More money, more time, more freedom, more success…
Well I have news right now.
With how you’re thinking and how you’re acting you’re never going to get there.
I shouldn’t say never, because that’s not entirely true, as you always have a chance to grow and change. But one thing I know for sure is, if you don’t change your current thinking and your current behavior, you absolutely won’t get to where you want to be.
It sounds harsh, I know.
But right now deep down you’re scared.

You’re scared that whatever you have is going to go away.
You’re scared that if someone else succeeds it means that you can’t.
You’re scared there’s not enough.
How do I know?
When things happen, I see you panic. And I don’t mean panic as in loud, screaming and shouting.
I see panic through the small signs.
Your chest tightens, your breathing is a bit quicker and your eyes are darting around, as if searching and asking ‘what is going to happen?’
And it’s not an empowering place to sit in.
I know, because I used to sit there too.
Always worried that there wasn’t enough people, enough money, enough opportunities… The list went on…
And at one point, the scarcity became so big that it started to take over.
And the funniest thing was,
Well, it wasn’t funny at the time, but it is now…
The funniest thing was,
I ALWAYS used to talk about abundance!
Abundance this, abundance that, abundance blah blah BLAH!
“Focus on abundance and the rest will come” – I used to proudly post on my social media.
Yet deep down I was FREAKING OUT that I didn’t have enough abundance in my life and the good things that were flowing into my life, I was WORRIED that they were going to be taken away.
That’s a good one.
Simply put, I didn’t do it.
In fact, it used to freak me out.
Why would I work and collaborate with, or help someone that wasn’t going to have a direct instant impact on immediately increasing my abundance?
I mean, what’s the point?
No one was helping me from a collaborative space, so why should I?
OUCH – yes I can hear you thinking, “That’s awful, you’re a bad person!”
And honestly, I was.
When it came to this scarcity stuff.
It used to rule me.
Totally unconsciously, without me even realising at the time.
Then one day, I’ll never forget, I was sitting and pondering as to why I was constantly getting the same results in my life, nothing appeared to be shifting up.
I’ve always modelled people as I know that the fastest way to get from A – B is to find someone who’s already at your B point.
And I remember watching an online training about a group of (very successful) entrepreneurs and their ‘inner circle’.
In their inner circle they would always promote each other, lift each other up and collaborate. Purely just coming from a space in that moment of helping the other person achieve greatness.
And then it smacked me in the face.
This was what abundance was really about…
Or at least, this was scratching the surface of it at the time for me…
I so actively started focusing on the possibilities.
I started focusing what I could give instead of take.
I started focusing on being unattached from the outcome.
I started focusing on KNOWING there was enough.
Because there IS enough!!!
I mean, seriously. It’s like I needed something to drop on my head for me to realise this!!!!
How many people in the world are there right now?
How many opportunities are there in the world right now?
How much money is there in the world right now?
In fact, if we run out of money the governments will just PRINT MORE!!
And here I was worrying.
Worrying in my own little pretty head that I had to grab and beat others to it, in order to succeed.
How. Freaking. Stupid.
So back to you.
You’re never going to succeed,
If you continue to stay stuck in this mindset of scarcity, this mindset of lack.
Go out there are focus on abundance.
And I don’t mean do what I did and PRETEND to focus on abundance by putting meaningless quotes on your social media.
I mean actually LIVE abundantly.
Live it. Breathe it. Be it.
And remember,
You really CAN have it all – if you ditch your scarcity mindset.
Regan Hillyer
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