Saturday, 31 December 2016
Thursday, 29 December 2016
YOU GUYS ASKED FOR IT!!!!! [Can't believe I'm running this course for FREE!]
How To Rapidly Up-Level Your Mindset
How do you achieve at a higher level? Manifest with more ease? Succeed in the NOW?
How do you tap into a higher version of yourself and pull out your core of what needs to be seen and heard with the world?
A lot of people talk about goal setting and getting clear on what they want, but not many of them talk about the absolute and utterly CRITICAL things you must do in order to manifest your true desired reality.
Let’s tap into a higher level of YOU so you can manifest at a rapid speed.
- Start by Locking in the Big Picture Reality Outcome. Get clear on what it is that YOU want!
So many people never get what they want. Not because they don’t deserve it, but because they’re not clear on what their highest goals are.
You have to actually step up and claim your truth by saying what it is!
Here’s the thing.
You have to remove any sense of How do I do that, or Am I good enough to do that, or What will people think. Do me a favor and set those questions aside. Because those are just filters on your Big Picture reality. And they don’t work toward your goals.
If you removed all those filters right now, what is it you actually desire?
So many people tell me, I want to be really successful and financially free, and I say, okay, cool, what does financial freedom look like to you? Almost always, they reply, I don’t know—just more. More money, more time, more freedom.
The problem is, people have amazing goals, but they don’t know what reaching those goals actually looks like. Is $100 enough to make you financially free? Is $10,000? Is $1,000,000?
You need to get clear on what you want in specific detail, and it has to be the Big Picture stuff first.
When you align your goals with your Big Picture, you’re telling the world what you really want. You’re not downplaying your goals because you’re afraid, or because it’s too hard. Downplaying your goals isn’t going to help them manifest any faster.
What I’d like you, my brilliant, amazing people, to remember is this: the world doesn’t work in incremental steps.
That’s why you see people blow up overnight, and that’s why you see people scaling their businesses really fast… because they’re not trying to build their business piece by piece: they’re locking in the Big Picture outcome first.
In the middle of that, you set smaller goals that work to get you there along the way, but if you don’t have your Big Picture stuff locked in, it’s just not going to manifest. Right?
After you’ve locked in that Big Picture vision, you need to ask yourself another question: Who do I have to become in order to create and manifest that reality? This is so key to up leveling your life.
- Step Into the Identity of Becoming A Higher Version of Yourself
It’s not about who you are right now. You could be anybody.
We are all capable of whatever we desire. At the end of the day, we’re all humans. The only difference between us is our mindset. It’s our identity. It’s who we are choosing to be and how we’re choosing to show up in the moment.
I see people all over the world—online, in business–creating their reality from a space of who they think they are now, not who they know they’re becoming.
Here’ s the difference: Right now, you may not feel successful. You may be a little bit fearful, you may be unsure.
If you go out and take action from that space, your goals are not going to manifest. It’s going to be an ultimate struggle, and struggle is not a great place to create from.
So ask yourself, who would I be if I was already at my Big Picture Vision, if everything was already done, and you were living into your success every single day? Who would you be?
What is the version of you that you know is locked inside of you somewhere?
Obviously, you’re still going to be YOU.
You’re still going to be in alignment with your ultimate goals, but what would this person who’s achieved the Big Picture vision be focusing on?
What would this version of you do every single day? What would this version of you believe? What would you tolerate? How would you invest in yourself?
Because what you’re committed to, what you believe in terms of life and success, in terms of creation and ease and flow, in terms of money—that’s what you will be manifesting in your life.
Why wouldn’t you want to manifest success? Why would you do anything that would take you outside of that Big Picture goal? That would be insanity.
This version of you is powerful beyond measure.
If you felt like a game changer, a leader, a visionary, wouldn’t you create your Big Picture reality faster and with more ease?
It’s YOU at a higher, more powerful, more accelerated, more incredible version of yourself. If you were to create from that space, do you think your results are going to be different?
You would say, “I’m someone that’s been put here to freaking change the world, and what I have to say is important, so Let’s Go.”
If you want to up-level your reality and reach your goals, you have to create from this space.
- Take Massive Aligned Action, Daily
A lot of people out there work really hard. I see people that are hustling and doing all this work, but so much of the time, it’s not actually aligned action, it does not work that’s going to bring in their Big Picture of reality even faster.
Why would you do that to yourself?
Once you’ve locked in that reality, once you’ve realized who you need to become internally, you need to take action on it. What action would you be taking to bring that Big Picture reality even closer into the Now?
If you stepped into becoming that higher, more powerful, more amazing version of yourself, what would that version of you do on a daily basis?
What would you commit to?
What are your non-negotiables, because This is So Seriously Freaking Important Right Now – that it gets done?
It’s very easy to get wrapped up in the negative thoughts of I don’t know how to do this, or I can’t possibly do this. But there’s always a way to do everything.
The higher version of yourself wouldn’t just give up on your goals, rather, you’d problem solve it. You’d get creative.
Don’t get stuck. Don’t buy into the current identity’s bullshit excuses. If you’re creating from the higher version of yourself, that person wouldn’t tolerate getting stuck.
The higher version of yourself wouldn’t just give up and say, “I don’t know how to do this.“
The higher version of yourself would say, “All right, this is what I need to do. Let’s go.”
Because the person you’re becoming is already living in a higher space and isn’t focusing on what can’t be done.
You can sit in your room and do affirmations until the cows come home, but if you don’t actually go out and change the game, then nothing’s going to change. So you need to take action that is aligned. And you need to do it daily.
If you get clear on your Big Picture reality, step into that higher version of YOU, and take aligned action, you will massively up level your mindset AND your life.
That’s what I want for you.
But only if you want it too?
Regan x
The post How To Rapidly Up-Level Your Mindset appeared first on Regan Hillyer.
Tuesday, 27 December 2016
LIVE At the #balimastermind with international speaker Eric Ho all the way from LONDON!
Over the last week I’ve been pushed and pulled.
I’ve been prodded and probed.
I’ve been lifted up high and dropped back down just as quickly.
I’ve been praised like there’s no tomorrow,
And also deeply challenged.
I’ve felt a ridiculous amount of joy, gratitude, love and peace.
And just as much hurt, sadness, guilt, and frustration.
I’ve been quieter than usual,
I haven’t been showing up fully,
As I’ve dived deep into attempting to understand the turmoil that has been going on inside…
At first for a few days I played into what I labeled an “energetic black hole”,
I told myself and my team I was having some “down time” after running two masterminds back to back,
Stacked with 30 hours of international travel in the middle.
Who was I kidding?
There was a lot more to it then that.
Then I started doing the work.
More journaling,
Animals, lots of animals…
Conversations with people I trust,
And I hired a new coach that has already helped me shift drastically.
The minute I shifted,
Everything shifted.
People around me.
Messages from the past out of the blue.
Private clients who are not yet ready to shift to this next level released themselves,
And a wave of new private clients have showed up,
Who are thanking me profusely because they’re ready to have these conversations on this level.
After 5 days of digging deep,
Feeling “off” and unsteady,
I feel like I’m just learning to walk again.
Seeing the world through different eyes,
Trusting the world through a different lens,
Feeling the world through a different vibration.
When you have moments of confusion,
Moments of REALLY?
Moments of ‘why me?’
Moments of ‘why is this happening?’
Moments of this just doesn’t make any sense…
Embrace them.
The world is offering you an opportunity,
For you to expand your consciousness,
To be more,
To do more,
To impact more,
To shift more,
To play more,
To experience more.
Dig into it.
Do the internal work.
Commit to your own evolution,
And question the deep meaning that you are living into during this human experience,
Because if you don’t,
It really is all just one big cosmic joke -
We don’t really know where we came from,
We don’t really know where we are going,
So we may as well make the experience in the middle matter.
You matter.
Your dreams matter.
Your deepest desires matter.
And the world is trying to give ALL of it to you right now.
But the journey never stops.
And doing the work never stops.
Regardless of how “successful” you are in life,
Regardless of what you have “achieved”
Regardless of what you’ve “done” on this planet,
There is always an internal battle as you strive to experience more.
Embrace the experience.
Be okay with feeling the pain.
Be okay with living into the darkness a little.
Be okay with experiencing being wildly human.
Because if we don't experience sadness, anger or hurt,
Then we have no contrasts,
And no reference point of awareness for when we tap into immense joy, gratitude and love.
I see you,
I feel you.
You’ve got this.
Be okay with being human,
Be okay with being wildly human,
Whilst you choose to feel and experience more than ever before.
2017 is going to be magic.
Anyone else feel the shift???
Tag someone below who needs to read this.
Share it if it resonates.
I love you.
And remember,
You absolutely can have it all…
Regan x
It's another beautiful day in Bali
It's another beautiful day in Bali!!
Excited to head to Ubud for some deep spiritual work today 🙏🏽❤️✨
#Bali #grateful #locationfree
Friday, 23 December 2016
Lifestyle Design and Branding - Passive Income Young Podcast
In this podcast, we discussed how you can have a success mindset
We also discussed how I actually help people unlock their true message
Always, keep in mind
Whatever you do in your life always stay consistent
Because consistency is the key and it really helps you move forward in your life
Consistency really compounds your success
Do the work and make it happen
We also discussed how you can actually build your own tribe whom you love.
So it’s one of the most important things you can do particularly if you have online business
Connect with people who you trust and start building long relationship
Create a free tribe and start providing value
Create content that is valuable
Because this is the key to having a successful online
REMEMBER! You can absolutely have it ALL.
Find Regan Hillyer here:
Well, then you are in for a treat! My friend Brandy has put together this amazing interview series with over 20 women entrepreneurs (including myself) that has them sharing their stories and tips on how they were able to reach consistent $10k months and beyond.
This interview series is straight and to the point. No Fluff.
Register for the FREE online event here
#askregan #locationfree #mindset #entrepreneur #success
Thursday, 22 December 2016
Workshop Calling In Your Soulmate Team
That was ABSOLUTELY the overall theme for this group of powerhouses at the last Be Your Brand Bali Mastermind!! Nothing can stop these guys, they're literally going right to the top!
After doing the mastermind in Hollywood and just wrapping the Bali Mastermind, I feel so extremely full and grateful right now. A little exhausted, but in the best possible way! That may have something to do with the tequila at our high vibe celebration last night - Gaby yes, that is your fault!!!
Here's what I need each of you to know:
Franziska Freitag - I'm so grateful that our paths crossed many years and-and I feel so blessed to be a part of your journey. Thank you for putting impact and purpose first. I can't wait to see your world shift from here as you continue to shift the world...
Fidah Eradat - You absolutely belong amongst this powerful group of women. I'm so proud of you and your ability to trust and to dive in and play big. Excited to see what you will create from here!
Alexa Martinez - Twin. So much love. Thank you for trusting in me. I can't wait to see you shift from here, one level of polarisation at a time!! The world needs you to show up, just as you are. 2017 is yours.
Niamh Cronin - Thank you for moving through this world with so much grace and heart. I can't wait for you to receive everything that is pouring towards you right now as you choose your highest joy over and over and over again...
Gaby Kowalski - You're such a powerhouse! I'm so blessed to play a part in your journey and I'm just so excited to see you fully step into this new level and implement everything that clicked into place so perfectly for you. Thank you for being you and always choosing your deepest desire!
Holly A. Abell - It's been such an honour to see you truly step into your greatness and own how powerful you really are. You are put here to impact millions and, that is exactly what you shall do. Thank you for bringing so much grace into the room. I'm so excited to see you shift and move through the world from here as you've truly jumped to an entirely new level...
Anna E Trubuhovich - Thank you for always showing up and for always doing the work. I can't wait to see you create a impact in 2017 and truly step into a reality that is barely recognisable. It's your time baby...
Thank you all for making this mastermind such a fast paced, high level experience. I had SO much fun with you all!!! I love each of you so much!
Thank you to Michael Johnson for being so generous with what you shared with us! Everyone was blown away and we love you!!!
Thank you to Eric Ho for showing up when you were so unwell. It meant the world to me that you were there and everyone loved all of your "hacks" so much!! Thank you!!
Thank you also to my amazing team for making these incredible masterminds possible and truly allowing me to play into my joy every single day. I love you all.
>>> P.S -- Due to my crazy travel schedule in 2017, there is currently only ONE Bali Mastermind and ONE Hollywood Mastermind scheduled for 2017.
Places have already started filling and we are still working through applications.
If you know you need to be at the mastermind in 2017, send me a private message ASAP.
So remember,
You absolutely can have it all,
On your terms,
Right now,
In whatever way that looks like for you.
These women are a SHINING example of just THAT.
I love you all.
Regan xx
I'm so insanely grateful each and every day,
That I get to do what I LOVE every single day.
I get to be in my purpose.
I get to be centred in my gifts.
I get to do the things that excite me the most.
I get to really do whatever I want, wherever I want.
And I'm here to tell that you can too.
I remember when I didn't have that luxury!
I was super busy,
Running around left and right,
Always trying to get all the stuff that needed to get done, done,
SO that I could have more time doing the things that I love.
1.5 years ago I started to build a powerful team,
A soulmate team,
A team that is driven by impact and vision,
A team who truly loves what they do,
A team who can also play into their purposes from anywhere in the world with their laptops...
Now we are over 33 team members strong at Regan Hillyer International!
I want to show you how you can do this too,
How you can grow a team of soulmate team members,
With total ease, grace and speed!
I'm running a powerful 2 hour workshop online that is starting soon:
"Building Your Soul Mate Team"
>>> COMMENT BELOW with "I'M IN" if you want all the details on how to register!
We are diving deep into:
-- How to hire dream team members
-- How to lead them with vision
-- How to ensure they don't leave you
-- How to create more and more free time for yourself
-- Figuring out where you start with team building and what are the next steps that you need to take
-- Manifesting the perfect people when you're not sure how to find them
-- The biggest mistakes people make when hiring
-- How to start having soul mate team members for less than $20 a week
-- How to ensure you don't end up wasting your time on managing the team
-- The weekly, monthly and yearly structure you need to have in place to ensure your team is powerful
-- How to build a team that is completely location free so everyone can work from their laptops
-- And much, much more...
You can ask me questions personally live on the training and you will get the recording to use for life!
There is also a private VIP support group and the training is designed in a way where if you can not make it on live, you can go through the recording and then ask me questions directly through the group!
So remember,
You absolutely can have it all...
Regan x
It's another beautiful day in Bali
It's another beautiful day in Bali!! Excited to head to Ubud for some deep spiritual work today 🙏🏽❤️✨
#Bali #grateful #locationfree
Sunday, 18 December 2016
How To Grow A Cult Tribe That Loves You
You know that thing you’re so, so passionate about?
That thing you think about allll the time – the one that sets your soul on fire?
I want you to be fearless in the pursuit of that…
Sooooo many people are out there are feeling unsatisfied, unfulfilled, feeling they have no clarity. They’re waiting for permission to be the fullest expression of themselves.
You know what? They’re waiting for you to SHOW UP with your unique vision.
I’m a big, massive BELIEVER in my tribe. You can have a vision for the world, but you’re only as powerful as the team you have around you.
You don’t need to save everyone or help everyone, but you want to tap into the people who align with you and your message. It’s essential to have a unique tribe that resonates with you.
Your tribe is a collective vision, an abundance of inspiration.
Imagine if this abundance were never tapped. There would never be a community of like-minded people inspired to make a change.
What are you waiting for??
- Get clear on the type of people you want in your tribe
Ask yourself, Why do you want to be successful? Why are you going to connect with people?
What value are you going to add to people’s lives?
People are looking for someone who has vision and the drive to make it happen. That’s why you have to recognize what your massive vision is for the world before you build your tribe. So ask yourself–
What does the world need to know RIGHT NOW?
How are you specifically equipped to share that message?
People are inspired to join your tribe if they feel your vibe. (tweetable?)
Last time I checked, there’s no other version of you walking down the street. Everyone has personal successes. Everyone has failures.
You need to use that.
Once you tap into this and unlock your unique story, there’s no other competition.
Then ask yourself: What is the core emotional center of your unique tribe? If you’re clear on that, those are the people you will attract.
You want to make sure people in your tribe are aligned with your core values. How can they do this if YOU are not clear on your core values?
The more you show confidence in your message, the more clarity you have, the more you’ll figure out who your ideal tribe is.
- Have a clear and strong messaging to call those people in
Once you get clear on your values and your ideal, unique tribe, how do you call them in?
If you’re clear on who you want to work with, and the results you’ll achieve together, those are the people who’ll show up for you.
The people who are committed to MASSIVE SUCCESS are the ones who show up in my tribe. I’m so clear on my message that others are filtered out. They just don’t show up.
Here’s the thing: It’s important to create a tribe identity.
It’s essential to ask yourself, Who are these people, and What are they about?
People will really quickly see whether they identify with your tribe or not. Maybe people have an idea and get your vision immediately — OR maybe they want to belong, because YOU are where they want to be.
Whatever the reason, your tribe is more than just a random group of people hanging out together because they’re following you as a leader!
You have to give members of your tribe a reason to shine. You know that saying, The more you give, the more you receive?
It’s True!
You want to figure out how to lead your tribe by showing them ways to solve a specific problem they have. You want to help in a way that only YOU can.
Social media is an amazing place to build your tribe. When you work at solving your tribe’s biggest problems, you do the research, get to know your ideal members and start connecting with them. Ask them what they want.
Then be crystal clear on what RESULTS you are going to get together.
The more you believe your message, the more you put it out there daily, the more you strategize about getting your message out, the more your tribe will be called to you.
Remember that your tribe is showing up on all the online platforms. Post often and daily.
- Be okay with polarizing people who aren’t your ideal tribe and repel them away from you
The way you make other people feel is going to be a really GREAT INDICATION of how strong your relationship is going to be.
Here’s the thing:
You don’t need to change WHO YOU ARE in order to please the tribe. You should be YOU, and allow the tribe to filter themselves.
You’ll notice that every time I post in the Success Hub, I’m constantly sending a very clear message that This is the community that’s committed to working on mindset and getting massive results.
I’m constantly layering in the identities of the tribe, and you know what?
That message acts as a filter for people.
Some people leave the tribe because they don’t identify with having it all. They don’t identify with massive success. And That’s OK.
When you give your tribe a clear message, there’s going to be a filter that says: You’re either in or you’re out. And while some people are filtering out, other people are getting more and more immersed, loving your vibe.
I have soooo many people telling me, Regan, I feel I can finally fit in somewhere. I love this tribe.
It’s such a simple thing, but it makes such a massive difference—if you’re clear on your message, you give others permission to be clear with you.
But you always want to keep the bigger picture in mind when you lead your tribe. You want to make sure your tribe is protected, and the environment is kick ass.
At the end of the day, you’re the sum of that environment. The sum of all the emotional, physical, financial stuff that’s flowing to you.
It’s essential to flourish and be nourished by the people surrounding you.
Business is like a relationship: you’re either attracted to someone, or you’re not. I would much prefer that if someone doesn’t love my vibe, to get out of my tribe.
So let me tell you something REALLY important:
I give you permission to unfriend someone in real life.
This isn’t necessarily an easy thing to do, but it’s crucial. There’s going to be people you sometimes don’t want in your environment, and you have the power to filter those people out so you know your tribe will be supportive.
Remember that your NETWORK equals YOUR NET WORTH.
Your tribe eventually joins your vision and helps move it forward into the world. If you put value and content out there, people on your list will show up and want to be part of your tribe and work with you further.
Make your tribe feel special and wanted in your environment. Your tribe needs to be a passion, not merely an idea. Loving it, making it exclusive, giving it extra attention, this is why you show up daily to give it your best.
Remember, you ABSOLUTELY can have it all.
Regan x
If you’d like to learn more about how to build a successful tribe, register for my next free web training right now –
The post How To Grow A Cult Tribe That Loves You appeared first on Regan Hillyer.
LIVE Digging deep into authentic messaging at the #beyourbrand #hollywoodmastermind
LIVE : At the Be Your Brand Hollywood Mastermind with these ROCKSTARS
Live at the beyourbrand balimastermind!
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
You can feel it.
The feeling is deep within you,
Just above your stomach,
It has a certain depth to it,
But also a certain power,
Which scares you a little bit.
You feel yourself being pushed by it,
Pulled by it.
You try and shake it,
But no matter what you do,
It doesn’t go away.
Sometimes you try and articulate it,
But it always seems to come out a bit weird,
Not quite how you were imaging it,
So you just bury it.
You get caught in your own head:
“What if no one gets it?”
“What if they don’t like it?”
“I don’t really have anything important to say anyway.”
“All my ideas always seem the same, people are probably sick of this.”
“It’s not life changing enough.”
“It’s not influential enough.”
“It’s not powerful enough.”
And although all of this is a continuous internal cycle,
It’s interesting to note that as an artist,
You always question the art,
Which is an extension of you,
Which ultimately means that you’re questioning yourself.
You constantly deal with the battle of being an artist.
The battle of wanting your art to be seen but also wanting to hide.
The battle of wanting to play bigger, but being terrified at the same time.
The battle of knowing you were born for this, but questioning it every couple of minutes.
To all the artists, all the visionaries, to all the leaders, to all the heart centred entrepreneurs.
The world needs you.
We are living in a world where people need to touch more.
Experience more.
Love more.
Go deeper more.
Live more.
Breathe more.
Shift their perspective more.
Be challenged more.
Be stimulated more.
Think more.
Laugh more.
Believe more.
Trust more.
Flow more.
Relax more.
Be invited to be made aware of their own awareness more.
And guess what,
The world is looking at YOU.
Yes you,
Right here,
Right now.
But in order to GIVE more,
You need to stand the fuck up,
Quit the bullshit,
And realise that NONE of this is actually about you.
You were BORN for this.
There’s no doubt about that.
You were BORN to create.
There’s no doubt about that.
You were BORN to disrupt.
There’s absolutely no doubt about that.
You were BORN to lead.
Yes we know that.
You were BORN to influence.
But the question is simply this:
Will you use your art to DRIVE social change,
Or will the experience of unleashing your art limit you,
And in turn limit your capacity to create social change?
The world needs more people to play big.
The world needs more people to be stronger.
The world needs more people to love louder.
And you’d probably be surprised how many people are waiting on you right now.
They may not “like”.
They may not “comment.”
They may not say a word.
But they’re watching.
Internally BEGGING you to show up more.
Because you give them one thing:
Hope to be more.
To live more.
To play more.
To experience more.
To contribute more.
To play THEIR game at a bigger level.
So my passionate, influential artist.
Quit the bullshit.
The world is waiting on you.
P.S If you know that you are a visionary, an artist, an entrepreneur, a leader, or someone who KNOWS deep down that you were put here to change the world in EPIC ways…
If you know that normal doesn’t work for you, and you are okay with being extremely disruptive…
If you know that you are a badass who sees the world through a slightly different lens…
If you know that the world needs you because you were put here to shift society in bigger ways than you can even SEE right now…
You need to send me a message right now.
I am taking on ONE powerful leader,
To work with me privately, 1:1.
We’re talking three months,
We’re talking diving deep,
We’re talking LITERALLY talking daily.
We’re talking no-bullshit,
We’re talking massive internal and external shifts…
As we partner together to unleash the BEST version of you possible,
So together we can impact society in a bigger, badder way.
Yes it’s intense,
Yes it’s super high level,
Yes it will completely shift your reality,
Your results,
Your mindset,
Your income,
Your impact,
And of course your ability to create social change.
And yes, you already know if this is for you right now.
Private message me ASAP and tell me WHY this one place is for you,
If you know that you need to apply.
I see you.
I believe in you.
I back you.
The world needs you.
Now step up.
I love you,
And remember,
You absolutely CAN have it all…
Regan x
>> The incredible art on the screen is by Padhia Avocado who is the beautiful goddess in the photo - follow her X
With my beautiful business partners Verinder Grewal and Padhia Avocado!

#artists #entrepreneurs #vision
Do you relax?
Do you seperate "work" from "play" from "creation"?
If yes - how do you "relax"?
Okay, that was three questions, but they're all relevant... ;)
I will livestream on MY views / take on "relaxing" when you are living into your purpose in a hard core way...
But I want to hear what this is like for YOU!
P.S - this is one of THE most beautiful places in Bali...
Bali is calling me right now...!
#curious #lifestyle #relaxvsworkvscreation
These women are kicking ASS.
In a massive way.
They are LITERALLY put here to make and impact millions.
I love you guys xxx
📸 by the incredible Mikey Baaby!
I sat there and went through all of the photos,
One by one by one.
I had decided to take them all down.
Delete them from Facebook,
Remove them from the websites.
I asked the photographers to take them down.
I liked some of the photos.
I enjoyed shooting.
There was a certain magic when I stepped behind the camera.
A connection between model and photographer,
As you danced,
Pulled back and forward.
I enjoyed conveying the emotion.
The acting.
The role playing.
And the challenge for me was always,
How can I convey a certain sense of emotion,
So that people didn’t just see the photos,
They FELT them.
It was always an art for me.
And it still is.
But NO.
The art has to go now.
The beauty has to go.
The passion has to go.
And I continued on removing all of my modelling photos from social media.
It was time to get serious.
It was time to step up.
It was time to have people take me seriously.
It was time to be more professional.
It was time to do “business” properly.
And photo by photo,
I shut off a little part of my soul.
A little part of my journey.
And with every photo that was removed,
I also removed a little part of my permission.
I began to tread lighter around people.
I didn’t want them to see me as beautiful.
I wanted to blend in and fit in instead.
I wanted them to see me as being SUCCESSFUL.
As being POWERFUL.
As being someone they would want to do BUSINESS with.
And hey,
It got me somewhere.
It worked to a certain extent.
And I did a brilliant job at blending in.
Dulling down my beauty.
Dulling down my feminine core.
Dulling down my goddess within.
Dulling down my radiance.
Dulling down a part of my soul.
And over time,
The internal battle got stronger and stronger.
Why did I have to choose?
Who was I really?
I created a persona,
An identity,
A version of me who really,
Was being completely inauthentic,
And dulling down my light.
There was one thing I knew for sure:
When you truly step into who you are and allow your light to shine,
You’re going to blind some people and they’ll hate it,
But you will give the other people permission to do just the same.
And then it smacked me in the face.
This wasn’t about me.
What was I doing?
What message was I sending out?
How was I indirectly impacting other women?
What was I showing them?
You can’t be beautiful AND successful at the same time.
You have to pick.
It’s not socially okay to be extremely successful AND hot at the same time.
That’s just TOO much.
And in that moment,
Something snapped in me.
And I knew that it had to stop.
That’s when I started showing up.
I went all in.
I started honouring my beauty again.
I started choosing to fully step into who I was,
ALL of me,
Instead of hiding parts,
And filtering other parts.
To all the women reading this right now:
YOU are beautiful.
YOU are hot.
YOU are stunning.
And if you also want to KILL it,
Be a leader,
A visionary,
A massive success,
It is OKAY to do both,
And be a completely dope version of YOU at the same time!
If you were looking for permission,
In any way possible,
To fully step into owning how beautiful you really are,
Tag someone into this post who NEEDS to read this,
Someone who you want to HONOUR who is completely BEAUTIFUL AND POWERFUL,
At the same time.
I see you.
I honour you.
I’m here to lift you up.
I love you.
So remember,
You absolutely can have it all…
Regan x
#youcanhaveitall #beautifulwomenputyourhandsup #permission
Less than two years ago,
I didn’t have a team.
I was obsessed with doing everything myself.
I took pride in it.
I would proudly tell anyone who would listen,
That I was running my business ALL by myself!
And then it started to kick in:
The overwhelm.
The stuff that was always left undone.
That heavy feeling.
The low energy,
Because I was doing things that I didn’t like doing,
And quite honestly,
I was doing things that I wasn’t good at at all!
I’d had a team in the past.
Although it ended up being more headaches than what it was worth.
I was always left with that feeling of:
God, I may as well just do this stuff myself,
It would be easier for me and it’s actually get done how I wanted it to get done!
So I had fear around building a team.
I had resistance.
I had blocks.
And I had limits.
But as my brand continued to move and grow,
Somewhat extremely quickly,
I KNEW that if I wanted to keep the momentum,
I was going to have to call in a kick ass, high level team.
And that’s when I started to get clear on what I wanted:
A team that was driven by vision.
A team that was committed to creating change in this world.
A team who was willing to get the results, no matter what.
A team who could handle me moving too fast, and expecting everything done yesterday.
A team who could roll with creating as we go.
A team who was stimulated by the excitement of what was coming next.
And above and beyond all,
A team who is centred in love,
Because love is all you have at the end of the day.
I am proud to say,
My team right now,
Is EXACTLY that.
All 33 of them,
Spanning across 11 different countries,
And I don't know how many time zones.
All doing this work globally and remotely, location free.
And ALL centred in a powerful place of love and creation daily.
You know who you are,
I adore each and every one of you,
And I am eternally grateful for how you show up daily,
As my vision could not come to fruition without YOU!
This photo was taken today at the Be Your Brand Hollywood Mastermind.
The event where we show you how to unlock what you were born to share with the world,
And then develop, launch and accelerate your message through a powerful personal brand.
Allowing you to impact millions and generate millions, of course, from anywhere in the world!
This man that I am literally SQUEEZING in this photo is Mikey Baaby,
Our amazing videographer for Regan Hillyer TV!
We started working together a couple of months ago,
And we’ve certainly created some magic over the last few months!
I want to honour you and thank you.
Every time you see me,
You voice to me how grateful you are:
To be in the environment,
To be capturing the work,
To be learning.
But I wanted to let you know how grateful I am for YOU.
Your humble nature.
Your desire to serve.
Your open mind.
Your open heart.
Your commitment to your art.
Your commitment to showing up in the best way possible.
I adore you,
And you already know that!
But I wanted to tell you again!
Thank you for being such a powerful part of the team at Regan Hillyer International.
For those of you reading this right now,
I want you to know that you CAN call in a total soulmate tribe.
You can work in daily with people that you ADORE.
And you can experience it all from a powerful place of love, ease, flow and grace,
All whilst building a freaking powerful empire in the process!
P.S I am running a 2 hour live online training on calling your ideal soul mate team.
If you are a solopreneur who knows that they’re ready to build a team,
Or an entrepreneur who is ready to uplevel their team and call in a SOULMATE team,
Then this training is for you.
Simply comment below with:
And we’ll get you all the details on how to register for the training!
So remember,
You absolutely can have it all…
Regan x
I’m currently in the sky,
Somewhere between the USA and Korea.
As I sit here,
My heart is so filled with gratitude,
With appreciation,
With respect,
With pride,
And of course with joy.
But beyond that,
There is a fire in me that has been ignited,
After spending the last three days with these powerful women.
Something magical happens when 7 people show up at a table.
Something magical happens when each of those people are living into their purpose.
Honouring their truth.
Realising that what they have to say is important.
Choosing that they are okay to stand out from the rest.
Deciding to look all the fear and the resistance in the eye and act in spite of it.
Something magical happens when it all clicks for them too.
“Oh, there really is nothing more now.
We have all the pieces.
We know literally EVERYTHING that Regan has done in order to grow her brand online,
And EVERYTHING that she is currently doing right now.
From here it’s simply a choice to step into that higher version of me,
And change the freaking world at the same time.”
Every single one of these women are born to influence.
They’re born to shift consciousness.
They’re born to impact millions,
And make millions in the process.
And it has been so special for me to play a small part in their journey,
Over the last three days at the Be Your Brand Hollywood Mastermind.
Megan Gillespie - Thank you for leading with love. You pulled such a beautiful energy into the room. Calm, centred, and an abundance of love. The world is craving more of you and I’m so excited to see what you create from here…
Jenee Michelle - I’m so grateful that I was able to be with you when you fully shifted and stepped fully into your power. Thank you for choosing to live into your art, in multiple different ways. You know this is just the beginning for you…
Becka B. West - Thank you for trusting me, trusting timing and trusting alignment. It was such an honour to see everything click for you as you pieced together how simple all of this really is! I’m really excited to see you pour your greatness into the world from here, Really Rebecca…
Caitlin Cardoza - You’re such a boss. I love that you shifted and re-birthed in the room! Thank you for bringing such a strong sense of leadership into the room and for truly showing up just as you, in the most powerful way. Now is your time baby…
Kelli Stevens - Sister from another mister! Thank you for being brave enough to “go there” and to truly realise the gift that you have within you. Im so excited to see you impact the world from here, in such a big, badass way…
Cassandra Magdalena Jeans - You are such a gift! Thank you for constantly lifting everyone in the room up and pouring greatness into them. You connect with everyone on such a deep, soul level and I can’t wait to see you continue to shift the world’s consciousness from here…
Brenda Nevins - Thank you for showing up and deciding to step into the seat at the table that was waiting for YOU this whole time. I’m so incredibly proud of you and how willing you are to shift and elevate yourself in order to up level and impact at such a high level.
I love each and everyone of you with my whole heart, and beyond that, on a soul level.
You are each now part of the inner circle and this really is just the beginning of our journey.
Thank you all for showing up!
>>> P.S - Applications are now open for the 2017 Be Your Brand Masterminds in both Bali and Hollywood.
Three full days where we dive deep into the message that you were born to share with the world,
Then developing, laughing and accelerating a powerful personal brand in the process!
Allowing you to be set up to make millions and impact millions,
Literally from anywhere in the world,
As long as you have a laptop and an internet connection of course!
But beyond all of that,
This mastermind will throw you into the environment.
Being surrounded with such incredible change agents,
Thought leaders,
And influencers,
Will shift and up level you,
Just by osmosis.
(Secretly, THAT is my absolute favourite thing about these masterminds…)
If you know you need to be at the mastermind,
Send me a private message ASAP,
And I’ll let you know how to apply.
You ARE allowed to apply too!!
(In fact you’d be very smart if you did, given the percentage of beautiful women that are always in the room!!)
So remember,
You absolutely can have it all…
Regan x
Have you ever read someone’s mind and thought the exact same thing as them at the same time?
I believe we were all born physic.
Have you ever thought of someone and then received a text from them instantly?
I believe we were all born connected.
Have you deeply desired something and sure enough, it shows up in your life?
I believe we were all born with the ability to manifest.
Maybe I don’t talk about these crazy beliefs that much…
But I sure do use them and draw from them daily,
To intentionally create the life I desire.
I don’t believe in luck.
I don’t believe in chances.
I don’t believe in strange events.
I do believe in synchronicity.
I do believe that we’re intentionally creating it all.
Whilst at the same time, there is a higher source that we all call different names which we draw from to allow ourselves to be pulled further and further into alignment.
Whenever I teach about manifestation,
Or creating from within,
Be it about money,
Or impact,
Or empire creation,
I don’t really teach anyone anything…
Although I DO show you how to unlearn a few things,
I DO show you how to rewire yourself,
So that you can REMEMBER what you already know,
The things that are within you,
That you were born with.
I have drawn on these beliefs,
To create everything that I have created to date in my life.
Which is why I was confused over the last few days.
A few moments / scenarios / people have shown up in my life recently,
And the moments / scenarios / people had me confused…
Why were these things showing up like this?
This isn’t really want I wanted?
I don’t understand why this is happening?
And I started to feel myself move into frustration, doubt and confusion.
NONE of which are powerful states for manifestation,
As you can imagine!
I am so intentional with everything that I create in my life,
I DID find myself falling into a mindset of
“Maybe this is just some bad luck.”
“Maybe I’m not worthy of what I truly desire.”
“Maybe I’m not ready to receive it.”
And after catching THOSE thoughts,
I chose to snap myself out of it.
THAT mindset definitely wasn’t serving me.
I went back to my journalling,
I went back to going within,
I went back to meditation,
And quickly realised one thing:
What I was receiving in that moment was actually EXACTLY what I had asked for.
The moments had happened.
The scenarios had manifested.
The people had shown up.
But why wasn’t it PERFECT?
Because I wasn’t SPECIFIC!
I stopped at simply calling in what I desire,
And ditched the details.
Details which were actually CRITICALLY important when manifesting these specific things and people.
Then I felt a wave of calm rush over me.
Take it back to basics Regan.
You’ve got this.
Now go and get clear on what you ACTUALLY want,
Across ALL areas of life,
And once that is locked in,
Release any sense of HOW it is going to manifest,
Take aligned action,
Then let the world deliver what you deeply desire.
The exciting thing about manifestation,
Is that once you understand how to manifest in one area,
You can literally manifest in ALL areas,
As it’s all the same principles and processes!
(Even if you have to CONTINUOUSLY do the work internally as I just shared!)
I ran a full three hour online workshop recently,
On how to manifestation 7 figures or beyond into your life,
Regardless of your age, skill set, or industry.
We covered off:
-- How to rapidly increase your income
-- How to step into the higher version of yourself
-- Your personal manifestation daily routine design
-- Overcoming blocks and limits around money at a high level
-- Stepping into the energy of 7 figure manifestation
-- 7 figure money tracking secrets
-- Shifting unconscious beliefs around money
-- Calling in high level environments
-- How to create 7 figures and beyond in total alignment
-- And much, much more!
This workshop is usually $997USD
If you secure access to the recording right now, it is available for the next 48 hours for just $197USD
There is also an easy payment plan available also!
Once you have gone through the link,
You get instant access to the training so you can get started right away!!
So remember,
The journey never ends,
You’ve got to CONTINUOUSLY keep doing the work!
But know that you are a lot more powerful than you realise right now!
And of course,
You absolutely can have it all…
Regan x
I FINALLY land in Bali!!!
This is my excited face when I FINALLY land in Bali!!! Can't wait to see all the rockstars who are flying in for the Be Your Brand Bali Mastermind tomorrow!!! We're about to create some MAGIC!!!!! 🌴❤️🦄✨ #bali #bliss #beyourbrand
Monday, 5 December 2016
I'm sitting here right now, putting the final touches on the "Your Daily Abundance Routine" online 3 hour workshop that is kicking off later today.
There really is just so MUCH when it comes to ALL of the different powerful mindset tools.
There is so MUCH when it comes to all of the different process that you can tap into with these tools.
There is just so MUCH when it comes to working out where to put your focus and where to create intentional, rapid change every day!
No wonder people get overwhelmed and feel like they need to spend so much TIME on this...
Really excited to give everyone in this workshop EVERYTHING when it comes to developing your daily mindset routine AND show you how to make it super simple and FUN!
If you haven't yet secured your place, the workshop is usually $997.
You can still register for just $197
There is a super easy payment plan too!
REGISTER HERE:…/Your-Daily-Abundance-Routi…
Also, if you can't be on live, this training is designed in a way where you will get emailed the full recording and still get everything that you need out of it!
See you cats in a few hours!
You absolutely can have it all...
Regan x
#getit #dailymindsetpractice #letsgo
Love these guys and the impact they're creating in the world
#hollywoodviphub #indienight #redcarpet
Saturday, 3 December 2016
The one question I'm asked OVER and OVER again by clients, friends and on interviews is:
"Regan, what's the ONE thing that you'd recommend people do in order to ensure that they create more success in their life?"
And my answer is ALWAYS the same:
"You MUST have a morning mindset ritual that is completely tailored to you and actually WORKS. Aka, it must get you fast results through every area of your life!"
My morning routine is NON-NEGOTIABLE.
It's the one thing that focuses me.
Channels my energy.
Makes me the most money.
Creates the most impact.
Up levels my mindset.
It's the thing that accelerates my businesses.
And allows me to fully live into alignment and create more JOY in my life...
Now although you may have the best intentions to develop a morning mindset ritual, or maybe you already have one, chances are, you could actually be doing a few key things that would DRASTICALLY accelerate your results in your life.
But I get it.
It's kind of overwhelming.
Where do you start?
There are SO many different mindset tools.
Power moves
Breath work
Strategic thinking
Identity realignment
The list goes on...
If you tried to do it all, your morning routine would quickly turn into a full DAY routine!!
Here's the secret:
There is no magic formula.
Because what is going to work for one person, may not work for the rest.
In my 3 hours online workshop later this week "Your Daily Abundance Routine", we are talking about especially how to figure out YOUR routine.
How to tailor all of these amazing mindset tools for YOU, so that you can dive deep daily and MASSIVELY accelerate your results!
There are still places left in the workshop.
If you know that you're ready to join us and dive deep into developing a powerful morning routine that especially calls in a higher level of abundance in your life:
>>> Comment below with "I'M READY" and we'll get all the details to you on how to register!
P.S: You absolutely can have it all - if you have a powerful morning routine that is completely tailored to YOU!
Regan x
I remember when I dived into the world of personal development and I was DETERMINED to be successful.
I invested left, right and centre into learning a stack of different strategies (with money I didn't have) and I soon became super frustrated.
WHY was none of it working?
WHY was I not seeing results?
I was working so hard.
Investing in education.
Doing everything I was told.
I expressed my frustration to one of my mentors at the time and he sat there and LAUGHED at me!
"Regan, Regan, Regan...
Don't you see?
You have it all BACKWARDS."
He continued to tell me that:
"Success is 80% psychology, then only 20% strategy and the action that you take on the outside."
It was at that moment that I committed to working on my mindset.
Not once a week
Or once a month,
And for the last 10 years EVERY DAY I have conditioned my mindset in some way.
There were ups and downs.
There was time wasted.
There was more frustration and confusion.
But there was also massive success that was created as a DIRECT result of what I was doing every morning.
I now want to share this with YOU.
Short cut the 10 year process for you.
Eliminate the trial and the error.
And show you how YOU can design YOUR daily abundance ritual that is COMPLETELY tailored to YOU,
So that you can get rapid results and call in a high level of abundance in EVERY area of your life!
I an running a 3 hour intensive workshop TOMORROW breaking down exactly how you can do this.
Your Daily Abundance Routine Workshop!
We are diving deep into:
-- Designing your personal morning mindset routine
-- How to call in your abundance in your life
-- Increasing your income through going within
-- Understanding all the different mindset tools that are available to you
-- How to incorporate the mindset work into your lifestyle
-- How to choose which mindset tools work best for you
-- How to start your day with powerful intention from the second you wake up
-- The power of meditation, visualisation, journalling, intentional language shifting and energy alignment
-- How to journal your reality into existence
-- Accelerating the level of gratitude you are living into so that you receive more with ease
-- How to avoid the biggest mindset mistakes people make
-- How to recondition your mindset rapidly so you're not wasting time
-- And much, much more...
You can ask me questions personally live on the training and you will get the recording to use for life!
There is also a private VIP support group and the training is designed in a way where if you can not make it on live, you can go through the recording and then ask me questions directly through the group!
Here's how you can register your place right now:
The investment:
This workshop is usually $997USD
If you secure access to the recording now now, there are currently still places available for just $197USD
There is also an easy payment plan available also!
Looking forward to having you on the training!
P.S - Remember,
You absolutely can have it all!
Regan x
Friday, 2 December 2016
How To Build A Powerful Personal Brand
It’s interesting.
I see people ALL the time focusing on soooo many things with regards to launching or growing their personal brand – when it’s CLEAR they have it all backwards.
Here’s the thing about developing, launching, and growing your brand – your mindset is a non-negotiable and absolute number ONE priority.
Over everything.
Sure, there are important elements at play…
For instance, whatever you desire to create (whether business, brand or both), you have to be passionate about creating. There is no plan B. TRULY successful people realize that you don’t necessarily need to become desensitized to life and all of the fun and wonder and rapture life holds for us.
Know this: The bigger the game you choose to play in life, the more fear and self-doubt and self-sabotage show up.
Your secret weapon is your mindset conditioning.
If you want to kick fear and self-doubt in the ass, then you HAVE to condition your mindset to succeed.
Plain and simple – you must create the right thoughts that shape your actions every day.
Now, let me hit on POTENTIAL.
I’ve often wondered: what stops people from taking massive action in their lives?
I believe the one thing people don’t realize is their own potential. A lot of people choose to play small, because they don’t realize the potential that’s within them. I walk down the street and I see the potential within people to be truly great, and it amazes me that they don’t necessarily see that in themselves!
In order to create a powerful personal brand, you have to choose not to play small and realize how powerful you really are.
Realize that you are the master of your reality, and you are responsible for everything showing up in your life.
You always have something special to offer to the world.
So how do you build your powerful personal brand?
So now that the fundamentals are in order, let’s talk about how to build your powerful personal brand:
- Develop your core message
The first thing you need to do is figure out what your core message is. What do you want to share with the world?
What is your true message? Who are you, to the core?
Even if you’re sitting there thinking you don’t have a message — you do. You are here for a reason – a bigger purpose. I promise you. It may take some work, but you can absolutely figure out what is inside you and what you burn to bring to the world.
When I started, I had to dig really deep, ask myself–Regan, what is your passion?
I had to do the mindset work, and when I did, I realized I wasn’t truly listening to my own message. Ultimately, I realized I was a little bit afraid to stand there as just ME, as a personal brand, without trying to hide behind other brands or companies.
It takes guts to stand out there on your own.
But when I got clear inside my mind, everything accelerated. I launched my own personal brand, stood there unapologetically in front of people, and said This is my message, This is why I’m here, This is what I want to do: Take it or leave it.
This is why I want to help you do the same.
- Launch your brand
You can have the most powerful, inspiring message in the world, but if no one actually sees or hears that message then you might as well just sit in your room and shout about it to yourself! You’re not going to create an impact.
Ultimately, visibility is everything.
But it starts within. If you’re not aligned to function into a certain level of visibility, it’s not going to manifest for you.
What do I mean?
Everything’s created from within and shows up externally in your life.
So ask yourself: Who do I need to become in order to step into that level of visibility?
What does that person look and feel like?
How would I be showing up daily if I were the person I know I can become, the person who has that success?
What would I be doing right now in order to accelerate to that future success? How would that impact every area of my life–my relationships, my health?
How would I be different than I am NOW?
Do the internal work to align for the visibility you seek? Then show up on all the platforms online and in person—any opportunity that comes your way. Make sure you’re getting in front of people and share your message.
The key thing people miss is this: If you’re not creating an offer and a solution to actually solve people’s problems, you’re not going to monetize your message.
You can have a killer Instagram with a massive following, but if you aren’t offering anything to your tribe, you aren’t giving them the opportunity to invest in you. This is another trap people fall into. You have to offer solutions for your tribe’s problems.
There are so many different ways to reach people and have an impact–coaching, speaking, leading courses, writing books. Once you’re visible and out there, if you lock in the big vision and the ultimate goals, sometimes things show up in an unexpected way.
Lots of cool opportunities come to you. Sponsorships, interviews, larger audiences.
But only after you align yourself with your highest goals. It starts from within.
- Accelerate and scale
Once you’ve launched your brand, created impact, and actually monetized your message, now you have to accelerate.
Take everything that’s working and figure out how to scale it to the next level.
Figure out what’s working and what’s not working.
How do you grow and up-level your impact so you can grow to the next level? The biggest thing is that people get stuck in a place of thinking they need to do what’s expected of them versus doing what they actually want to do.
I work with a lot of successful, really brilliant people. Sometimes they worry and say, Yeah, but I’ve been doing it this way for ages. If I start talking about going within and creating impact based on my highest values, what will people say?
Look, this is when your mindset conditioning is key. This is when you recognize that fear is talking to you. You have to move past the self-doubt. Get past the questions. Get past the fear.
You have to back yourself.
Make the actual choice that you are going to build a soul business and share your true message, and it’s going to be unapologetic and in a way that fills you up every day.
I truly believe when you come from that space, you will attract the people who want to hear from you. If you do this, your tribe will come to you. People will hear the transformational result that you’re creating for them.
Remember–You have something to say and your tribe wants to hear it!
Acceleration happens when you come back to your core message, show up daily, unapologetically, and put incredible value and content out into the world. When you trust and know it’s going to be received and that people will show up to hear you.
Ultimately if you get into a place of personal alignment, YOU are your brand.
You are your message.
And look, I would be so lost without my team.
I’m the leader that effectively sets the vision and expectations, and I inspect that everything moves forward daily.
But I don’t go at it alone. I know if I want to run a marathon, I wouldn’t just go off and start slogging away. I’d ask friends who run for advice, hire a trainer, look to every area of my life for any roadblocks I may have that might keep me from being the best runner I can be.
If you want to take your brand to the next level, hire a personal coach, go to a retreat, get out there and meet people with the same passion as you, and I promise opportunities will come your way.
Your personal brand is just an extension of you being you. That’s the really cool thing—
When you tap into your core values, you don’t have to think of whether you’re doing things right, or whether your marketing is in the right balance.
You’re just being you, showing up, and creating value for your tribe. Do this consistently, set non-negotiable goals each day, and ask for help when you need it!
You have so much greatness within you.
If you choose to stop playing small, and really start to focus on your bigger vision, then you absolutely could have it all. Through every area of your life.
Regan x
The post How To Build A Powerful Personal Brand appeared first on Regan Hillyer.