Wednesday 2 September 2020

How You Can Have It All!

Welcome to my latest Podcast where I chat with Suzy Ashworth of Faith + Actions = Miracles and host of The Limitless Life Experience.

Suzy is renowned for her niche in helping female entrepreneurs to make a difference in this life.

This podcast is HUGE. Probably the most important convo so far this year. 

We chat about having it all without being a control freak. And, how you can start with the choice not to be a control freak. Controlling the vibrations, using active refinement to catch the micro moments and manage the micro thoughts. To tweak the controlling energies. Towards greater ease, grace and flow.

And, how to live in an abundant, flow-based manner knowing that there has got to be a better can change. Seeing the clarity around that we are here for a bigger to make the shift. How to grow into the vision and have it unfold in front of you.

We talk about how to give yourself permission to dream bigger. Quantum expansion and what money does for you. About intention, guidance, expansion. Vision. Leadership, trust and love for other people. How to build the systems and leadership within your business and grow an income stream, to accelerate within your business.

Unlocking the dynamics within the relationships in your life. Taking the quantum leaps. How it is an accumulation of many elements. Doing the inner work. What has allowed me to go deeper intentionally. Thoughts around sacred medicine in an intentional, safe, ceremonial and traditional manner, and it’s potent power. 

The power of magic that is inherent in the universe and spiritual connections. Self-worth and the power of self-love and valuing yourself within your relationships. Looking at the reflections that you are getting back from what you are projecting out.

The meaning of limitless, endless possibilities. The manifestations that are within you. That there literally are no limits and it is up to you to do the inner work to call it in.

Enjoy listening! 

I love you.

And remember,
You absolutely can have it all! 

Regan x

Check out this episode!

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