I just got off a private training with my incredible Millionaire Mindset Intensive clients and I shared something really exciting with them.
This month at Regan Hillyer International, we have had our first million dollar month

Over 1.14 M to be exact

This is exciting for a few reasons including that it is a beautiful reflection of how many people we are helping completely shift their reality and, it is also a beautiful reflection of incredible teamwork within our soulmate team behind this crazy vision.
Narelle Clyde, thank you for being the incredible superglue that continues to hold everyone together in a place that is barely recognisable to most. I honour you and love you so much.
To the rest of the team at RHI, this was going to be announced on our quarterly call in a few days, but, surprise...

I wanted to share a couple of things with you guys, beyond celebrating this and giving you permission to receive more...
Firstly, we ran the numbers and figured this out well over a week ago, and it has taken me THIS long to talk about it. One of my biggest challenges with receiving is instantly feeling weird about telling people, out of fear that I won't fit it or be accepted around those that I care about.
I KNOW that this is crazy, but regardless of where I play, it continues to raise it's head and right here right now, this is me looking that in the eye and choosing abundance and celebration over fear

Secondly, I know the questions will start coming:
"How did you guys do it?"
"What did you do differently?"
"How did you quantum leap so quickly?"
Here's the honest truth.
We haven't done anything "strategically" different.
We haven't "worked harder".
We haven't "sacrificed" to make this happen.
Quite the opposite.
It's been called in from a total place of bliss, ease and flow.
(Super flow, for those of you who were just on my millionaire mindset training!)
The "secret" if there is one, has been simply this:
I have raised my frequency and my vibration.
Not just mentally,
And energetically,
But also physically.
This is where I have Juan Pablo Barahona to thank too.
My love, you have taught me more than you will ever know. Not only have you grounded me more deeply into creating from love than I ever thought possible, you have shown me how to physically embody my manifestations which has, quite simply, massively accelerated my results and the results at RHI.
Thank you for everything you are and thank you for the powerful work that you do in this world. You are such a teacher to me.
Thank you to everyone who reads this, immerses themselves in the work that we do in the world and everyone who is committed to their own evolution. I see you and I honour you for committing to remember to step into the best version of yourself.
For everyone who "gets this",
Who knows that there's more,
If you know it's not a strategic game outside of you,
But it IS an internal game that you can play in the most beautiful, blissful way,
Come and join Juan Pablo Barahona and I in Thailand as we go deep into the Soul Remembrance Retreat,
Accelerating your results in EVERY area of your life!
>>> You already know if you need to be there.
Send me a message.
Sooooo grateful,
And taking big breaths as I post this too

I love you.
You absolutely can have it all...
Regan x P.S -- I tried to take a photo outside but Thailand is too damn sunny and bright right now!

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