You get 75% of the way through and then STOP, for whatever reason.

Maybe it gets too hard.
Maybe you’re distracted by shiny things,
Maybe it gets boring doing the same thing…
Regardless of the reason, you quit, stop and give up.
You’re an enthusiastic quitter, though – I’ll give you that.
Enthusiastic at the BEGINNING when it’s all new and exciting…
There’s a lot of negative focus in our society around people who quit.
It’s bad.
You’ll never make it. best life coach
Stick to doing just one thing.
Hah – I’d go crazy…
I’m here to challenge the status quo and say that maybe, just maybe by being a quitter, you don’t actually have a problem – you have a GIFT.
Your gift is being multi-talented and you get easily passionate and excited!
Hi there, meet miss multi-talented here, who for YEARS was told that she had to FOCUS and just do one thing, and do it well.
Why just one?
No WONDER I was getting so bored and stopping and doing something else?
Because I’m the girl that wants it all (and now has it all!)
And I’m here to tell you that you CAN have it all too!!
I was chatting about this to my beautiful friend Suzanne who is a millionaire, has THE biggest heart and is extremely successful in many different areas of life – and I loved what Suzanne called being multi-talented – She said: “Oh, you’re like me – you’re a SLASHER!”
Now at first I was a little concerned.
A slasher?
(If you’re a New Zealander you’ll know what slash or taking a slash means and if you don’t know, look up kiwi slang…)
Suzanne then went on to tell me it was the new term for being multi-talented.
You good at this SLASH this SLASH this SLASH this!
See – you’re a SLASHER!!! – She said proudly…
So my fellow slashers or multi-talented easily distracted by exciting things friends… I have good news for you:
You have a GIFT.
But you need to learn to harness that gift.
Here’s how I suggest you do that:
1. Get clear on how you’re spending your time.
Become aware of what you are spending your time and is it productive, or are you running around like an excited puppy chasing exciting opportunities?
2. Allocate time for exploring or looking into new ideas.
One of the worst things we multi-talented people do is beat ourselves up for exploring new exciting things because we have been told that we need to FOCUS!!!
And whilst yes, focusing is important, if you actually allocate time for exploring new things and ideas, you can stop feeling bad, because now it’s built into your plan.
3. Allocate time for the urgent things that you need to get done.
You know what I mean. All of the urgent, mundane, boring things that you NEED to get done in order for your business and your life to actually function.
Multi-talented people are good at brushing these things to the side whilst they are “so so busy” exploring new exciting things, and the basics and the vital things get left undone.
Don’t let these things slip and again, allocated the time and make them happen.
4. Define completion!
This is huge. When is that task or that project or that piece of content actually complete? If you don’t define what the completed state will look like, us multi-talented people tend to just keep going and going, coming up with new idea to “finish” it, when really it could have been done and dusted long ago…
5. Train yourself to eliminate distractions.
I know. Distractions are FUN! Often it’s talking to other interesting multi-talented people but if you don’t train yourself to eliminate distractions, you’ll find you’re not achieving what you desire. I know it sounds boring, but trust me, you’ll feel good when you actually get everything DONE that you need to that day and then you can go and multi-talent yourself away for the rest of the day!
SO my master quitter, you have a gift.
Focus on one thing? – Screw that, I’d literally die of boredom.
Yes, you can be multi-talented.
Yes, you can have MORE THAN ONE FOCUS.
And yes, you can have a lot of fun with it.
Cheers to all the multi-talented slashes out there!!!
And remember, you ABSOLUTELY can have it all – if you follow the 5 steps my slasher.
Regan x
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