Monday 10 October 2016



“I just want to create dope shit with dope people.”


This may not sound very profound to you.

But this is what I wrote in my journal just over two months ago.

And I didn’t just write it once,

I wrote it many times.

Over and over and over and over again.

I wrote it into reality daily.

I got into detail.

I shut my eyes.

I pictured what it would be like.

And more than that,

I felt into what it would be like.

I breathed into what it would be like.

The outcomes,

The journey,

The energy,

The zone,

The satisfaction,

The excitement,

Of creating:

“Dope shit with dope people.”

I then went deeper with it.

I pushed my mindset even further.

I worked through the resistance around it.

And I had a good hard look at where I could potentially sabotage it.

Because I take the phrase,

“Dope shit with dope people”


Seriously :)

To me,

This phrase in my journal meant,

(And still means)

Creating a much bigger impact in the world.

It means multi million dollar deals being signed.

It means leverage.

It means deep, lasting soulmate friendships that other people look at and crave.

It means having as much fun as physically possible in every moment.

It means stepping the hell up and showing up in the world like I know I am born to.

It means leaving the world a much better place then what it was before I got hold of it.

And sure enough,

In the last two months,

I have signed,

Not one,

Not two,

But three multi million dollar deals with,

You guessed it,

Totally DOPE people who are already impacting the world on a massive scale.

People will see the results of these deals over the next three,


Twelve months.

And they’ll try and “model” what I’ve done.

They’ll try and do the same thing.

They’ll get inspired by it,

And most likely,

A lot of people will take massive action,

To make a similar situation happen for them.

But here’s the MISSING LINK,

That 99.999% of people will never get:

It’s not about the deal.

It’s not about the partner.

It’s not about the strategy.


It’s not even about the amount of impact or the amount of money that is made.

It’s about where it STARTED.

You see,

People over the next few months,

Will see the results at that point in time,

They’ll see the END outcome in that moment.

When really,

They’re looking at the wrong element if they want to create the same,

Or similar success.

People look at Beyonce and think,


Beyonce’s doing that,

I want to be like Beyonce,

So I’ll do that too.


People look at Tony Robbins and think,

I see Tony!

I love what Tony’s doing right now!

I’m going to do that too.


People look at Richard Branson and think,

Branson is a mentor I look up to.

I love Branson.

I love the success he’s created.

I’m going to do what he’s doing now too.


Quit looking at where people are NOW,

And get very VERY curious instead,

About where they STARTED.

How they started.

Why they started.

Where they started.

And what did they do to actually GET started?

You see?

Don’t look at the new deals I’ve just made.

Look at where they STARTED.

They started WITHIN.

They started in my MIND.

They started with specific MINDSET strategies,

They started with understanding the laws of manifestation,

And the practices,

And the diligence,

And only THEN,

Once the INTERNAL work was mastered,

Did the “dope people” actually start to appear in my internal reality.

This is an exact strategy I teach you in my 15 Day Wealth Creation Intensive.

It’s ALL about creating generational wealth,

From a space of ease and flow,

By going WITHIN.

There is a full training on one of the days,

On how to call in high level environments,


“Dope people”,

If you like :)

So that you can take your wealth creation and your impact to the next level.

15 Days.


Working with me in a private, small group.

We start next week

And places are limited.

Send me a message ASAP to find out how to apply,

If you GET this,

And if you’re also ready,

To create some dope shit with dope people!

So remember,

You absolutely CAN have it all…

Regan x

Photo: Jordan Starcher

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