Sunday 12 February 2017



You’ve spent SO much looking for the perfect strategy.
So much time,
So much money,
So much trial and error,
So many late nights,
So many moments of pulling your hair out.

You do everything that you’ve been told.
You invest in yourself,
You’re a good student.
You take action.
You’re committed and you do whatever it takes.

Yet time and time and time again,
You hear the same information over and over.
You sit in the rooms,
You listen to the trainings,
You take on board what the speaker is saying,
Yet the same thought runs through your head:

“I’ve heard all of this before,
I know this,
This is nothing new..
Then WHY?!
Why why why why WHY,
Am I not where I desire to be?”

And after a full journey of self discovery,
It literally whacks you over the head:

It’s ME.

As it all pieces together and clicks for you,
You realise that there is NO secret strategy,
You realise that there is NO magic wand,
You realise that on the outside,
You’re actually doing everything right.

You look in the mirror,
And you realise that the answer lies there,
Locked deep within your soul.

You’re committed to creating massive success,
You’re committed to playing big,
You’re committed to grand levels of impact,
You’re committed to leaving this world a better place than it was before,
And now you get it.

It’s you.

As you gaze back at your refection,
You know.

You know that:
You need to bring the highest version of you to the table.
You need to step into becoming the version of you who is dying to be unleashed.
You need to completely rewire your belief system.
You need to be humble enough to see all of your limitations.
You need to be able to stare your fear in the eye.
You need to catch yourself before you self sabotage.
You need to condition yourself to realise that controlling the process is not helping you.
You need to release the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
You need to start walking, talking, thinking and action, as if you’ve already received the result.
You need to tap into accelerated levels of manifestation.

You know.
You know it’s all you.

There’s a fire in your eyes.
A deep sense of purpose.
A commitment to something that is so much bigger than you.

It’s not a conversation about “is it going to happen?”
It’s simply a matter of WHEN.
And the big question is:
How can I speed all of this up to allow it to manifest even faster?

Committed to your purpose,
You do the things that others are not willing to you,
You jump bigger than others are willing to jump,
You have the capacity to not only do the work,
But also to take a look at the inner reality that most people are not willing to look at.

Then day by day,
You start to shift,
And you realise that the “perfect strategy” also comes from within.
You realise that the strategy part is easy,
Because every part of your inner reality is aligned to your higher vision,
And any action that you take is intentional and aligned,
Then everything starts to flow,
With ease and grace,
At a rapid speed.

Look in the mirror baby,
It’s burning deep within your soul.

You see it.
I see it within you.
It’s your time.

P.S - If you are someone who is committed to impacting millions and making millions,
From going within and consciously creating from a space of purpose,
Then you need to be a part of my 12 Month Online Mastermind,
Creating Millions From Within.

This high level group goes DEEP into the inner work required,
To become the version of you that automatically manifests the impact and the income that you desire.

Everyone in the group is doing the work to accelerate and scale to doing over 1 Million Dollars a year - regardless of where you are at - many are just starting out,
They are super committed...

Plus, if you choose,
There is direct and private access to me -
You can have me personally and privately kicking you into aligned action,

The first intake of Creating Millions From Within in closing out in a few days,
This will be your last opportunity to enrol as a founding member,
Before the investment increases.

>>> If you KNOW that you are ready to step up,
And play in this high level environment,
Send me a private message ASAP,
And we’ll get you all the details on how you can apply and further information.

So remember,
You absolutely can have it all…

I love you,
Regan x

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