Saturday 9 July 2016


If you don’t have people who disagree with you, are polarised by you or who even hate you, you’re not making enough noise.

Now, before I go any further,
I’m going to share some raw and real stories from the last WEEK that have happened in my life,
This is NOT a “poor me” post.
And please,
No “poor me” comments!

Because to be quite honest,
I couldn’t care less about what these people think about me,
And I actually like the fact that I polarise then,
Because they’re not the kind of people I want in my life...

This post is for all of the people who feel like they DO still care a little about what people think,
It’s for the people who struggle with haters,
And feel like they don’t fit in,
Or people don’t get them,
Or they have people that pull them down in their environment.

This message,
Is for you,
To give you strength.

So - I’ve had an INFLUX of haters in the last week,
People who literally can’t STAND to see me living the life I live,
So much so that it causes them to publicly write stupid things on my posts,
And tag their other (awesome) friends into the posts,
So that they can “gang up”,
And slam me also.

In the last week I’ve literally had it all:

Accusations that I “can’t be making the amount of money I say I make” because that’s “just ridiculous”,
Yes it is,
Ridiculous for you,
Because you’ll never see that much money in a year,
Let alone in a month…

Accusations that my relationship with Leigh is “fake”,
Whist writing snarky comments like “life goals” on a photo of us both.
And yes,
I would recommend that an amazing relationship with your soulmate should be one of your life goals,
So maybe you should write it on your own profile not on mine…

Accusations that my body is “photoshopped” in all of my photos.
I can see how you would think that,
I mean,
You have probably never been with a woman with half the body I have so,
I get it,
You don’t know what it looks like.

Accusations on a recent post (about a scam artist I came across),
That it takes one to know one,
Because I am a scam artist apparently.
Should add that to my CV
Wait, do scam artists have CVs?
I’ll add it in ASAP….

Accusations on a photo of our villa in Bali that I take photos of hotels claiming that they’re mine.
Okay - not even going to argue against the stupidity of that lol…

And last but not least,
Wait for it...
Accusations that my hair is fake.
Pull it,
I dare you.
You'd think if I was wearing a wig that I’d at least get one that covered my whole head - I seemed to have missed a side???

All of this was within the last 7 days!

Most of the comments have been deleted, (I think!)
And the people have been blocked,
Because I don’t tolerate that shit in my environment.

What amuses me the most,
Is that if I frustrate you THIS much,
Why do you continue to watch?

OOOOHHHH — I get it.

It’s because deep down,
You’re exceedingly insecure, unhappy and unfulfilled with your OWN life.

SO - just like a 5 year old does,
You’re mean to someone,

I get it now ;)

So for all of you who follow me,
Or know me personally,
Who watch me stand loudly in my message daily,
For all of you who are shocked by this post,
Because you don’t think I deal with people or comments like that,


Especially in the last week.

I'm just super fast at hitting the delete and block buttons!

And the sad thing is,
Most of these people are from my childhood,
They’re people I grew up with,
Went to school with,
And hung out with as a teenager.

Goes to show - you grow out of your environment huh?
And you HAVE to keep a tight lid on your environment if you truly want to be successful.
AND, you have to be BRUTAL about removing the shit from your life.

If you truly want to elevate your success,
You can’t have one toe in a circle of people like this.

And even for myself,
Someone who considers that their environment is extremely “clean” and filled with amazing people doing extraordinary things in this world,
It STILL manages to creep in.

So to everyone who can’t handle my life,
My success,
My have it all on my terms mentality,
You’re blocked,
You go and live your life,
And I’ll go and live mine,

And to everyone who has had to deal with negative people,
On any scale,
Bless and release,
Keep your environment clean.

People are either 100% in or 100% out,
And you have to be the one who is in control of your environment.

Now excuse me,
While I go and continue to travel the world in VIP style,
Impacting people all over the globe,
With my soulmate hunk of a fiancé by my side,
Earning multiple millions of dollars,
With a six pack,
And having a HELL of a good time a long the way!

Who’s coming with me???

Remember, you absolutely can have it all,
Regardless of what anyone else says!

Regan x

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