Thursday, 21 May 2020

The 9 Minute Meditation to Start Your Day Right….

Hear how a simple 9 minute meditation can set up your day for the best, productive, optimum results.

For years, I was obsessed with learning all of these complex success strategies and with them, the ‘best’ ways to kick off your morning. I tried meditations, I tried activations, breathing, intense physical exercise….a whole raft of lists of the seven techniques that highly successful people told me to do to kick start my day. Things that they told me I should be doing.

I got to a point where I was totally overwhelmed and confused and if I missed something one day….I was consumed with guilt, that I had not fulfilled the ‘prescription’ and wouldn't be at my optimum ‘best’ that day, and that this would affect my outcomes….!!

Eventually, it got to a point that I was doing absolutely nothing. Mainly because I didn't know what to do for the best and all of the lists of 20 things and waking at 5.00am, was just so unachievable and also so time consuming. 

So, I thought, I would devise a routine for the start of my day that suited me and was effective and simple. A routine that would set me up for success, and over the years, I have refined it to what it is now. It may look quite different to all of the other stuff from the gurus out there...but believe works!

This process requires you to go within yourself, it is uniquely designed by you, for you, to suit your needs. I want to step you through exactly the activation, the meditation and the process that I go through, each and every day. And you can have access to this to make it your very own.

I love you.

And remember...
You absolutely can have it all! 

Regan x

Check out this episode!