Even the word itself is seductive.
Yet for most people,
A little vulnerable and scary.
It was for me.
To be honest,
I used to be absolutely terrified of receiving pleasure.
I was so scared to be vulnerable,
Scared to be seen,
Scared to release,
Scared to fully let go,
Scared to receive.
Because that would mean burning control.
The one thing that had got me to where I was in my life.
The one thing that had helped me “achieve” it all.
Why would I relinquish control?
What if I was to fully let go of control?
Fully surrender?
Fully release?
God - that might mean that everything would spin out of control.
That might mean that everything I had created might disappear.
That might mean that maybe I wouldn’t know what was coming next in my life.
Okay no.
That seemed way too scary,
If I have to fully let go.
So I did the opposite of pleasure.
And even though it wasn’t obvious on the outside,
I did pain really darn well.
Hard work.
You name it,
I could create some sort of pain around it.
I dressed the pain up,
Don’t worry,
I made it look DAMN sexy,
I dressed it up,
Wrapped a freaking bow around it,
And disguised it as motivation,
And drive.
Then one day it hit me.
What was I doing?
Why was I stacking up my reality in this way?
When did I become addicted to pain?
Addicted to suffering and struggle?
And I realised this:
All of these things were things that I had LEARNED,
Things that I had manufactured,
Things that I had created.
Things that I had decided on at one point.
It sure as hell wasn’t my natural state.
And moment by moment,
My soul began to remember.
After reconnecting with myself,
After going deep,
After being completely blown apart,
I began to remember who I really way.
I began to truly begin to expose my light.
Piece by piece,
I began to burn the pain to the ground.
I began to no longer tolerate it.
I began to no longer accept it,
Knowing it wasn’t my natural state.
I burned the control.
I burned the stress.
I burned the struggle.
I burned the push.
I burned the hard work.
I burned the desire to figure stuff out.
I burned the desire to be in control of the whole damn thing.
And then there I was,
Standing naked,
Draped in nothing but my own soul.
Completely open.
Completely vulnerable.
Completely ready to receive.
Completely ready to receive pleasure.
Pleasure on all levels.
And even the pleasure I wasn't expecting
Pleasure in my body.
Pleasure in my business.
Pleasure with my money.
Pleasure in my relationships.
Pleasure with my purpose.
Pleasure in my spirituality.
Pleasure in my day to day life.
And lots of it…
And that’s when I chose to call it in,
And magnify the hell out of it.
I choose bliss,
I choose play,
I choose flow,
I choose ease,
I choose alignment,
I choose synchronicity,
I choose connection,
And of course,
I choose pleasure.
I choose to receive pleasure in every sense of the word.
I choose to bliss the hell out of everything I do.
And I mean,
Why NOT?
Take a look at yourself right now.
Where are you at?
Are you secretly addicted to pain?
Openly addicted to pain?
Or do you KNOW that you deserve to receive pleasure,
On ALL levels,
I know what I choose,
And trust me,
It feels sooooo damn good!
>>> If you’re ready to BURN the pain,
BURN the control,
BURN the struggle once and for all,
And return to your natural state,
Of REMEMBERING how pleasurable your damn life can and should be,
Then you need to be at
The Soul Remembrance Retreat in Thailand.
Three days,
Going deep in paradise,
With a beautiful hand picked,
Intimate group,
Committed to doing the work,
Whilst simply REMEMBERING what their soul already knows.
Juan Pablo Barahona and I will be going deep with you,
Sharing our soul remembrance method which has come through both of us that shows you how to:
-- Ignite your soul
-- And increase your capacity to receive
-- So you can manifest what you desire in every area of your life!
Between us, we are using everything we know to get you accelerated results in THE fastest way possible
Here’s how we're going to do this,
We are digging into:
-- Awakening the power of your core
-- Igniting your intuition
-- Increasing your capacity to download from source
-- Tapping into manifestation through sexual energy
-- Switching from manufacturing your life and instead tapping into receiving it
-- Personal manifestation daily ritual that we help you design
-- Transforming energetic blocks and limitations
-- Fire soul activation
-- Raising your energetic thermostat
-- Becoming more and more avaliable to your higher purpose
-- Deep unconscious healing
-- Embodying the shifts at a cellular level
-- DNA activation
-- Harnessing and balancing fem and masculine energy for manifestation
-- Processes to surrender control and activate receiving
-- Using sacred play to call in what you desire
-- Redirecting energy you channel so you can redirect it into abundance
-- Learning how to be super present to your soul
-- Accelerating your ability to tap into the core of soul purpose
-- Revealing your soul's past and present blueprint
You already know if you need to be there.
>>> Send me a private message ASAP to find out how to apply!
Cheers to pleasure,
Unlimited amounts of pleasure,
And truly receiving it all.
And remember,
By the way,
You absolutely CAN have it all…
I love you,
Regan x
Even the word itself is seductive.
Yet for most people,
A little vulnerable and scary.
It was for me.
To be honest,
I used to be absolutely terrified of receiving pleasure.
I was so scared to be vulnerable,
Scared to be seen,
Scared to release,
Scared to fully let go,
Scared to receive.
Because that would mean burning control.
The one thing that had got me to where I was in my life.
The one thing that had helped me “achieve” it all.
Why would I relinquish control?
What if I was to fully let go of control?
Fully surrender?
Fully release?
God - that might mean that everything would spin out of control.
That might mean that everything I had created might disappear.
That might mean that maybe I wouldn’t know what was coming next in my life.
Okay no.
That seemed way too scary,
If I have to fully let go.
So I did the opposite of pleasure.
And even though it wasn’t obvious on the outside,
I did pain really darn well.
Hard work.
You name it,
I could create some sort of pain around it.
I dressed the pain up,
Don’t worry,
I made it look DAMN sexy,
I dressed it up,
Wrapped a freaking bow around it,
And disguised it as motivation,
And drive.
Then one day it hit me.
What was I doing?
Why was I stacking up my reality in this way?
When did I become addicted to pain?
Addicted to suffering and struggle?
And I realised this:
All of these things were things that I had LEARNED,
Things that I had manufactured,
Things that I had created.
Things that I had decided on at one point.
It sure as hell wasn’t my natural state.
And moment by moment,
My soul began to remember.
After reconnecting with myself,
After going deep,
After being completely blown apart,
I began to remember who I really way.
I began to truly begin to expose my light.
Piece by piece,
I began to burn the pain to the ground.
I began to no longer tolerate it.
I began to no longer accept it,
Knowing it wasn’t my natural state.
I burned the control.
I burned the stress.
I burned the struggle.
I burned the push.
I burned the hard work.
I burned the desire to figure stuff out.
I burned the desire to be in control of the whole damn thing.
And then there I was,
Standing naked,
Draped in nothing but my own soul.
Completely open.
Completely vulnerable.
Completely ready to receive.
Completely ready to receive pleasure.
Pleasure on all levels.
And even the pleasure I wasn't expecting

Pleasure in my body.
Pleasure in my business.
Pleasure with my money.
Pleasure in my relationships.
Pleasure with my purpose.
Pleasure in my spirituality.
Pleasure in my day to day life.
And lots of it…
And that’s when I chose to call it in,
And magnify the hell out of it.
I choose bliss,
I choose play,
I choose flow,
I choose ease,
I choose alignment,
I choose synchronicity,
I choose connection,
And of course,
I choose pleasure.
I choose to receive pleasure in every sense of the word.
I choose to bliss the hell out of everything I do.
And I mean,
Why NOT?
Take a look at yourself right now.
Where are you at?
Are you secretly addicted to pain?
Openly addicted to pain?
Or do you KNOW that you deserve to receive pleasure,
On ALL levels,
I know what I choose,
And trust me,
It feels sooooo damn good!

>>> If you’re ready to BURN the pain,
BURN the control,
BURN the struggle once and for all,
And return to your natural state,
Of REMEMBERING how pleasurable your damn life can and should be,
Then you need to be at
The Soul Remembrance Retreat in Thailand.
Three days,
Going deep in paradise,
With a beautiful hand picked,
Intimate group,
Committed to doing the work,
Whilst simply REMEMBERING what their soul already knows.
Juan Pablo Barahona and I will be going deep with you,
Sharing our soul remembrance method which has come through both of us that shows you how to:
-- Ignite your soul
-- And increase your capacity to receive
-- So you can manifest what you desire in every area of your life!

Between us, we are using everything we know to get you accelerated results in THE fastest way possible
Here’s how we're going to do this,
We are digging into:
-- Awakening the power of your core
-- Igniting your intuition
-- Increasing your capacity to download from source
-- Tapping into manifestation through sexual energy
-- Switching from manufacturing your life and instead tapping into receiving it
-- Personal manifestation daily ritual that we help you design
-- Transforming energetic blocks and limitations
-- Fire soul activation
-- Raising your energetic thermostat
-- Becoming more and more avaliable to your higher purpose
-- Deep unconscious healing
-- Embodying the shifts at a cellular level
-- DNA activation
-- Harnessing and balancing fem and masculine energy for manifestation
-- Processes to surrender control and activate receiving
-- Using sacred play to call in what you desire
-- Redirecting energy you channel so you can redirect it into abundance
-- Learning how to be super present to your soul
-- Accelerating your ability to tap into the core of soul purpose
-- Revealing your soul's past and present blueprint
You already know if you need to be there.
>>> Send me a private message ASAP to find out how to apply!
Cheers to pleasure,
Unlimited amounts of pleasure,
And truly receiving it all.
And remember,
By the way,
You absolutely CAN have it all…
I love you,
Regan x
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