I’ll say it again:
You ARE the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with.
And I don’t just mean financially (although that stands true!)
I mean on EVERY level:
Financially, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, energetically, in EVERY way.
And here’s the scary thing:
If you’re surrounded by negative people and you’re trying to just “block them out”,
Then good luck honey.
You LITERALLY become your environment by osmosis, whether you like it or not!
The smart thing to do would be to make some changes, right!

Which may seem obvious,
Yet, so many people avoid doing it completely,
Is to remove negative people from your life.
Oh but Regan, that’s hard.
What are they going to think?
How could I do that?
Some of them are family!
I hear you.
And I never said it would be easy.
But I did say that you need to do it.
You have two options as far as I’m concerned:
You can either hang around with negative, unsuccessful people,
You can be wildly successful,
You can’t do both.
You have to choose.
What do you choose?
Thought you’d say that!
Now get to work on removing those people!
The next thing you need to do (only once you’ve nailed step one!),
Is to start bringing IN some amazing, positive, successful people.
Because let’s be honest,
Now that some of you have completely removed all of the negative, unsuccessful people,
You don’t have anyone LEFT in your environment!
So let’s change that.
An amazing mentor of mine once told me,
If you’re the most successful, passionate, motivated person in your environment,
Then we have a problem,
A big problem,
You’re never going to grow.
Go and surround yourself with successful people who are playing a bigger game than you.
They’re out there.
Trust me.
And again, I didn’t say it would be easy!
It may involve some time, some money, even a plane ticket or two!
But it is CRUCIAL that you get into successful environments,
To hear more about how to completely change your environment and tap into becoming much more successful,
Tune into this live stream where I spend over 30 mins just on Q&A and give you a stack of environment TRUTHS and how to make epic changes, starting NOW.
And remember,
You absolutely can have it ALL!
Regan x
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