Sunday 11 September 2016


I was doing an interview the other day and I got asked an interesting question:
“Regan, what continues to drive you forward?
I mean, you’ve achieved so much at a young age,
And you’re obviously not DONE,
So what is it that keeps you going?”

It was such a great question,
Which could have had a magnitude of answers:
Higher levels of freedom,
Having a bigger impact in this world,
Legacy creation,
Being able to contribute at a higher level…

Although, I paused before I answered the question,
Because I realized the answer actually wasn’t any of those things.

Those are all outcomes,
Results of continuously driving forward,
Striving to achieve more,
To be more,
To give more.

But if we look at what is really underneath it all,
What is actually CREATING those outcomes,
It’s a particular mindset,
And possibly not the standard one that you’re expecting.

It’s not just a mindset of resilience,
Or one of persistence,
Or sheer determination,
There’s something so much deeper than that.

When I really stopped and thought about it,
The mindset that really underpins it all,
Is an energetic state.

An energetic state of being exceedingly grateful for EVERYTHING in my life,
But at the same time,
Being exceedingly unsatisfied at the same time.

Now you might say,
Those two energies can’t co-exist…

They absolutely can.

And for me,
They’re layered.
It’s a deep energetic mindset that although it has always been within me to a certain extent,
I have certainly consciously conditioned and tapped into this more and more over the years.

When you truly understand gratitude,
You’ll understand it’s power,
And also understand how you will never receive anything more in your life,
Until you are deeply grateful for EVERYTHING that you currently have.

But at the same time,
When you’re connecting with a powerful big vision,
On a daily basis,
The yearning for more just can’t be kicked.

Simply because you know how much more is out there,
You know how much more you could be,
And you know how much more of an impact you could be having,
If you were to play a bigger game.

This is just one example of a high-level mindset that I tap into on a daily basis,
To drastically accelerate my results throughout my life.

If you KNOW that you need to be immersed into mindsets like this,
First hand,
Right now,
Then listen up:

Over the next few months,
I am holding a series of VIP Shadow Days.

These are full days,
One on one,
You and me,
Where you literally get to shadow me all day,
And see it ALL.

From the mindset work,
To the income tracking,
To the running of a multi-million dollar empire,
To team management,
To visioning,
To problem solving (yes there are always challenges)
To the lifestyle,
To the constant up leveling of energy and mindset,
You get to experience it all first hand.

In true VIP style of course!

I am running a series of these days throughout the world,
Over 50% of the have already been secured.

If you KNOW that you are ready for this level of immersion,
And first-hand learning experience,
To accelerate your own mindset, life, and your business,
Then send me a message ASAP to find out how to apply.

So remember,
You absolutely CAN have it all,
If you tap into mindsets that will accelerate your forward…

Regan x

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