I met an amazing woman the other night…
She was the type of woman that I tend to work with:
She had built an empire but was struggling to take it to the next level which for her was, building out her business online.
Showing up, making money and making an impact online is what I’m ALL about so being curious, I dug a little deeper…
After getting past the excuses and the living beliefs, the core of what was holding her back was, content. Or, creating content more to the point.
“It’s a chore” – she told me.

“I get stuck, I don’t know what to write or film or create and then I just end up doing nothing.”
Let’s get real here.
If you want to make it online, and I mean REALLY make it online (we’re talking 7 figures and beyond) you must be a content MACHINE!
Now, not everyone is born a content machine. In fact, most people aren’t. But here’s what I know for sure. It’s a skill. It can be learned. And nothing turns you into a content machine faster than practise practise practise.
I asked this powerful woman, “How often are you showing up and creating content right now?”
The answer.. not often, maybe one a week, she would “force” herself to, but it was painful and often she didn’t end up creating anything of any substance.
And there lies lesson number one.
If you truly want a successful online business you need to be showing up DAILY and creating content DAILY.
I’m not just talking about creating blogs or Facebook posts daily (although you can do that), I’m talking about any type of content.
Content for your blog,
content for social media,
paid content,
free content,
content for existing clients,
content that you just create because it feels right and you may or may not use it.
Because here’s the thing.
It’s not actually about the content.
It’s about CREATING it.
And it’s about getting into a ritual of becoming a content creating MACHINE that creates a day in and day out regardless of what’s going on.
Because when you train yourself to create daily content without fail, some of it may be great, some of it you may not love but, I promise you this; If you continue to show up and create, your best work WILL eventually come out.
And here’s the coolest thing. My tribe often ask me, Regan’s what the number one most important thing that I should be doing in my online business that will make me the most money and has the biggest impact?
You guessed it.
Free content, paid content, the works.
I ask myself every single day: What can I do today that is going to create the most money and the most impact on my business?
And the answer is the same every single day:
Write, speak and coach.
ALL of the above which results in creating content in one way or the other.
So if we were to refine my answer, it would literally be that creating content is the number one most important thing.
If you’re like this amazing lady that I met and it really is a struggle AND (be honest here) if you are not just being lazy, and content really is that difficult to get out, I would suggest that you are simply out of alignment with your core message.
I mean, there’s no way I’d want to create content every day on politics, or hairdressing or cars (to name a few random examples) – because I ain’t passionate about that stuff!
But when you can kick yourself into alignment (or I kick you into alignment) and you end up creating content about what you are truly passionate about, you really just end up sharing your beliefs, fears, frustrations, knowledge and feelings with the world.
And THAT turns into powerful content that attracts your true tribe of people who you want to work with.
What was that you said?
You’re worried that you’re going to RUN OUT of content?
Let’s cut that limiting belief off at the chase….
Just to be clear, last time I checked, there is an infinite amount of you. And you have an infinite amount of thoughts. And last time I checked, those thoughts aren’t going to run out.
In fact, if you tried to write or speak about all of your thoughts every single day you’d go crazy. You just couldn’t – there are too many of them!
So my challenge for you is to simply take ONE of those infinite thoughts each day (yes, just one) and turn it into content that you pull out of your head and put into a blog post, a video, a training, a periscope etc…
So, once you have fixed your alignment issue (or maybe your I’m just too damn lazy issue) you will realise right now that you truly are a content machine.
And trust me – once it CLICKS for you that you can create unlimited content, share your thoughts and your beliefs with the world, work with insanely cool people AND create a legacy in the process, I don’t think you’ll be having any more content challenges.
Keep going content machine, you’ve got this…
And remember you absolutely can have it all – if you become a content machine!
Regan Hillyer
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