Wednesday 12 October 2016



You’re saying you want it all,
You’re saying you want to up level,
You’re saying you want to become more than ever before.

And you know what to do.
You know how to align for it.
You know how to energetically tap into it.
You know how to call it in,
With such rapid speed,
That others are shocked,
Except you’re not...
Because you already knew it was coming,
With crystal clarity.

Yet you’re holding yourself back drastically right now,
You’re counteracting all the good that you’re doing,
You’re undoing everything that you’re doing to move forward,
And you’re blocking and limiting yourself like never before.

Because you’re not creating the space.

You can’t call in the new if there is no ROOM for it in your life.

You can’t call in what you truly desire in your life,
If there are other things in your life that are taking up space.

And then you try and counter it with reason,
Maybe I could just phase out the old,
And slowly call in the new?

When has that EVER worked for you???

You KNOW that you have ONLY ever received what you desire,
What you firstly made a decision to go ALL IN,
And the actually WENT all in.

Not just sat there and talked about it,
Dreamed about it,
And stuck around with one toe still in the old.

I get it’s uncomfortable right now,
I get that it’s maybe a little bit painful,
I get that it might not be perceived as fair...

But here’s what you need to know:

Alignment ALWAYS comes first.
The PULL always comes first.
TRUSTING your gut always comes first,
Even if it doesn’t make logical sense.

And don’t expect to call in the next level of what you desire,
If you have not first created the SPACE for it to show up in your life.

Off you go,
You know what to do now.

P.S I’m announcing something BIG later this week and it is NOT for everyone.
In fact, it’s just for 3 people.
And these 3 people MUST KNOW already that they are ready to create space for THE next level of success in their life.
They MUST KNOW that they are ready to jump in and commit 100% REGARDLESS of what they need to release to do that.
They MUST KNOW that they WILL have it all.
They MUST KNOW that they are willing to do the WORK and invest in THEMSELVES

And if that is you, then comment below with “THAT’S ME” and I’ll be sure to get the info to you when all is revealed…!

And remember,
You absolutely CAN have it all…

Regan x

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