I see you hiding.
I used to hide as well.
I’d burry myself under the insecurities and the doubt…

What will I look like?
What if I look STUPID?
Who wants to hear from me?
I don’t have much to say anyway.
And the scary part was, all of this was in my head and at the time, I was completely unaware of it.
It’s like my mind was on autopilot and I believed all of that stupidity to be true.
And now…
Now I just don’t care!
You’re going to hear my message whether you like it or not!
And if you don’t like it, delete it, turn it off, stop reading.
And the cool thing is.
It won’t phase me in the SLIGHTEST!
Because I know this:
If I speak my truth, and allow my voice to be heard and if I share whatever message I have at the moment, someone, just ONE person possibly, may need to hear what I have to say.
It may lift someone up.
It may teach someone something.
It may open someone’s mind to what’s possible.
And that’s enough to keep me going in a space where I genuinely couldn’t care less about what people think about me anymore.
But let’s talk about YOU.
Why are you hiding?
When did you decide to hide?
When did you decide to play small?
When did you decide that you don’t have anything valuable to add to this world?
Here’s one thing I know for sure.
You need to CUT THIS OUT right now!!!
What if I told you that you are unique, brilliant, talented, unlike any person walking on this planet right now.
What if I told you that you had greatness within you and a unique story that is more powerful than you know.
What if I told you that the world is WAITING ON YOU to STEP UP and actually make an impact.
What if I told you that you had everything you need within you to succeed, if only you would work on removing your own limits and conditioning your mindset.
What if I told you that you time is now. And if you don’t take action right now, this moment will be gone forever.
Hiding doesn’t serve you.
In fact, it’s selfish playing small.
Wrapped up in your own head just hanging out with your own silly fears and insecurities…
That’s no fun for anyone.
Recently I posted a short video on my Facebook, challenging people to step up, to stop hiding and to post a little video with them just being themselves.
I challenged people to step up and out and allow themselves to be seen.
Which yes, means facing judgement.
Which means facing your own fears.
Which means allowing yourself to stand up for what you believe it.
And i was FLOODED with messages.
“Regan, thank you. I realised I have been playing small. I have been hiding. What am I so afraid of? I can’t believe all of these stories were just in my own head…”
The messages kept coming.
And a few people stepped up.
And for those of you who did, who posted a vulnerable video of them, just, being them… I am SO proud of you.
And now it’s your turn.
I challenge YOU to stand up.
Step up.
Be you.
Share your voice.
I challenge you to post a video on facebook about something you believe in, in your business or in your life and share it to my Facebook page so I can see it.
You can just keep hiding and keep playing small.
You choose!
Remember, you can have it all – but only if you stop hiding.
Regan Hillyer
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