Friday 26 August 2016



Travel used to stress me out.
In fact,
Everything about travel used to stress me out.
Specifically, the time spent on planes used to be super stressful for me!
What was stressful?
What it would cost.
And the time that it would mean that I had to take away from my business.
(In the past, when I stepped away from my businesses, everything stopped…)

Then one day I decided to make some new, powerful decisions around travel.

I decided that traveling business and first class was a priority,
As it meant that I wasn’t super jet lagged and exhausted, with a body that ached for days.
I also decided that when I was traveling,
Some really cool things would ALWAYS take place.

Before I jump into that,
Lets get clear on one thing:

Your external reality is created from within.
It’s your thoughts, your beliefs and your internal conditioning,
That directly impacts the reality that you live into on the outside.

Knowing that,
In order to change not only how I travelled,
But what happened when I travelled,
I had to start within,
By making some new decisions:

Here’s an EXACT snap from my mindset work just over a year ago:

I always travel in style.
Business class is my minimum standard.
I choose to believe that I belong in those seats.
When I am traveling, powerful things always happen.
In the sky, I have my biggest mindset shifts.
In the sky, I have my most epic content ideas.
In the sky, is when I have my most profound breakthroughs.
In the sky, I unleash my most powerful thoughts.
In the sky, money flows to me easily and effortlessly.
In the sky, I manifest at a rapid speed.
In the sky, I make a decision, and shit shifts around me.
In the sky, I always make more money than what it has cost me to travel.
In the sky, is when I can truly tap into my intuition.
In the sky, is when multi million dollar ideas flow to me with ease.
In the sky, is when shit shifts!
Magic happens in the sky!

And so it is.
Simply because I didn't just think the above once,
But I wrote it into reality over and over and over again.
And I focused on it.
I breathed life into it.
I tapped into the energy of it.
I felt the expansive abidance of it.
And as a RESULT of combining all of those things,
The above snap,
That was once just a dream,
Is now a hard and fast reality.

Right now,
I’m an hour out after leaving Brunei,
En route to Melbourne,
(This will be posted when I land)
And already,
I have over 11 insanely cool ideas that have flowed to me,
That I know will massively accelerate my income and my impact in this world.

So lets get clear on this:
This is happening RIGHT now,
NOT because I know the “perfect” business strategy,
NOT because I’m thinking about HOW can I create money,
NOT because I’m trying to join the dots to get some sort of result,
But because I know how to go WITHIN,
In order to create, develop or accelerate any business.

I believe that business is always created from within.
And I’m not saying that you can’t create business the opposite way,
By grabbing at the “perfect” strategy,
Or the “right” way.
You absolutely can do that, and it will get you some sort of result.

If you want to play a game with a lot more ease,
A lot more grace,
And tap into much bigger results more rapidly.
Then you must learn to create from within.

And trust me,
At times it can feel shaky,
And it can feel odd,
And it can feel like you’re literally doing the opposite to what everyone else is doing.
But if you stick with it,
And trust,
And flow,
You WILL get results.

I’m living proof that multi million dollar empires can be created from within,
And guess what,
They can also be created in the sky.
In fact,
It’s a lot more fun when they ARE created in the sky!

This is exactly what I teach you at the Be Your Brand Bali Mastermind.
How to go within.
How to unleash what is locked within you.
How to tap into what you know you were born to share with the world,
And how to do it from a place of total alignment,
Coupled with ease, grace, and clarity.
I break down how to unlock your true message,
How to the develop it,
Go deeper with it,
Trust it,
And of course monetise it.
So you can not only impact millions,
But of course make millions as a side effect of that.
I show you then how to scale it.
How to go big,
As big as you desire,
Without needing to invest a stack more of your TIME in the process.

And of course,
You can do ALL of it lying down in the sky!

The next Be Your Brand Bali Mastermind is in September.
There is currently one place left.
You will be staying with me at my luxury villa in Bali,
For three full days of high level training,
Enabling you to shift from where you are,
To where you want to be.

Message me ASAP if you KNOW that you need to be there,
And want to find out how to apply.

At this stage,
This is the last mastermind for the year.
There is one place left.

Send me a PM right now.

So remember,
You absolutely can have it all,
On your terms,
Exactly as you desire,
And yes,
You can have it all,
In the sky.

Regan x

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