Some time, some capital, a strategy, a vision, a voice… The list goes on.
And, they’re right – all of those things are important.

However, there’s ONE thing that so many people miss.
This is the thing that will launch your business.
This is the thing that will accelerate your business.
This is the thing that will sustain your business over time.
Are you ready?
Drumroll please…!
The ONE thing that so many people don’t realise you need is:
If I take a good look at anything I’ve succeeded within the business the relationship capital has always been strong.
People say that your network equals your net worth and guess what, they’re right!
What if I told you, that you’re only as powerful as the relationships you form and your business will only last as long as you can maintain those relationships for!
Would you be a little bit more interested in relationship capital then???
I can hear you already…
“But Regan, it’s EASY for you – you have a lot of relationship capital!”
Yes, yes I do now, but, let’s quit talking like that right now because I wasn’t born with all of the relationship capital that I have now, I worked hard to CREATE it!
And you can too.
If you are starting to get how crucial relationship capital is in your business and you’d like to create little bit more of it in your life, here’s what I’d recommend you do:
1. Get into new environments.
So often I hear people saying, ‘I’ve spoken to everyone in my network’ or, ‘I find it hard to meet new people’.
Well, firstly you need to cut out that self-talk chatter because THAT’S not serving you!
Instead, put your time, energy and focus on getting into new environments and meeting new people.
Online, offline, in space, it doesn’t matter, as long as you’re constantly getting into new circles of people.
Once you are there you need to:
2. Build rapport with people.
Connecting is everything. In fact, I could run a week long course just on building rapport and creating connections myself.
Remember, people like people like themselves – and I’m not suggesting that you be someone else, but instead, learn how to click into their world so they understand you, communicate better with you and most importantly, want to be around you.
Once you’ve established a high level of rapport with someone I recommend that you:
3. Focus on THEM!
Seriously – people don’t want to hear what you ate for dinner last night and in fact, they really just done care that much!
But here’s what I know:
People DO love taking about THEMSELVES!
We live in a world where everyone’s trying to talk all at once and prove themselves, but when you take a minute to ask someone about them and LISTEN to what they’re about, you’ll find that most people are craving to be heard.
Let them share their voice and their message. Listen to them. Focus on them and the relationship will really be solidified here.
Then in order to REALLY lock in this new relationship capital:
4. Work out how to give first.
So many people these days are focused on what’s in it for them, how they are going to benefit and what they can get out of a relationship or partnership.
Let’s flip that mindset completely and work out how after focusing on the other person, GIVE to them.
Learn to give first without any expectation of receiving anything in return.
Now that is truly when the magic of building deep relationship capital really happens.
5. Nurture relationship over time
How many people have you met, who you could be adding value to, or vice versa, but for some reason you lost touch or aren’t actively involved with each other’s lives anymore?
Lots – I’m sure!
In my eyes, there is no point going out and building relationship capital if you are not willing to work at sustaining it!
You need to be nurturing the relationships over time.
Relationship capital takes WORK.
It takes the effort to keep giving to people and keep the relationship fresh.
But trust me, this is quite possibly the most important step as really steps 1-4 are pointless if you don’t sustain the relationship capital over time…
So my challenge for you is to quit just reading these posts and start APPLYING it!
How many people can you meet or connect with today?
Who can you give to without expectation?
And remember, you absolutely can have it all – if you work on building your relationship capital!
Regan Hillyer
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