Monday 6 May 2024

My Platinum Podcast 🎙️

Join me as I present my latest podcast, The Platinum Podcast - Millionaire Mastery: Unveiling My Platinum Mentorship, that I recently presented as a webinar, live and online.

This space is where I ask the question: What would it mean for you, if you could consciously create millions of dollars, from a place of heart-centered coherence and awareness? 🧠 💕

What would your life look like? 🤔

And, more to the point, what does a conscious millionaire actually look like and how does a conscious millionaire act?

Over the years, I have helped to create over 60 beautiful souls to become conscious millionaires, wherever they were on their journey. Some just needed a ‘tweak’ to get over the millionaire hurdle and some actually were just starting out and needed assistance to recognise and carve out their true path. 💰💰 💰💰

And what we all learned is that a conscious millionaire is someone who is able to put their hand up and expand, and open into a vision that is so big and so grand and that they are able to say “Yes” and get in alignment with the capacity to shift and navigate around anything that is not aligned with this greater vision.  👁️

That’s just one of the gems in my Platinum Podcast - Millionaire Mastery: Unveiling My Platinum Mentorship. There are so many others, just awaiting your ears. 👂

So settle in, tune out the noise, and get ready to be enlightened, entertained, and maybe even a little triggered - in the best way possible! 🎧

Check out this episode!

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