Some days you’ll feel like there are a thousand galaxies that are exploding in every inch of your being,
The rush of euphoria will be so strong you will be unable to put it into words.
Some days you’ll feel that you’re shining too damn bright,
So much so that you almost feel bad that the brightness is simply your natural state.
Some days you’ll feel too much like fire for people to even look at you,
Or maybe you’re trying not to look at them as you’re worried that you’ll burn them to their core with your gaze.
Some days you’ll feel impossibly small,
Like your whole body could just slip away into the darkness, never to reappear in this world ever again.
Some days you’ll feel like every cell in your body is stronger than ever,
The kind of strength that binds every element of the planet together.
Some days you’ll feel too delicate to be touched or even looked at,
Like a feather that can be blown away at in any moment.
Some days you’ll feel like blending into the nothingness of nothing,
Lying quiet, still, wrapped in the blankets of your own emotion.
Some days you’ll feel like laughing so hard that your stomach hurts,
As you nurture the playful child within you that has come out to play.
Some days you’ll feel the constant pull between lust, desire, love and passion,
Noticing that every hair of your body is standing on end simply with the thought of your own seduction.
Some days you’ll feel like you just want to scream and blame the whole world for everything,
Caught up in the somewhat satisfying pain of blaming everything and everyone outside of you for everything you're not willing to look at.
Some days you’ll feel so at peace that you realise it has been hours of having no mind what so ever,
Allowing yourself to blend into the infinite nothingness of just being still.
Some days you’ll feel so in flow you’ll wonder how it was possible to not feel in flow,
As you surrender to what is and allow everything to be perfect in that one moment.
Some days you’ll be shaken by uncontrollable sadness that has you curled up in intense pain,
As you release in the moment any need to understand why you are feeling it and simply let yourself feel instead.
Some days you’ll feel so inspired you’ll feel that you’re going to accomplish all the things that no other human has done before,
As you walk with your shoulders back and your head held high, enjoying the experience of unshakable confidence.
Some days you’ll feel like no one in the whole universe understands you or sees you for who you really are,
And in that moment you realise that you really are the only person who has your own back at the end of the day.
Some days you’ll be surrounded by the most incredible souls in the whole world,
And you’ll wonder why it took so long for your true soul tribe to show up in your environment.
Some days you’ll get a burning sensation in your gut that won’t go away,
As you realise the power of your own intuition and you realise how connected you really are.
And today,
Reading this,
You’ll remember that you’re made of stardust.
You’ll remember that the minuscule atoms and your breakable bones are the building blocks of everything in the universe,
And you are too alive to feel anything other than human,
Gloriously human.
And in this moment,
You’ll remember how connected you are to source,
To the universe,
Well darling,
You ARE the universe…
So why couldn’t you show up as the BEST version of the universe?
The most aligned version,
The most powerful version,
The most connected version,
The version that is able to manifest anything that they desire?
It’s all possible.
It’s all within you.
Call it in.
It’s already there,
Now is your time baby,
To be human,
Gloriously human,
And feel more alive than ever before.
You're made of stardust baby.
>>> SHARE this if you know you're made of stardust!!

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So remember,
You absolutely can have it all…
I love you.
Regan x
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