You’re trying really hard, I know, I get it. But you, just can’t seem to get there, right?
I’ve seen it play out in all areas of your life.Self-Sabotage
You get SO CLOSE to that money goal, then SOMETHING happens.
You get SO CLOSE to sustaining that great relationship, then SOMETHING happens.
You get SO CLOSE to getting that body of yours in shape, then SOMETHING happens.

Then I can hear you saying “Why does nothing ever work out, I’m trying so hard!” Well, I have news for you and that “little poor me” voice going on inside your head right now.
You are a MASTER!
Yes, I mean it. You have totally and utterly MASTERED the art of SELF-SABOTAGE!!!!!
If I believed in formal education, I’d print out a certificate and give it to you right now and certify you as a Master Self-Saboteur.
In fact, you’re so good, you could probably go out into the world and train others at how to sabotage their dreams and desires too!
I know, I know you’re hating this and maybe it’s hitting a little too close to home…
But here’s the thing – there’s one thing you don’t know. There’s one thing you weren’t taught as a master self-saboteur and that is ‘how to work with your upper limit.’
You see, everyone have an unconscious upper limit, no matter who they are and what they are trying to achieve. It’s that limit where your unconscious mind gets a little bit freaked out (consciously you may not even be aware of this). Why? May you be asking? Why do I have this limit?
It’s pretty simple. That limit is your goal or level of success you are striving for. And on the other side of that limit, when you actually achieve that goal, there are a whole lot of unanswered questions. What’s going to happen when I get there?
What are my friends going to think of me if I’m not like them with this success?
My family, what will they think? What’s next? That goal’s so big, I don’t even know what I’d work towards after I hit this! And on and on and on and on. Layering all of those questions is always a huge fear of success. Clients come to me and tell me that they’re suffering from a fear of failure. Bullshit!
That’s another thing you’re a master at! You’ve been practicing failing your whole life! But success? What would REALLY happen if you were truly successful??? SO, my master self-sabotage.
How to put a stop to this and deal with this upper limit and that looming fear of success you are asking? It’s a big question, something that I cover in the Your Success Hub weekly training in great depth, but here are the basics. Firstly, be aware of when you start self-sabotaging. Secondly, create an upper, upper limit for yourself. You need to start showing your mind that there IS life after what it is perceiving to be death when you hit that insanely big goal!
Thirdly, work on resetting your limit and creating positive rewards for each step you take to overcome the self-sabotage and move closer to your goal. You can tear up that certificate now by the way. We’re done with that… Right?
And remember,
You CAN have it all – if you stop self-sabotaging now!
Regan Hillyer
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