspired to join your tribe if they feel your vibe. (tweetable?)

Last time I checked, there’s no other version of you walking down the street. Everyone has personal successes. Everyone has failures.

You need to use that.

Once you tap into this and unlock your unique story, there’s no other competition.

Then ask yourself: What is the core emotional center of your unique tribe? If you’re clear on that, those are the people you will attract.

You want to make sure people in your tribe are aligned with your core values. How can they do this if YOU are not clear on your core values?

The more you show confidence in your message, the more clarity you have, the more you’ll figure out who your ideal tribe is.


  1. Have a clear and strong messaging to call those people in 


Once you get clear on your values and your ideal, unique tribe, how do you call them in?

If you’re clear on who you want to work with, and the results you’ll achieve together, those are the people who’ll show up for you.

The people who are committed to MASSIVE SUCCESS are the ones who show up in my tribe. I’m so clear on my message that others are filtered out. They just don’t show up.

Here’s the thing: It’s important to create a tribe identity.

It’s essential to ask yourself, Who are these people, and What are they about?

People will really quickly see whether they identify with your tribe or not. Maybe people have an idea and get your vision immediately — OR maybe they want to belong, because YOU are where they want to be.

Whatever the reason, your tribe is more than just a random group of people hanging out together because they’re following you as a leader!

You have to give members of your tribe a reason to shine. You know that saying, The more you give, the more you receive?

It’s True!

You want to figure out how to lead your tribe by showing them ways to solve a specific problem they have. You want to help in a way that only YOU can.

Social media is an amazing place to build your tribe. When you work at solving your tribe’s biggest problems, you do the research, get to know your ideal members and start connecting with them. Ask them what they want.

Then be crystal clear on what RESULTS you are going to get together.

The more you believe your message, the more you put it out there daily, the more you strategize about getting your message out, the more your tribe will be called to you.

Remember that your tribe is showing up on all the online platforms. Post often and daily.


  1. Be okay with polarizing people who aren’t your ideal tribe and repel them away from you


The way you make other people feel is going to be a really GREAT INDICATION of how strong your relationship is going to be.

Here’s the thing:

You don’t need to change WHO YOU ARE in order to please the tribe. You should be YOU, and allow the tribe to filter themselves.

You’ll notice that every time I post in the Success Hub, I’m constantly sending a very clear message that This is the community that’s committed to working on mindset and getting massive results.

I’m constantly layering in the identities of the tribe, and you know what?

That message acts as a filter for people.

Some people leave the tribe because they don’t identify with having it all. They don’t identify with massive success. And That’s OK.

When you give your tribe a clear message, there’s going to be a filter that says: You’re either in or you’re out. And while some people are filtering out, other people are getting more and more immersed, loving your vibe.

I have soooo many people telling me, Regan, I feel I can finally fit in somewhere. I love this tribe.

It’s such a simple thing, but it makes such a massive difference—if you’re clear on your message, you give others permission to be clear with you.

But you always want to keep the bigger picture in mind when you lead your tribe. You want to make sure your tribe is protected, and the environment is kick ass.

At the end of the day, you’re the sum of that environment. The sum of all the emotional, physical, financial stuff that’s flowing to you.

It’s essential to flourish and be nourished by the people surrounding you.

Business is like a relationship: you’re either attracted to someone, or you’re not. I would much prefer that if someone doesn’t love my vibe, to get out of my tribe.

So let me tell you something REALLY important:

I give you permission to unfriend someone in real life.

This isn’t necessarily an easy thing to do, but it’s crucial. There’s going to be people you sometimes don’t want in your environment, and you have the power to filter those people out so you know your tribe will be supportive.

Remember that your NETWORK equals YOUR NET WORTH.

Your tribe eventually joins your vision and helps move it forward into the world. If you put value and content out there, people on your list will show up and want to be part of your tribe and work with you further.

Make your tribe feel special and wanted in your environment. Your tribe needs to be a passion, not merely an idea. Loving it, making it exclusive, giving it extra attention, this is why you show up daily to give it your best.

Remember, you ABSOLUTELY can have it all.

Regan x


If you’d like to learn more about how to build a successful tribe, register for my next free web training right now –




The post How To Grow A Cult Tribe That Loves You appeared first on Regan Hillyer.

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