My pattern was evident: Start something, get confused or frustrated, then stop. Start something new. A bigger, better idea. Get confused, or frustrated, or both, then stop.
Over and over and over again.
I’m so grateful that my coach laughed at me, and so grateful that he then proceeded to share with me:
– why I had a complete lack of focus
– why nothing I set out to achieve really worked out
– why I seemed to hit a ‘level’ of success and then just sit there
– why I was getting so distracted
– why I felt so stuck
If you’re wondering what he shared with me, it was the ‘Power of the 80%’ and yes, all of you working through Your Success Hub weekly coaching, you know what I’m talking about!!
Once I learned the Power of the 80% it accelerated me MASSIVELY to where I wanted to be.
And I get SO much satisfaction teaching this, sharing this, and passing it on to people like you so YOU can get amazing results in your life.
Some of you are thinking, oh, you’re talking about spending 80% of your time on the 20% of things that get you leveraged results – Tim Ferris style. No. That’s not what I’m referring to – although that rule stands true! I’m talking about your PSYCHOLOGY vs. your STRATEGY. SO many people (me included when I was stuck and confused) spend 80% of their time focusing on the strategy, in whatever area of life they’re focusing on. How to get the body they want. How to build their business. How to attract their ideal partner… Yet here’s the catch. What if, I told you, that only 20% of your results come from the strategy you are using…. Don’t get me wrong, the strategy, the how to, the steps you take are important BUT, what about that other 80%? 80% of your results come from your psychology – your mindset – your unconscious. That inner mind wiring that clicks on almost automatically.
And here’s the golden question. How much time, energy and focus are you putting into growing, changing and fine tuning YOUR mindset???
I believe the 80/20 psychology vs. strategy rule really is one of the key secrets to success. Once you learn to master your psychology, you really can have it all, in any area of your life. As applying the 20% strategy is much more of a breeze once you have conditioned your mind to succeed. For those of you reading this who are already working with a coach, and are working DAILY on compounding your success mindset, I applaud you. For those of you who are now realizing “UHUH! – THAT’S where I’ve been going wrong” – Congratulations – I’ve just saved you from years of frustration (and coaches laughing at you) IF you actually go to work on conditioning your mind. If you are ready to accelerate your mindset for success, head on over to Success Hub and join the tribe. You can have instant access to my weekly success coaching where I help you rewire your unconscious limits, install new successful mindset strategies and break through what is currently holding you back from achieving what you want.
And don’t forget – yes you CAN become wildly successful, NOW. If you step up and put in the work!
Yours in success,
Regan Hillyer
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