Thursday 28 July 2016



When I first started in business at the ripe old age of 18,
(And I mean seriously started, beyond small kid “ventures”),
I thought I had to be something I wasn’t.
I thought I had to be older,
More serious,
More something.

And after making those decisions,
I started to morph into, that.

Then when I started speaking and coaching,
It got even worse.
All of a sudden I realised that people were looking up to me,
Following me,
Buying from me personally.

And SURELY I wasn’t good enough,
To just show up as me,
So I made some more decisions:

I need to be more professional,
I can’t be silly - definitely don’t be silly,
I need to dress a certain way,
And I need people to take me seriously,
I AM serious about this.

And piece by piece,
I shut off parts of myself.

The silly part,
The fun part,
The part who deep down wants to be seen and heard,
The part who wants to perform,
The slightly dorky part,
The part who won beauty pageants and was a professional model,
Because I was a COACH now,
And coaches don’t “do” that.

I hid all of my modelling photos that were on Facebook,
Removed the images of me drumming in various bands,
Ensured that I always had makeup on when shooting a video,
And if caught in a moment of hysterical laughter,
That certainly wasn’t see anywhere publicly,
Because hey,
I might look silly…

And piece by piece,
Moment by moment,
I began to fade away.

On the outside it looked glamorous,
And people envied my life.

But on the inside,
Something was missing,
Something wasn’t stacking up,
Something didn’t make sense.

And as my “success” increased,
I continued to die inside,
Getting further and further away from who I was at my core.

And one day I snapped.
I remember it so clearly.
I was in Bali on a 3 week holiday,
Before I lived location free.

And having a chance to stop and take a look from the inside out,
It hit me.

What the hell was I doing?

I was standing there talking about truth,
About authenticity,
About self love,
About how powerful people are,

Yet I was standing there completely unauthentically,
Hiding myself away from the world.

And in that moment I made a decision.
A decision to bring ALL of me to the table.
The good,
The not so good,
The goofy,
The sexy,
The fun,
The geeky,
The ranty,
The composed,
The serious,
The down right stupid,
And more.

I made a decision that I would start showing up as ME,
And not in a cliche way,
I mean the word ME with total depth.
Total commitment,
Total sincerity.

And it wasn’t easy,
In fact,
It scared me shitless,
And often still does.

But I choose to push through,
I choose to ditch the filters,
And ditch the social norms,
And ditch the opinions of others,
Ditch with is considered is right,
Or wrong,
Or not the correct way to do something…

Now when I shifted,
Everything shifted.
My impact,
My income,
My visibility,
My business,
And most importantly,
My happiness.

Although it can be scary,
Or awkward,
Or hard to stand in your own light,
TRUST ME when I say,
That there is honestly no better feeling,
Than going to bed every night,
KNOWING that you are operating daily from a space of pure TRUTH!

And guess what,
The quest never stops…
As you evolve,
If you are committed to showing up in your truth,
You will constantly push yourself to go deeper and deeper, and deeper.

This is the exact work that I do with my private clients,
Helping them TRULY step into the core of who they are,
And again,
It’s not easy,
And it’s a journey,
But one that is worth it over and over.

Working with my clients privately 1:1,
We dig deep into their authentic core and face some very honest truths,
About exactly what it is that they are dying to unleash into the world,
Whilst working at the parts of themselves that have blocked this,
Or have stopped them shining in the past,
As the star that they were born to be.

>>> I currently have one place to work with me privately opening up at the end of this week.
Yes it is intense.
Yes we talk daily.
Yes you're right, there is no room to hide.
Yes it is super high level.

If you know you are ready to shift to this level,
Then send me a private message ASAP to find out how to apply.

So please remember,
You absolutely CAN have it all,
If you bring ALL of you to the table…

Regan x

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