Saturday 9 July 2016


You were born to shine
You were born to lead
You were born to stand out.

Which also means, yes,

You were born to polarise people,
To irritate some people,
To piss some people off with that bright light of yours.

But you don’t care,
You’re not phased,
In fact, you don’t blink an eyelid,
You wouldn’t give the naysayers the satisfaction.

Because your light is so bright,
And your heart beats so loud,
And your soul is so vibrant,
And your purpose pulsates so strong,
That if it is not unleashed,
It boils up inside,
It bottles up,
And you’ve learned,
That you MUST unleash it.

What you have to say is important.
What you believe is important.
You were given a voice for a reason,
Now go and use it honey!

I can’t hear you?

Your voice has purpose.
Your voice has meaning.
And you were given your voice to impact millions…

But you already KNOW that.

Now you feel like you’re showing off.
I mean really, who are YOU to really have it ALL,
On your terms,
Exactly as you please,
RIGHT now?

And that’s when you know,
It’s time to shift your environment.

It’s time to shift further amongst people who lift you up,
Who keep you accountable,
People who adore your light,
People who notice when you stop showing off
And CALL you on it,
Because they understand that that’s a sign of playing small.
The CALL you out when you’re hiding.
They CALL you out when you let fear get in the way,
They CALL you out when you slip into an old identity.

An identity from the past,
An identity who feels comfortable,
An identity who fits in,
An identity who chooses not to put themselves out there.

But that identity is DONE.
It’s gone,
It’s banished,
It’s released,
It’s over.

Because you have called in your greatness,
And you have stepped up and into the next level.

And you have accepted that you won’t always feel like you belong,
And you won’t always feel like you fit in,
And you won’t always please everyone,
And you may be laughed at, ridiculed or mocked for standing in your light,
And you are willing to be misunderstood,
And you are willing to be judged,
And you are willing to sometimes stand alone,


Because you’re a god damn superstar, and you were BORN that way!


>>> P.S If you KNOW that you are a god damn superstar and you are READY to fully and unapologetically unleash what you were born for, then you need to send me a private message me ASAP.

I am doing a series of VIP 1:1 days over the next 2 months.
There is only one left.
After reading this post, you will KNOW if this day is for you.
Message me ASAP and tell me WHY!

#superstar #youwerebornforit #vip

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