Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Day Two of Activating with Regan

It’s time to activate your abundance with this amazing Day Two in a Series of Five recordings.

A powerful vortex of energy, this is Day Two of the re-alignment activation series. 

I am super excited to dive into Day Two of Activating With Regan….

It’s so important right now to be thinking about why you are here in the world and to get in alignment with your vision. 

I know that you all have a lot going on right now. The whole world collectively does...

Here and now, today, in these turbulent times, it is easy to lose your way, in fear, doubt and uncertainty. These are chaotic times where everything is up in the air…...and it is crucial to get your vision in alignment. 

Remembering what it is that you actually desire to call in. Remembering also that you are still the creator of your own reality. The deeper you go into this remembrance, then the more power you have to create a life that you love. 

Day Two takes us into the clearing protocols, shifting and clearing anything that is holding you back from truly stepping into your next level. Building on Day One. Stepping in to your highest self. Stepping into a place where you are totally cool, calm, collected and grounded.  

We’ll be clearing out stuck emotions, any old vibrations or frequencies, anything that has been coming through you, that is either yours or not necessarily yours. 

These activations are a blueprint that you can use to move forward, out of doubt and uncertainty, confusion and chaos and into a more grounded, focussed place. A place where you can be assured of your vision for your own reality.


Check out this episode!

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