Friday 16 September 2016



If you are serious about massively accelerating your results,

Then throwing yourself in the deep end is the ONLY way to do it.

One of the fastest ways that I’ve found to accelerate success,

Is through an environment.

If you are not immersing yourself into an environment that no only excites you,

But also scares the hell out of you,

Then you can be guaranteed of one thing:

You are slowing down your results drastically.

Time after time after time after time,

I throw myself into high-level environments,

Environments where I feel WAY out of my depth,

Environments where I feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable,

Environments where I KNOW that they will push me to the next level.

But at the core of who I am,

They are environments that I know that I need to be immersed in.

Here’s the cycle I go through every time:

Okay, I know that I need to up level my environment,

I find the right people to do that with (people who have the results that I desire)

I commit a huge amount of time and money (and often travel) to getting amongst their environment.

I get there.

I feel super uncomfortable.

And then I feel the shift,

As my mindset eventually catches up, puts the pieces together, and I quickly start absorbing what I need to learn from the environment.

Then I massively up level my results, once again.

And more often than not,

The people in the environment that I was so scared to step into,

Become my extremely close friends.

And then I press repeat and continue to up a level.

So my question is for you right now:

What are you currently doing to up-level your environment?

What environments are you throwing yourself into where you are there in person to live it and feel it and breathe the energy?

What are situations or environments are you committing to that you know will take you to the next level right now?

Okay - that was three questions, not one,

But each of those questions is vitally important,

If you want to massively up level your success,

With rapid speed.

Recently I was asked to expand my environment even more.

One of my amazing private clients asked to spend some private time with me,

One on one,

Fully immersed in my day to day environment,

So that she could really see behind the scenes of what it took to create success,

Every single day.

After having her in that space with me,

I had more people asking if they could do that too!

So they were able to see it all;

The mindsets,

The continuous mindset work,

The monetization,

The team management,

The income tracking,

The content creation,

The energetic space that is created,

The visioning,

The problem solving,

The wine (let's be honest now)

And everything else that comes into a full day of running a multi-million dollar empire.

And that is how the VIP Shadow day was born!

Allowing the people who are ready,

To fully immerse them into an extremely high-level environment,

And literally see it ALL,

Completely raw and real and behind the scenes.

If you KNOW that you are ready for this level of full immersion,

To rapidly accelerate your results,

You need to send me a message ASAP,

To find out how to apply.

It doesn’t matter what stage you are at right now,

All that matters is that you’re HUNGRY,

And you KNOW deep down that you NEED to be there.

I have multiple VIP Shadow Days running all over the world,

Over the next few months.

Over half of them have already been secured

(SO excited for you guys!!)

You and me,

One on one,

With you shadowing me for a full day,

And then a VIP dinner at the end,

Where we get to chat about everything,

Run through how YOU apply it all to generate results right now,

And lock in that higher level of mindset for you!

Send me a private message ASAP to apply for a 1:1 VIP Shadow Day!

And remember,

You absolutely CAN have it all…

Regan x

Photo: Caroline Tran Photographer

Makeup: Lillian Toma

Sponsor: MAC Cosmetics

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