Monday 5 June 2017



One of my client recently asked me,
What is it that fuels you?
What continuously drives you to the next level?”

And the answer was simple:

“I’m obsessed.”
I shared with them bluntly.

Obsessed with what though?
What’s really at the core of it?”

I shook my head.

I’m obsessed with two things that lie under the surface of everything I manifest in my life.
These two things are directly linked to all of my results,
And these are the two things that truly allow me to live the life I live…”

My amazing client replied eagerly,
Grabbing a pen to write them down.

“Firstly, I’m obsessed with growing.”

Your business?”

I replied.

Becoming more on a daily basis.
Expanding into the next version of me daily.
Increasing my ability to be a container and hold what is coming through me daily.

But here’s the difference between me and most people,”
I replied to her.

“Most people enjoy growing,
They’re committed to growing,
They clear time for their own growth,
Which is great.
But with me,
I can’t NOT grow.
If I go a day without pouring into my own growth,
I feel stuck,
It’s like a hunger deep within my belly,
A continuous craving that NEEDS to be satisfied,
It really is the core essence of my being.”

“Got it,”
My client replied.

Then she asked:
“Can others tap into this obsession,
Or is it like a gift or something?”

I smiled,
“Sometimes I feel like it’s a curse!
Some days I’m tired or can’t be bothered,
But I know that I need to satisfy the obsession,
For my soul…

However yes,
Others can tap into this obsession,
It really is just a choice,
And once you create an unconscious habit of being obsessed with growth,
You’ll get addicted to the results in your life that you manifest,
And you’ll really naturally get obsessed with wanting to create more of that,
By continuing to obsess over your own growth.”

“So cool…”,
She replied.

“So tell me about the second obsession then,
What’s that all about?”

I replied.

“This is extremely powerful,
If you really do want to create change in the world and help other people,
But it requires a certain level of maturity, commitment, and an abundance mindset.”

I could see the hunger in my clients eyes to hear and understand it…

“So here’s the thing.
If you truly become obsessed with your own growth,
And you dive deep into that vibration,
You WILL shift and change your whole life,
You can’t not.
But if you don’t lock in this second obsession,
You can end up living a rather unfulfilled life,
And it can actually become pretty lonely,
And also,
It can begin to feel a little bit empty and meaningless.”

She nodded.

“So here’s the key.
Once you have mastered being obsessed with your own growth,
The secret is to then get obsessed with giving your growth away.”

My client titled her head and continued to listen.

“You see,
For your life to have true meaning and purpose,
You come to a point where you realise,
That none of it is really about you.
In fact,
Your growth doesn’t belong to you.
Your breakthrough doesn’t belong to you.
Your lessons don’t belong to you.
Your success doesn’t belong to you.
Your evolution doesn’t belong to you.

However ALL of that belongs to the person that you touch,
And inspire
THROUGH your own growth.

I mean really,
What’s the point on going on this journey alone,
And completely changing your life,
And being alone in the process?

The key,
My love,
Is to get completely and utterly obsessed with helping OTHERS,
By giving away the results of your own obsession with your own growth.

THAT is when you will wake up,
And truly feel full.
Truly feeling like your life has meanting,
And KNOW that you really are changing the world.”

I sat back as I saw something shift deep within my client,
And she grounded and embedded the new perspective…

If you are reading this,
And you follow me,
Chances are,
That you are ALREADY obsessed with your own growth,
That’s probably a given!

If you are ready to ground deeply into the next obsession,
And truly make a massive impact in this world,
Becoming obsessed with giving away the results of your obsession with your growth,
Then keep reading.

If you are someone who is ALREADY obsessed with shifting and helping others,
But you know that there is so much more,
And you know hat you are ready to shift to that next level of impact and contribution,
Then keep reading.

I am running my Coach The Coach Laser Coaching Program.
I run this once a year.
It starts tomorrow.

This is weekly private group coaching where I literally teach you everything I know when it comes to being a brilliant coach, laser coaching, and ENSURING that your clients get results, fast.

What we are covering off includes:
- The Full Laser Coaching System
- How To Get Your Clients Rapid Results
- How To Breakthrough Their Blocks and Limits
- How To Lead Them To The Strategy
- How To Lead Them To Self Discovery
- How To Create Specific Coaching Tasks and Mindset Work For Your Client
- How To Go Really Deep, Really Fast
- Ensuring You're Taking A Holistic Approach To Coaching
- Being The Best Coach Possible
- Looking into who YOU need to become in order to accelerate your clients results
- And Much, Much More...

And one of the coolest things is;
>>> Once you have completed the training, you are then a certified laser coach with Regan Hillyer International and have the opportunity to become a part of our coaching team in the future, if you desire!

This is perfect for you if you’re already a coach looking to take your results to the next level.

This is also perfect if you’re just starting out and you KNOW that you’re ready to make a bigger impact in the world by helping others!

If this is CALLING you and you know you need to apply, here's what you need to do:
>>> Comment below with “I’M OBSESSED” and we’ll get all of the details out to you with how to apply.


Everyone already enrolled in the program,
Is absolutely grounded in the two obsessions that I talked about!

It’s going to be fun…

See you all that have been accepted into the program,
On the live training tomorrow!

So remember,
You absolutely can have it all…

Sending you love from Ibiza,
Regan x

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