Wednesday 14 December 2016



I’m currently in the sky,

Somewhere between the USA and Korea.

As I sit here,

My heart is so filled with gratitude,

With appreciation,

With respect,

With pride,

And of course with joy.

But beyond that,

There is a fire in me that has been ignited,

After spending the last three days with these powerful women.

Something magical happens when 7 people show up at a table.

Something magical happens when each of those people are living into their purpose.

Honouring their truth.

Realising that what they have to say is important.

Choosing that they are okay to stand out from the rest.

Deciding to look all the fear and the resistance in the eye and act in spite of it.

Something magical happens when it all clicks for them too.

“Oh, there really is nothing more now.

We have all the pieces.

We know literally EVERYTHING that Regan has done in order to grow her brand online,

And EVERYTHING that she is currently doing right now.

From here it’s simply a choice to step into that higher version of me,

And change the freaking world at the same time.”

Every single one of these women are born to influence.

They’re born to shift consciousness.

They’re born to impact millions,

And make millions in the process.

And it has been so special for me to play a small part in their journey,

Over the last three days at the Be Your Brand Hollywood Mastermind.

Megan Gillespie - Thank you for leading with love. You pulled such a beautiful energy into the room. Calm, centred, and an abundance of love. The world is craving more of you and I’m so excited to see what you create from here…

Jenee Michelle - I’m so grateful that I was able to be with you when you fully shifted and stepped fully into your power. Thank you for choosing to live into your art, in multiple different ways. You know this is just the beginning for you…

Becka B. West - Thank you for trusting me, trusting timing and trusting alignment. It was such an honour to see everything click for you as you pieced together how simple all of this really is! I’m really excited to see you pour your greatness into the world from here, Really Rebecca…

Caitlin Cardoza - You’re such a boss. I love that you shifted and re-birthed in the room! Thank you for bringing such a strong sense of leadership into the room and for truly showing up just as you, in the most powerful way. Now is your time baby…

Kelli Stevens - Sister from another mister! Thank you for being brave enough to “go there” and to truly realise the gift that you have within you. Im so excited to see you impact the world from here, in such a big, badass way…

Cassandra Magdalena Jeans - You are such a gift! Thank you for constantly lifting everyone in the room up and pouring greatness into them. You connect with everyone on such a deep, soul level and I can’t wait to see you continue to shift the world’s consciousness from here…

Brenda Nevins - Thank you for showing up and deciding to step into the seat at the table that was waiting for YOU this whole time. I’m so incredibly proud of you and how willing you are to shift and elevate yourself in order to up level and impact at such a high level.

I love each and everyone of you with my whole heart, and beyond that, on a soul level.

You are each now part of the inner circle and this really is just the beginning of our journey.

Thank you all for showing up!

>>> P.S - Applications are now open for the 2017 Be Your Brand Masterminds in both Bali and Hollywood.

Three full days where we dive deep into the message that you were born to share with the world,

Then developing, laughing and accelerating a powerful personal brand in the process!

Allowing you to be set up to make millions and impact millions,

Literally from anywhere in the world,

As long as you have a laptop and an internet connection of course!

But beyond all of that,

This mastermind will throw you into the environment.

Being surrounded with such incredible change agents,

Thought leaders,

And influencers,

Will shift and up level you,

Just by osmosis.

(Secretly, THAT is my absolute favourite thing about these masterminds…)

If you know you need to be at the mastermind,

Send me a private message ASAP,

And I’ll let you know how to apply.


You ARE allowed to apply too!!

(In fact you’d be very smart if you did, given the percentage of beautiful women that are always in the room!!)

So remember,


You absolutely can have it all…

Regan x

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