I caught myself midway in conversation yesterday,
Sharing how I’d love to change parts of my body.
Refine areas,
Enhance areas,
Work on areas.
I also found myself feeling extremely guilty about sharing this.
I talk a lot about being real,
About being authentic,
About just being you.
I also talk a lot about consciousness,
About spirituality,
About loving yourself no matter what.
They why was I trying to change myself?
Did this mean that I didn’t love myself?
Was I a bad person?
Am I being inauthentic?
Then I remembered one of my own old coaching rules:
“It’s never about the behaviour, it’s always about the intention behind the behaviour.”
So I checked in on the intention behind what i was desiring around my body image.
Many years ago,
I hated my body.
Many of you know that I battled extensively with my relationship with food,
Which was simply a direct reflection of my relationship with myself.
I constantly wanted to change my body.
It was never good enough,
No matter what it looked like,
Or how much work I put into changing it.
I put my body through living hell,
Mentally, emotionally and physically,
Until it got to the point where I would literally collapse two to three times a day..
My intention at that time was extremely unhealthy,
Coming from a place of deep hatred,
And very little self-acceptance or love for myself.
I was wanting to change to fit in,
To achieve more in the modeling world,
I was wanting to change so that I would supposedly become more desirable to others,
Because lets face it,
I wasn’t at all desirable to myself,
And I was looking externally for love,
Without even realising it at the time.
I used to hate even looking in mirrors because I despised my body so much and couldn’t accept it how it was.
I was obsessed wiht trying to fulfil some sort of image driven by society and media,
But the scary part was,
I wasn’t even able to check in with the reality of where I was at.
The image I had of my body in my head, was very different to what someone else would have seen looking in a mirror.
With those past learnings, beliefs and wounds to draw from and compare from,
I checked in on my intention in this moment yesterday,
Only to become aware that it was coming from a very different space,
With a very different intention.
In that moment yesterday I realised that I wanted to take my body to the next level,
Not because it didn’t feel good enough,
But simply because I strive to be the best I can be in every area of life.
I’m an obsessed overachiever and I’m always looking for ways to up level and refine my life.
All of my life.
Body included.
I also became aware that I had a deep sense of self love for my body,
And also a deep sense of compassion for what I had chosen to put my body through in the past.
In that moment yesterday I promised again to always treat my body from a space of love.
I also committed to consciously refining from a place of love.
I also became aware that it’s okay.
It’s okay to ask for what you want in life.
It’s okay to be spiritual and connected, and also have a super hot body that you are continuously refining because you love manifesting the best version of you in the physical world.
At the end of the day,
You really can have it all,
And if you feel the need to refine, enhance, or work on your body,
From a true, deep place of love,
And a commitment to unleashing the best version of you,
Then I say go for it…
Drop some love on this post if you are committed to loving your body AND bringing the best version of you to the table, in a healthy and connected way!
Oh - and if you’re looking for permission to unleash the hottest version of you whilst being conscious and connected,
Consider this a sign

So remember,
You really can have it all…
All of it…
I love you,
Regan x
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