You feel unmotivated, uninspired and quite frankly like you want to crawl up in a ball and hide from the world.
Firstly, give yourself a break.
When You Just Don’t Feel Like Doing The Work!
We’re all human.
We all feel like that from time to time and guess what, it’s normal.
However, is it okay to sit in that state for the entire day?
You know the answer.
Here’s how to deal with yourself on those days:
1. Acknowledge that you’re human
You’re not a robot with perfect emotions, so quit trying to be one!
Everyone has their up days and their down days, and the worst thing that you can do is to continually beat yourself for feeling the way you do, getting stuck in a place of guilt and shame.
I mean really – that’s not productive or beneficial to anyone, especially you!
2. Take small steps
The fastest way to kick your funk is not to rest, or sleep, or think about it, it is literally by taking action.
Like it or not, I promise you, if you get into action and start DOING things, soon enough, you would have shaken the mood away.
But start small. Ask yourself, what are the things that you need to get done daily, that you usually get done with a fair amount of ease.
Start there.
Stop procrastinating.
Stop over thinking.
And get into action.
It WILL help, I promise!
3. Do the things that you’re resisting
So by now, if you’ve started doing the small things, you’re most likely starting to feel a bit better!
But be aware, you can still slip back into that mood that didn’t serve you, so here’s what you need to do now to avoid that.
Make a list of all of the things that you are resisting doing right now, in your life and in your business.
It may be cleaning out your wardrobe, hiring a new assistant, replying to all of those emails that have remained unread for far too long, for example.
And then, you guessed it!
Hit as many things on that list as physically possible
Make it a game.
And trust me, you’re going to feel so damn good about yourself after conquering that list that you will turn around and say, what bad mood?
So those days, that you just don’t feel like doing the work, you don’t feel like showing up, and it feels much easier to hide from the world.
Remember – you have a choice.
You are in control.
No one makes you feel anything.
And you are perfectly capable of shaking that funk at any time!
So remember, you absolutely can have it ALL – if you show up daily, even when you don’t feel like it!
Regan x
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